Fortress Forever

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o_rebo 01-22-2005 12:53 AM

Note to the pro's and old school clanners.
Just would like to thank you guys for the enthusiasm and commitment you've shown to this venture. This forum will hopefully grow and become a hub for the mod, its players, teams, servers and community.

You clan guys and server ops have kept the spirit of TFC alive through some dark times and its great to see you all looking forward to our new mod.

One thing I really hope you will take on board is the utmost importance to cultivate , encourage, and accept newbies and other potential players to these forums. Your combined knowledge of the game can be a bit daunting for a new player, some may come up with ideas that in reality wont work, or have an understanding of TFC that isnt 100% correct. However these are things we can be encouraged by because they show there is still interest in this style of gameplay which we all love.

New players are the life blood of the game lets make this forum as welcoming to them as possible and in return they will reward you by learning skills becoming community/clan members and ensuring the game thrives as it deserves to.

Somethings you might like to consider doing::

*Posting how you got into TFC, why you stayed playing for so long, and what you look forward to in Fortress-Forever.

*Posting about a clan you joined or created, its history, and what it ment to you.

*Introducing a CS type person to these forums and show them there is a new world outside AWP's and kevlar ;)

*Describing a certain skill or concept in TFC and why it makes the game style fresh and exciting.

*Tell casual players on public servers about our mod and give them the url if they are interested( please dont spam tho ;)) )

o_saintrancid-tpf- 01-22-2005 02:28 AM

why did i play TFC for 2+ years? because of the community. period

o_d3pth charge 01-22-2005 02:35 AM

If anyone is to thank for keeping TF alive on HL, its the FF team! Without you guys I might have started playing... CS *shudder*

Seriously though, its awesome to see that not giving up on TF even after went down the shittubes is paying off.

Have you guys considered informing about your mod? I know covered it, but a LOT of hl2 players that don't visit go to instead... I think you guys should give them a holler.

o_thedarkone 01-22-2005 02:57 AM

Does PF even bother to update their front page any more?

o_d3pth charge 01-22-2005 06:50 AM

... why dont you go look at it and that would answer your question pretty quickly now wouldnt it.

o_thedarkone 01-22-2005 07:19 AM

because that would defeat the point of a snarky rhetorical question?

o_storm 01-22-2005 11:33 AM

well said rebo, I liked the part about dark days, it made me feel as if I have been part of a quest and I am just about at the end :)

I started playing TFC just before Christmas 1999, a friend showed me how to play so I was never a newb who did newb things (I learned all that later) I started my own clan with some players that went onto be quiet well known (in the UK scene) Fizland, space monkey MORE and a few others. Anyhow that did last for long and I moved through loads of clans only even leaving when they split. I am good like that :)

When I stopped playing TFC for good (about 18 months ago maybe more) I had got a bit bored with the game but it was mainly the stuff that was going on in my life that forced me to leave. Leaving uni, starting my first full time job and buying a house leaves little space for tfc. Even since I settled in to my sunny house in Scotland (that's above England for all you Americans :P) I have been trying to get into other tf mods without success. They just didn't do anything for me. The thing that always drew me into tfc was the community, I gave myself goals of what to achieve within the game of tfc as well as in the community. i.e. get in a good clan and become a benevolent dictator. Both of which I think I achieved. I am hoping with all the hope I have that Forever fortress will provide the platform for another great community to form that I can become a part of. Right now it feels like a great beacon calling forward people from all parts of tfc and other mods pasts. Hopefully this continues :-)

One piece of advice I would give to the mod team is continue the way you are going by listening and replying and interacting with the community. You more than anyone know how ignorant valve always where and how that slowy killed the game you love, I have faith you will never be like this but still keep it in mind when you are replying to the same question for the 100th time :)

Is bunny hopping going to be in ff btw? :P

o_onslaught 01-22-2005 11:48 AM

Yes as a long term QWTF and TFC player, I am really looking forward to this mod. The TFC community has some terrific people and hopefully FF will bring some of those that have dropped off over the years back into the fold.

o_returner 01-22-2005 03:56 PM

I started off with QWTF circa 1997. I played one or two clan matches back then. As soon as TFC was released, I started playing it. I've played as a spy almost exclusively since I originally started TF. Sometimes I'm a sniper or maybe a hwguy, but not very often. I don't really know why I've played this long. I guess it's the variety and amount of tactics and classes that you can use. I've also played Counter-Strike for a long time (five years or more?), so I'm not limited to TF games.

The reason why I like being a spy is that it has a lot of unique features that other classes don't have. Using your brains is as important as shooting. Feigning (silent) can be used to: disguise yourself as a corpse (so when someone passes you, you can get up and stab him), avoid enemy fire (like rockets) or hide. Tranqs are very hard to use, yet extremely effective. A tranquilized medic can't use his medkit (too slow), a soldier can't fire missiles effectively (low rate of fire, and they usually don't switch to their shotguns) and a scout can't run away. Plus, the spy is very good at combat. And so on. A lot of possibilities.

o_saintrancid-tpf- 01-22-2005 06:41 PM

I started playing late 1999 and played until the end of 2002.i was in a couple clans but i have been an active member in the TPF community. since the first of 2000. i was one of those annoying medics that would conc into your base, infect everyone, and steal your flag. i dabbled in other classes like engineer and sniper and i got quite good with the pyro (a lost art). i've actually been playing TFC more and more lately maybe some of us should meet in a game sometime?

o_vanquish 01-22-2005 07:25 PM

I started playing TFC in late 99 but didn't really get into it until spring of 2000 when I started clanning. I used to go on the PlanetFortress forums more than I actually played, and I became a member of the TPF community (GoD!-TPF). My first clan was Drop Squad, way back when, which was loads of fun. After playing with them for over a year they folded, and I took nearly 2 years off of clanning before I joined AC, Aristocrack. I clanned with them in STA bronze for well over a year before I quit due to personal issues with the leader. After another few months of inactivity I joined clan TNT, with whom I still reside today.

When the planetfortress forums changed to their new style I changed my name to something less controversial (Vanquish) and moved on to the catacombs forums (, where I was asked to run their TFC server for them. Things went well for a while, however nobody played on the server due to ping issues and not enough community knowledge of it (my fault I'll admit, I simply didn't have the time to put into something that required so much time).

Being a member of the TPF community I always went out of my way to help newer players. I can't count the number of people I've taught to conc, bhop, rocketjump, pipejump, speed snipe, etc. To this day I still run into people I don't know who claim I taught them some skill or other and thank me for it.

If anyone would be up for a game sometime you can drop me a line on here or shoot me an email at

Happy hunting. :)

o_sobe green 01-22-2005 07:35 PM

I can't remember the exact year I started playing. I know I bought an 8mb video card just because it came with the HL demo. I remember being extremely excited about it and after saving up money I bought HL:GOTY Edition which came with TFC 1.1 I think. Either way I played it off and on for a little bit until the update came that gave us flagrun. I still remember the first time I played I'd hold down the F key and it'd launch me in the air. I thought it was a rocket pack and would often tell people I was using my rocket pack until one day someone said "Dude your not letting go of your grenades". This of course opened a whole new world to me. Thats what I got semi serious into some clan play. I remember when it was ok to recruit a guy in a public server. I remember getting a decently sized clan and just playing for fun. I never played for one of the more popular clans but I've played with alot of the guys and seen them play. Somewhere in there I made my switch to CS. I played TFC alot less and played CS alot more. The one thing that will forever split TFC and CS is the community. TFC leagues allowed custom models, and for some, a friendly hook. CS leagues allowed NOTHING fun, and the players would rather insult each other than play with each other. Hope to see the same thing happen with this mod :) (good community I mean)

o_km 01-22-2005 08:17 PM

Have you posted any of the mod info on the SA forums yet?

Usually get a lot of attention on their games forums, and could be a good way of getting more publicity along with other popular forums.

o_spud 01-23-2005 02:14 PM

Nice post rebo.

And hi koolmod :P

As for me.

I got HL when it came out and was enjoying it muchly, got about half way through and then noticed there was a multiplayer for it. Spent a week on the deathmatch and then found there was something called TFC. My gosh how complicated, it came with this big html manual and was daunting to say the least. I booted it up and started to attempt to kill things.
Found this gun placement thing that looked similar to the ones in HL except it had cool painted eyes and even grin on it. I stood behind, pressed E and proceeded to own every body that walked in front of me. A helpful chap would come along every now and then and hit this gun. I asked him why he was trying to destroy the gun with a spanner and he said he was restocking and repairing it. OH! What a nice team player.
I stood there for another 5 mins enjoying the immense feel of power as I 'controlled' the gun. Gosh my aim was good I thought.

Needless to say I never returned to HL. I spent my early days progressing from utter n00b to vaguely competant.

My first clan trial was for a fun looking clan by the name of Darksun. I was a nervous wreck but believed in my ability. I was pretty certain I could make the required "Get more then 0 kills" to get in. Hurrah and I did.

My first taste of clan play was for clanbase versus some 'pretty good clan' called Digital Warefare. Ho-hums... come match day, our average ping being just over 200 and DW's just under 60 I could tell we perhaps we facing something rather dominating. Think DW managed about at least 20 caps on 2fort with a well placed SG in our front door stopping nearly all our attack attempts before the map finished :P
I was stunned to see that we had managed to get a cap out though. Not sure godly force let us do that.

Anyway my TFC life got pretty boring soon after that. Ironically due to clanbase scoring system being shite DS were soon 2nd to DW in the league charts just by playing and beating a load of crap clans. Hoho.

Time to speed up my waffle. After DS failed to snatch the Irish TFC league title from BtB (rofl) we disbanded and I was free. I joined a clan called KILLAH (ace name no?) with Andy (And1e). Shortly after this we merged with a european clan (austrian?) called EXO and the almighty KILLEX was formed. I was promoted to Offence Team Leader because we had things like that back then and we nursed our wounds upon finding that a (decent) brand of weed-killer had named itself after us but yea anyway thats another story.

Speeding things up again my clan life more or less went :

Darksun - KILLEX - SCW (with some odd things inbetween).

I departed the TFC gaming scene when I turned student slacker and Uni due to a combination of div1/prem egos making life no fun and also some shifting work priorities. I found myself missing the game though and have now joined team.jolt in an attempt to ease myself back into some light-hearted gaming fun.

TFC was the game for me always even during that dangerous CS stint around beta 7.0 because of its fast gameplay, physic and gameplay engine reward system (you can easily see the time and effort one puts into learning skills such as concing and bhing) and of course the legion of ace people that make up the TFC community. Theres nothing quite like it.

Think i've (not) entertained you all enough now and will give someone else a chance to waffle instead. Thanks for reading :P

o_d3pth charge 01-23-2005 10:37 PM

that was an entertaining story. i spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out what this "human controlled turret gun" was in TFC before I realized you were talking about a sentry gun, :lol:

o_sobe green 01-24-2005 07:13 AM

Hah and I thought my "Rocket Pack" was bad. You have to admit though, those dumb things we all done seem to add some kind of warm feeling to the game. I don't think the CS community has ever made me feel like the TFC community does. Its weird...I think these are magic brownies...yumm...

o_thedarkone 01-24-2005 08:13 AM

The first time I played TFC was when my friend brought over his copy of Hl on the net. I'm not sure which version it was, but it had a seperate CD for Hl, OP4 and TFC.

Anyway, I had no idea what was going on because it was TFC's birthday. 8)

o_viruz 01-24-2005 03:31 PM

Being someone outside of the clan box, I think my input should be valid.

I had played QWTF a long time ago. It might have even been just QTF at that point in time. The game was way too fast for my liking at first but as I played a bit more as the soldier class I started to like it. Of course, I stopped playing this mod in favor of Console games. If you remember, this was about the time the N64 was released, dreamcast, etc. So being an avid console gamer I hit that up for a while.

Somewhere around 98 I think was when I first saw TFC. My cousin had bought TFC from a local store and was testing it out. Nothing looked too fun about it until he chose Sniper.

Welcome to my obsession, lol.

So from that point on I had played as Sniper or Soldier due to my previous experience with a fortress mod. I'm still a little shady on what year I started playing. I do remember dustbowl being released. I remember my favorite map being released (murderball). I also remember being on the only perminant murderball server a lot of the time (Lucifer's Flower's). As with a lot of people in the community, I probably took a year or longer off due to boredom.

Initially, I would say my biggest draw to TFC was the sniper class. Something about that sound when you put that red dot on someones head and gibbed their whole body. Just reminded me of the movie Cadyshack II where Dan Akroid hands the guy the binnoculars (sp?) and keeps repeating "keep your eye on the fruuuit", and hit's a watermelon in the distance with an exploding golfball. Good stuff.

I'm looking forward to playing sniper in the new mod, as well as soldier and engineer. I'd love to see another murderball map. As well as a kick ass dustbowl. Those where the style of maps that had well over 10,000 players addicted to TFC at one point.

Did any of you use Kali as your game browser? Odd question, but that was probably the only game browser I knew of back in those days.


o_gritty 01-24-2005 04:11 PM

I started playing TFC back in 99 in the old UK wireplay community. Pretty much from day one i made the scout my own and went from constant flag capturing on public servers to not quite so constant (but still quite prolific 8) ) 'capping' in clan matches. These were days originally where concing was felt to be tricky and the community taught itself and educated itself on how best to play the game and the different jumps and tricks you could do.
I still remember being shown and for the first time and completing a conc jump from the water in rock 2 straight thro the balc windows and the grin it gave me (thanks Mr_Pilsbury where ever you are)

Anyway i was always really an offense player but learnt every class in the game to a good standard clanwise.

Yet even now years after ive left TFC the skills from playing TFC scout in terms of crazy dodging and still painting my target serve me well in other FPS games.

Im looking forward to this MOD immensely, all TFC needs is a new paintjob and the old bugs fixed and we will have a hell of game, and i hope a large nice community playing it like before.

Favourite part of TFC hmmm.. apart from tasty concjumps would have to be circle strafing an SG.
For anyone new it involves spinning around the sides of an automatic cumputer controlled gun at a faster rate than it can spin... but not too fast so that you catch it up again! and taking it out with your nailgun... then in the case of a scout having to time diving out of the way at the right moment to avoid getting killed in the explosion. You may find yourself doing all this while someone trys to shotgun you as well, but if you still get out of the room with the flag youll be a man my son (hovis moment :wink: )

Best of luck to the FF lads with the mod :D

o_lillbrorsan 01-24-2005 06:41 PM

Long story short, i have played tfc since it came out and i still love it.
I want to thank you guys for creating FF and i hope that we in the community can give something back in the future :)

o_silver 01-24-2005 08:24 PM

1 christmas (98 i think) my mom bought me hl and it was awesome i thought. beat that and then we got the internet. i figured hey i can play this bad mofo online! awesome! click on multiplayer and notice tfc sitttin there. i was intrigued so i tried it out. love at first sight. :oops: played for a couple of months just surfin around all the servers and eventually started frequenting girlpower. that was where i met scrappy and a bunch of other people and we formed da llamurs (llamur). after that i played with them a few months and then i happened to join a low g server, mikeys playhouse. i was like wow this is freakin awesome. i left the lamurs and along with mikey, cath, siddhartha, and a few others, formed the sunflowers of death [s0d]. back in those days low g was more that 3 servers and had a couple clans, so there was alot of cool people and alot of fun to be had. ended up gettin kicked from the clan after mikey went on a power trip and booted over half the clan.

was clanless for awile then, and frequented frenchy's low g pit(no hw/sniper). had a brief stint in V2.0 before realizing i liked low g better. couple other clans i joined but they all disbained quickly after forming. then 1 day i saw someone i knew with the s0d clan tag on and asked what was up. story short the clan rebelled against mikey and was now its own thing with its own servers and stuff so i rejoined.

left a couple years latter, not sur y, boredom i guess. opened up my own server (low g silver server) and joined the low g clan -=TnD=- (thrust-n-deep). i remain with them as 1 of the leaders to this day though my server is currently down due to lack of interest and the iminent death of the clan if more life is not breathed into tfc. s0d however is still goin strong as is frenchy's, wich is good cuz it means there r still low g players out there.

o_groovyf 01-24-2005 08:26 PM

I remember installing TFC off a computer magazine CD on first release. Tried a couple of classes like Soldier and Spy... couldn't really suss what was going on (or didn't want to have to learn something new at the time), so played QW and UT online instead.

A friend introduced me to the Wireplay Assault server in '01 and oh how much fun it was that first time playing Avanti and Dustbowl.. especially as a HW. I became a WPTFC admin shortly before it's demise (in Sep 01 or so), and was one of the first members of Team-Smile, a team lovingly thought up by TODave. We played for fun, we were crap (mostly), didn't have 'clan practices', weren't too bothered should we lose (again and again it turned out :D ). Just a bunch of good friends enjoying the game for what it was - Fun. Finally got to grips with concing thanks to Tonster and some of his demos, and got bunnyhopping OK with his guide as well.

Was a BYTFC (blueyonder/bygames) admin for it's whole term as a fully fledged GSP (around 2 years).. being an admin, Head Admin, Deputy Community Liaison and finally Community Liaison there. Sad times when it ended, but public TFC players were on the wane more or less, though a redirect plugin (Thanks BIGPhil) in it's final month or so almost showed that statistic wrong. Now back as a WP Admin and enjoying Well like never before :E

So, it's 4 years TFC playing for me as it stands now, and personally looking forward to this Source mod to hopefully breathe new life into the game that just won't lie down and die like many doomsayers keep expecting it to. I also think it'll bring many ex-TFC players back into the game as well, with the updated look and gameplay

Keep up the good work :)

o_electrolyte 01-25-2005 12:13 AM

..Just had to log on and say Thanks!

..OMG, I'm just soo glad to see someone working on a new TFC. Like we haven't waited for eons already.

..Greets to Zouve and Chem, it's been a long time since I've seen or chatted with 'em. It's good to see such highly skilled peeps contributing to the project.

..Me, 37 (Yeah, old school old fart), been playing FPS since they were created. Played TFC since it came out. Haven't played it in about a year because of time constraints. Last clan I was with was PFM. Will play this mod for sure.

..Skills, besides my good looks.. *cough* Mapping. Not that I'd have time to map, I haven't even played with the new Hammer. Will have to see if Chem has some Tuts online :D I haven't checked to see if the .fgd is on the downloads, but I'd surely get back into mapping if it were.

..You guys let me know if you'll need a T1 server for any testing. We've got one over at Clan Indifferent that's begging to put something on besides *Gag* Counterstrike.



o_the_decoy 01-25-2005 06:47 AM

[DM]DECOY. That was my old TFC name. It seemed like so long ago and I feel like an old geezer when I try telling the new generation CS players about what TFC was, is and will always be.

Quake2 was the first PC shooter that I ever played. A buddy of mine turned me on to it when I was in eighth grade. We played instagib and Weapons Factory for probably about six months before his dad bought the original Half-Life and started playing TFC. I remember vividly his telling me about the huge graphics difference and how smooth the gameplay was. The different classes and thier uses. It all sounded familiar as Weapons Factory is more-or-less a TF clone itself. But what he was describing was worlds better and it was almost everything that I wanted in WF, and then some.

We had started our little clan playing 2v2 matches in instagib. We called our selves the Demolitia Militia, or DM for short. It took a few months before we became good enough to attract other players to join our little team. We were a family. Or, to put it less gay-ly, a group of friends that loved invading pubs and laying down a little whoopass. Eventually the original two became six.

After the little expansion, my co-leader stepped down from his position putting me in sole command(ooo...the power). I made the decision that we should start playing in a league. At the time, there was no better place for a newb clan to start out than the Online Gaming League(OGL). We signed up for the TFC 5v5 ladder and that was pretty much the step that made us an official clan.

I remember our first match very well. It was against Team Neo. Well...they kicked our ass. Flat out. We clearly had a lot to learn before we could go toe to toe with some of the bigger names in the league. It was a wake up call and a learning experience all rolled into a nice little boot to the rectum. From that point on, three of us became obsessed with learning some of the advanced moves that Neo unleashed upon us. Most notably was gliding(not to be confused with bhopping, which was considered cheating in most leagues.)

Our next match was a good one. Our teamwork really came together. We played a clan claled TKM, I dont remember what it stood for. I think we played the map torch2. We had no problem laying down caps and keeping a strong defense up. I owe this mostly to my two main offensive players, Relik and Darkwrath. They kept untouchable communication between each other and the payoff was proof. I was the defensive master or the clan, and our comms werent too shabby either.

Unfortunatly our next match was also our last. Well...technically there was another victory in there, but it was by forfeit(I guess thats spelled right). But anywho, we got our asses handed to us yet again, but I don't remember by who exactly. After this defeat, a few members went thier seperate ways. One guy's connection was cut off, and the other was having family problems. So that took us down to four. Adding to this, I was having some problems in school at the time as well. So I decided to pull us out of the running after only a month of competitive play. And that was more or less the end of our clan as well.

We still played TFC quite a bit, but never really put in the time again to get a full force team together. Also around this time I started to diversify my taste in games and started playing CS, DOD and even a few RTS games. Although I don't really play TFC too often anymore it still holds an irreplacable spot in my life, both on and offline. Even to this day, I have never really learned a game as well as I knew and to an extent still know TFC.

o_shaolin 01-25-2005 01:00 PM

Started playing in January 2000 when I got a net connection. I joined a clan called BHF on the MORAT servers before leaving with a few members to form 12Monkeys [-12M-]. I co-led that with Spanky, Ciggz and Aristagon and we had such a god laugh. I like to pride myself on 12M being a clan who tried to have fun while doing well, I don't think we were ever lame. We joined the MORAT ladder, GTFCL, UKTFCL and BWTFCL. Eventually we won the UKTFCL division1 and came 2nd in BWTFCL division1 and got promoted to the UKTFCL prem and played in the ETFCL for a few games. We had to fold shortly after as we began struggling to get the numbers for a match. I became an admin of the UKTFCL during this time with Storm as bias pielord head admin.
Storm and I also founded Team Scotland for the ECTFC at this point, though we never seemed to do well in the tournament. We had some good players but could never get our strongest team out.
After 12M folded, Storm persuaded me to try out for [DW]. I passed the trial and joined along with Skins and Eliaz, kind of surprised I got in as I was a backline sol for 12M and I moved to frontline to trial for DW. I was lucky to find it had much the same atmosphere as 12M. I really loved playing TFC at this point. We won the UKTFCL that season and were top of the Vitality ladder for ages, as well as progressing well in the ETFCL. Eventually [DW] went inactive after winning the UKTFCL as we were struggling for players. I left TFC at this point, coming back twice within the next 6 months to help out DW because they were seriously short of players. I didn't feel the game was the same anymore, the spam annoyed me so I quit for good and ended up being a power gamer on EQ :/ I quit that in November 2003 to focus on real life. I've not played any online games since then, and deliberately have no net connection in my flat - I don't have a computer set up either lol.
FF is really tempting me back, though I don't think I'd be putting in the same time as I once did.

o_bean 01-26-2005 01:44 PM

I started around about the time of the release of TFC I didn't have much knowledge about the community surrounding TFC and stuck to obscure German publics and the likes.

Joined a misfit bunch of people who I later lefted to join [HOD] a hop skip and jump and I was on trial for [*DH*] that ended rather bitterly so I found myself trialing for [HK] I got in and was pretty suprised really.

Later that year [-12M-] robbed us of the Division 1 title (thats right Shaolin robbed!!!) and we came runners up. We played a season in the Prem and were demoted just as quickly :roll:

After playing out the SSK Invitational tourney we pretty much parted ways occasonially sufacing to play a Cup. AphexTwin told me to join IR after I was asked after (why did I listen to him?) I got in and left not so long after. Dynamo and TMA man handled me into FAB and thats pretty much where I stayed.

Played for some random teams after the split but never really stayed anywhere for long.

o_shaolin 01-26-2005 02:12 PM

Pfft we were owning you till Barnz' cat took him out!

o_garlandgreen 01-26-2005 11:22 PM

Can't remember when i started , played for quite a few clans as engi and wasn't too bad i like to think even with high ping. RNK , B-A , FUNK and others . Only game I really cared about enough to not only get a better comp but also run up huge phone bills . Not bothered with pcs much since because everything else seems pale in comparison . Classic

o_pud 01-27-2005 06:18 AM

Hi I'm pud :D
My first clan in TFC (KoD) was pretty infamous back in the day.
I started playing around 2 or 3 months after it came out and I heard a guy playing video games in my dorm. He had the volume turned up quite loudly so I came to see what he was doing, because I was just getting introduced to onling gaming(Tribes). The game ended up being HL and I played on his computer alot b/w classes and downloaded TFC on it and taught him(FluffyHamster) to play and we learned together.

That was best part of TFC for me was learning the classes and their abilities and weapons. All the tricks and maps to learn and teach others new sg spots.

Then we joined KoD and had a great time in it.

other clans include Karnij and Final Vision.

Because of college is the main reason I wasnt active and played off and on then retired after CPL winter 02.

Cant wait for FF, I'm here to help in anyway possible

o_smiling_ol_fu 01-27-2005 10:39 AM

been playing since summer 1999

joined [-DI-] end of 99 / joined [*I-G*] summer of 2000 and took over leadership begin 2001. in [-] now and will stay that way for quite some time to probably. Dont know if [-] is gonna make the transition to FF yet though


Tell casual players on public servers about our mod and give them the url if they are interested( please dont spam tho ) )
bit late for that, been spamming it all over DoD servers

o_michael 01-27-2005 11:56 AM

Well i played TFC through my teens tbh my older brother formed a clan called XsD about 3 years ago , and i just never stoped playing tfc since then ;)

o_marked 01-27-2005 05:30 PM

Well i have finally found where axlan has been hiding.

I have been playing tfc since 2000 for about 4 different clans. Some of which died off while i was a member. -SIN-, Vendetta, ASL?, and now i am currently in decepticons. Most of the people you run across are nice people some are complete asses just think of tfc as a microcosum of life. I have really enjoyed playing the game and being part of the community manily because it fills my need as a compettitive person.

I started off playing tfc and cs on my roomates computer. I liked it so much and he was tired of me using his comp that i finally broke down and bought one of my own. Ive played prolly every class in tfc in matches competitvly cept maybe pyro, that was reserved for when we where gettin our heads handed to us.

Its great to see someone has takin up the flag that valve left behind a long long time ago.

o_bean 01-28-2005 09:13 AM

I repeat, robbed!!!

o_gunslinger 01-28-2005 10:58 AM

Pfft, I thought it was Barnz' mind that went, not the cat ;p

Been playing TFC since 99 and up until about 2 years ago it was the only game I ever played, interest has waned a little now though, mainly due to peoples attitudes in games. I just hope this will be a like a brand new mod people wise and not just the same old faces.

o_shaolin 01-28-2005 11:33 AM

We owned you first map :P

Was a great game though, probably the most stand out game in TFC for me. Loved playing HK :)

Gun: I think the cat attack emotionally scarred him and started the whole thing....

o_kani 01-28-2005 10:11 PM

I love you guys for reactivate the greatest game on PC as a FPS ever !!!

Either Q3F or Unreal Fortress are as good as TFC was for more then 5 years. TFC was the first online game i have ever played. At this in 1999 i used ISDN and didnĀ“t knwo anything about letancy or ICQ. I spent every day more then
6 hours playing TFC. Learning concs ----> learning hand concs ---> learning rocket jump ----> learning bunny hopping ----> lerning defence on every map and position new. Every CW i played it was a highlight for me. My mates from school all played f****** CS. Not me. I hope you guys make FF as good as TFC was. The movement, the aim and the atmosphere.

Please make me happy and let the spirit of TFC never die. Hope the community will be good as in TFC.

P.S. i am from Germnay and i apologize for me bad english speaking :)

Hope see guys on FF servers soon !!!

o_[p]asphyxia 01-29-2005 07:00 AM

Greetings and hallucinations to all! As a long time TF/TFC player, I was excited as could be to find out that someone was doing a TF mod. I am eagerly awaiting it's release and from what I've seen so far, I like it. It seems to me that you all have made a great deal of progress. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing more as the project continues!

A little about me...

I was introduced to QWTF by a close friend in 1997 after playing months of Thunderwalker CTF (say it with me.... SPOOOON!) :lol: and Rocket Arena. It took a bit of getting used to it, but I soon fell in love with it. I joined [P] (The Pact) in 1998 and played in a few memorable matches against the fellas at PlanetFortress. Unfortunately, we disbanded not long after I joined, but several of us took up the torch and reformed the clan for TFC.

For the better part of three years, we played together. We weren't 404 or PF but we could hold our own. We had our share of good times and bad times. After a merger with KoB, most of the original [P] decided to hang it up.

I spent most of my QWTF time as a sniper and a medic. Having the work connection didn't hurt me there. I would drive in to work (one hour one way) after hours to participate in matches. I had a blast! When TFC came out, I started as a soldier, but fell victim to a poor cable connection at home and became quickly discouraged at my drastic decline. I then decided to take up a new career as an engineer and that seemed to be the answer I was looking for.

My clan was one of the classiest clans around. We didn't break any records, take any league by storm (#20 in OGL, STA Silver, TFL Division 2) but we played with honor and won or lost graciously. We didn't believe in trash talking, complaining about other clans, or badmouthing the dirty players. We have had three meetings of our members in Chicago, Florida, and Washington DC and we have developed an almost brotherly bond.

That's enough waffling....

Keep up the good work! If you fellas need some late night testers... I will gladly help! :wink:

o_frontovik 01-29-2005 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Michael
Well i played TFC through my teens tbh my older brother formed a clan called XsD about 3 years ago , and i just never stoped playing tfc since then ;)

I was in XsD too but at that time I used the nickname Ortz. Unfortunately for me, all the other players became better and I regret now that I complained a lot at not being picked to play :roll:

Before that I was in a clan which used a pyro, spy and medic on offence so the enemy flag room often became a pit of spam, but most of the time I played engineer or sniper on casbah and well. I remember a bug on Well where you could see enemy snipers through one of the battlement walls, which I used shamelessly to get those "fast reaction" kills.

After XsD I played CS and DoD, which is when I started using the nickname frontovik, as I thought it more fitting for a second world war game. Recently I've started playing TFC again and I'm still crap :D

o_lithium 01-30-2005 06:05 AM

It's a freakin long story , i was 12 ( now i'm 19 ) awww , QuakeTf was awesome i played a few months before HL got released , i played some DM until TfC came out , played it until i steam came out , i quit and i came back for a few months then the community was crashing down sooo i took a break and that's when i flipped out , looking at PlanetHalflife , i was like , OH NO , YOU ARE F***ING KIDDING ME , and since then , i visit the mod's website everyday.

o_bullurine 01-31-2005 05:16 AM

I got my first glimpse of TF way back in 1999 when i went down the street to my brother's friend's house. He was playing on 2fort and was the sniper. It looked like so much fun i couldn't wait to get the game myself, but because of my crappy 85Mhz Macintosh i couldnt play it at all. I finally got it in 2000 after getting a sweet 800Mhz comp and have played it on and off since.

I played hardcore for 2+ years. Going mostly freelance onto any server i found interesting. I first joined the clan -=ES=- for a little bit, then I eventually settled into clan [HBA]. they were taking almost anyone who would show up at the saturday practices, so along with me came a bunch of newbs and unskilled players. I fragged for a while, getting my ranks up to one of their top most active members. Then it all went downhill from there.

About 2002 we decided to join a clan match league. By then our clan leader Whiteboy hardly showed up anymore. Conflicts on who would be on which team along with no one taking control created chaos within the clan. Fed up with our divided clan, me and pal Billastrilla left the clan to make our own. The Dark Shadow Empire was born.

Clan [DSE] had a rough start. Our goal was to get enough members and join a league. With the help of our website and a fellow clan member with a server we finally established solid ground. We joined a league but didnt do too well. We constantly had problems getting enough people to show up. The clan went on for a few months until our clanmember who owned the server had his little brother start playing in his place. He was annoying as hell and he even closed down the server! our strongest assest was gone and we soon disbanded.

I still play on occasion, taking breaks every once in a while. I haven't played in proly 6 months. Im sure once FF is out ill play for another solid 2+ years. this mod looks extremely promising. Probably the main thing that kept me interested in TFC for so many years was Custom-TFC (cool site) they always came out with new and interesting models to intise me to download and test it out.

The TFC community rocks and i want to become a more active part of the community than i was before. TFC was always more entertaining and more exciting to me than CS. lets hope FF does the same! When i first heard of this mod, ive been addicted again ever since. Thanks guys and keep up the awesome work!

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