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Trailer 06-03-2011 03:15 AM

New Training Guild with Server
Trailer's Park of Rage IP address :

Guild information here

Rage Quit is a training guild that's goal is to bring new players to the game and teach them how the game works, as well as teaching skilled and unskilled players advanced techniques. The only requirements are

1.) You treat players with respect, no matter what their skill level is (Unless they themselves are disrespectful. In that case RAGE)

2.) You have an interest in learning or teaching advanced techniques.

3.) You actually intend on sticking around, not just slap a tag on to have one.

Trailer's Park of Rage IP address :

They have stats on there with the point system. The server doesn't have a live points feed yet, but this is coming, as well as a lot of other things.

Inquiries for the guild can pm me on here or add me on their steams friends list. Steam name is the same as on here. So far we have 3 members and counting. One is super snail secks elite =D

-mooney- 06-03-2011 05:08 PM

SNAIL SECKS :thumbsup:

Atreuce 06-03-2011 08:08 PM

He forgot to mention our 10 man ventrilo server.

Vent info:

eomoyaff 06-17-2011 03:05 PM

remove the stat system, it's broken, useless, and takes up space on the server. Considering the next update, i wouldnt worry about the stat system because youll just have to reset it anyway, ya know? ill have another suggestion when i get home. at work atm. peace mang

episkopos 06-17-2011 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by eomoyaff (Post 485815)
remove the stat system, it's broken, useless, and takes up space on the server. Considering the next update, i wouldnt worry about the stat system because youll just have to reset it anyway, ya know? ill have another suggestion when i get home. at work atm. peace mang

The stat system encourages people to come back. People are fond of meaningless numbers.

eomoyaff 06-17-2011 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by episkopos (Post 485835)
The stat system encourages people to come back. People are fond of meaningless numbers.

The stat system is broken. B-R-O-K-E-N. There are a "million" valid points that I could make stating the balance issues of that system and how just it's just as much meaningless as the actual fortress forever points (Atm.) The only difference is that it uses the servers resources and transfer's information to a database that could possibly slow the server down sometimes. At times I do feel a as though the server seems a little sluggish.

If anything, if it MUST be on the server, then set it to only activate when there are 10+ players on, or it'll be REALLY easy to farm points (which again carry no purpose anyway.)

On another note, Trailer stated that he was going to use the server for the guild training school thing. Whats the point of the point system if his plans are to teach newbies?

On another note, where is trailer?..

SadPanda 06-17-2011 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by eomoyaff (Post 485837)
On another note, where is trailer?..


Haven't seen him online in awhile, i've been trying to get a hold of him to ask him a few questions.


eomoyaff 06-19-2011 08:12 PM

Man, this guy is brilliant. Lets make a guild, teach people advanced skills, and then leave all together. Fuck it, I'm stealing this idea, and bringing back e0 in the process. :rolleyes:

Trailer 06-19-2011 08:20 PM

I'm not gone, everything in this thread has been discussed already, and I don't feel like beating a dead horse. Research my theories of the point system in my OTHER thread.

Trailer 06-19-2011 08:23 PM

FreaK367 06-20-2011 04:58 PM

He forgot to mention Pyro and Sniper are completely removed from the server. And all of the other classes have limits, such as 1 Engineer per team, 3 Demomen per team etc... Don't expect free will. Rule driven server.

Trailer 06-20-2011 07:22 PM

Says the guy that plays on O-T LAFF.

and get your facts straight before you debate. 1 pyro and 1 sniper limit.

Go be a troll on someone elses thread.

episkopos 06-20-2011 07:26 PM

You did disable Sniper and Pyro quite recently. I'm not sure you can expect him to know you'd re-enabled them.

Trailer 06-20-2011 07:27 PM

He can check before he throws this shit up on my guild thread.

episkopos 06-20-2011 07:33 PM

Take it easy. You can correct someone and still be polite. :D

Trailer 06-20-2011 07:39 PM

cr_scout 0
cr_sniper 1
cr_soldier 0
cr_demoman 3
cr_medic 0
cr_hwguy 2
cr_pyro 2
cr_spy 0
cr_engineer 2

Does anyone else have a problem with these class limits? I'll let the active forum users vote on everything EXCEPT the sniper limit. multiple demomen on defense is not fun for the offense, more than 1 sniper is not fun for anyone, except the sniper. These limits seem fair in my not so humble opinion.

episkopos 06-20-2011 07:42 PM

I'd prefer a limit of 1 pyro per team, but I don't really mind either way.

Trailer 06-20-2011 07:52 PM

I agree with 1 pyro also. Anyone else?

FreaK367 06-20-2011 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Trailer (Post 485960)
and get your facts straight before you debate. 1 pyro and 1 sniper limit.

My bad then, I just remember them being completely disabled. And I remember a single Engineer, which made defending on some maps really hard where the flag is very open.

The class limits are alright, but I think multiple Soldiers on defense is just as unfun for offense as multiple Demomen, since they tend to stand on the flag and shoot the floor a lot. At least with Demomen an Engineer can blow up the pipes with an EMP and use them against the enemy. Which is why I think Engineer should be increased to 3 personally, offensive Engineers are a challenge for defense, and if the enemy team has 3 Demomen piping the flag an Enginner is invaluable. I have capped many times as Engineer having the ability to completely eliminate the enemy defense and leave them hanging. Often enough a good EMP can take out 3+ people at a time, especially with pipes around.

Engineer has the same right to go offense as a Demoman does, and Demos are commonly used for offense to take out defenses.

oaties 06-21-2011 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by FreaK367 (Post 485967)
My bad then, I just remember them being completely disabled. And I remember a single Engineer, which made defending on some maps really hard where the flag is very open.

The class limits are alright, but I think multiple Soldiers on defense is just as unfun for offense as multiple Demomen, since they tend to stand on the flag and shoot the floor a lot. At least with Demomen an Engineer can blow up the pipes with an EMP and use them against the enemy. Which is why I think Engineer should be increased to 3 personally, offensive Engineers are a challenge for defense, and if the enemy team has 3 Demomen piping the flag an Enginner is invaluable. I have capped many times as Engineer having the ability to completely eliminate the enemy defense and leave them hanging. Often enough a good EMP can take out 3+ people at a time, especially with pipes around.

Engineer has the same right to go offense as a Demoman does, and Demos are commonly used for offense to take out defenses.


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