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DarK_TaO 09-21-2007 01:10 AM

[Offer] I make your script request!
Yes asq what you want, if its possible I'll try to do it. I'm trying to get some usefull scripts for my FF Config Bible. When it's done, I will post it here and in Fortress Pimp.

I uploaded one in FP, but its not good at all.

Anyway. Asq for, and I'll give!

(If you can come up with an useful script for pyro (to request) it would be awsome)

Spy Script for Hammock:

alias WC "wait;wait"
alias deaths        "dropitems; discard; scloak"

alias +spyatt        "slot2; WC ;+attack"
alias -spyatt        "-attack; WC ; slot1; deaths"

bind "" "+spyatt"

While holding the button, it will shoot darts, when you release, it will cloak silently.


Spy Speeds + Last Disguise + Sounds + Cloak ^^


//------ Disguising ------

//    ------
//---- Speeds ----
//    ------

alias s_1        "cl_forwardspeed 400;cl_sidespeed 400;cl_backspeed 400"
alias s_2        "cl_forwardspeed 335;cl_sidespeed 335;cl_backspeed 335"
alias s_3        "cl_forwardspeed 235;cl_sidespeed 235;cl_backspeed 235"
alias s_4        "cl_forwardspeed 280;cl_sidespeed 280;cl_backspeed 280"
alias s_5        "cl_forwardspeed 320;cl_sidespeed 320;cl_backspeed 320"
alias s_6        "cl_forwardspeed 230;cl_sidespeed 230;cl_backspeed 230"
alias s_7        "cl_forwardspeed 305;cl_sidespeed 305;cl_backspeed 305"
alias s_8        "cl_forwardspeed 400;cl_sidespeed 400;cl_backspeed 400"
alias s_9        "cl_forwardspeed 285;cl_sidespeed 285;cl_backspeed 285"

//---- Disguises ----

//    ---------------
//--- Enemy Disguises ---
//    ---------------

alias dis_type1 "disguise enemy scout"
alias dis_type2 "disguise enemy sniper"
alias dis_type3 "disguise enemy soldier"
alias dis_type4 "disguise enemy demoman"
alias dis_type5 "disguise enemy medic"
alias dis_type6 "disguise enemy hwguy"
alias dis_type7 "disguise enemy pyro"
alias dis_type8 "disguise enemy spy"
alias dis_type9 "disguise enemy engineer"

//---- Sounds ----

alias "spk_1"        "speak vox/female/enemy.scout"
alias "spk_2"        "speak vox/female/enemy.sniper"
alias "spk_3"        "speak vox/female/enemy.soldier"
alias "spk_4"        "speak vox/female/enemy.demoman"
alias "spk_5"        "speak vox/female/enemy.medic"
alias "spk_6"        "speak vox/female/enemy.heavyweapons"
alias "spk_7"        "speak vox/female/enemy.pyro"
alias "spk_8"        "speak vox/female/enemy.spy"
alias "spk_9"        "speak vox/female/"

//        -------------------
//------ Spy Class Disguises ------
//        -------------------

//--- Last Disguise

alias last_d ""

alias cd1        "dis_type1; s_1; spk_1; alias last_d dis_type1"
alias cd2        "dis_type2; s_2; spk_2; alias last_d dis_type2"
alias cd3        "dis_type3; s_3; spk_3; alias last_d dis_type3"
alias cd4        "dis_type4; s_4; spk_4; alias last_d dis_type4"
alias cd5        "dis_type5; s_5; spk_5; alias last_d dis_type5"
alias cd6        "dis_type6; s_6; spk_6; alias last_d dis_type6"
alias cd7        "dis_type7; s_7; spk_7; alias last_d dis_type7"
alias cd8        "dis_type8; s_8; spk_8; alias last_d dis_type8"
alias cd9        "dis_type9; s_9; spk_9; alias last_d dis_type9"

//------ Feign ------

alias death        "dropitems;cloak"
alias deaths        "dropitems;discard;scloak"
alias nodeath        "scloak; wait; wait; last_d"

//*****                    *****
//*****                    *****

//Spy Disguise

bind "kp_end"                "cd1"        // Disguises as: Scout
bind "kp_downarrow"        "cd2"        // Disguises as: Sniper
bind "kp_pgdn"                "cd3"        // Disguises as: Sold
bind "kp_leftarrow"        "cd4"        // Disguises as: Demo
bind "kp_5"                "cd5"        // Disguises as: Medic
bind "kp_rightarrow"        "cd6"        // Disguises as: Hw
bind "kp_home"                "cd7"        // Disguises as: Pyro
bind "kp_uparrow"        "cd8"        // Disguises as: Spy
bind "kp_pgup"                "cd9"        // Disguises as: Engy


bind "kp_ins"        "death"                // Normal Cloak
bind "kp_del"        "deaths"        // Silent Cloak
bind "kp_enter"        "nodeath"        // Stop Cloaking

Thats an extraction from my cfg. Part of spy .cfg

You should put this at the begining of each class.cfg. Because maybe you use HW speed, and then change class.


cl_forwardspeed 400
cl_sidespeed 400
cl_backspeed 400


Auto Reloads


//---- Reload when Moving ----

alias +w "+forward;+reload"
alias -w "-forward;wait;-reload"

alias +s "+back;+reload"
alias -s "-back;wait;-reload"

alias +a "+moveleft;+reload"
alias -a "-moveleft;wait;-reload"

alias +d "+moveright;+reload"
alias -d "-moveright;wait;-reload"

//----------- Discard -----------

//---- Discard when Moving + Auto Reload when Moving ----

alias +wdr "+forward;+reload;discard"
alias -wdr "-forward;wait;-reload"

alias +sdr "+back;+reload;discard"
alias -sdr "-back;wait;-reload"

alias +adr "+moveleft;+reload;discard"
alias -adr "-moveleft;wait;-reload"

alias +ddr "+moveright;+reload;discard"
alias -ddr "-moveright;wait;-reload"

punkrockrocks 09-21-2007 01:23 AM

Sounds pretty useful, I just hope you use spell check in your guide.

Marshmallow Noob 09-21-2007 03:23 AM

Make me a script to beat FF please.

Sh4x 09-21-2007 03:51 AM

Are you good with lua? Cause I need a lua expert to finish ff_fatties...

Paft 09-21-2007 05:23 AM

Hello DarK_TaO


4est 09-21-2007 05:37 AM

Panty remover... NOW!

Deadly Furby 09-21-2007 12:33 PM

Can you do something like THIS?

despair 09-22-2007 01:48 AM

Make the spy script where you mimic other classes speeds.

BumGravy 09-22-2007 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by despair
Make the spy script where you mimic other classes speeds.


DarK_TaO 09-22-2007 06:21 PM

Demoman Detpacks + Sounds + Team Msg


//----------- Demo -----------

echo [Demoman] cfg loaded.

//*****                      *****
//*****                      *****

alias m1 "bind mouse1 +attack"
alias m2 "bind mouse2 +attack2"

//---------- Waits ----------

alias "WC"        "wait; wait"        // 0.02 Secs
alias "WM"        "wc; wait"        // 0.03 Secs
alias "WL"        "wm; wc"        // 0.05 Secs
alias "WEL"        "wl; wl"        // 0.1 Sec
alias "MW"        "WEL; WEL"        // 0.2 Secs

alias "0.25s"        "MW; WL"
alias "0.5s"        "MW; MW; WEL"
alias "0.75s"        "0.5s; 0.25s"
alias "1s"        "0.5s; 0.5s"
alias "2s"        "1s; 1s"

//---- Sounds ----

alias spk_t        "speak vox/female/terminate"
alias spk_a        "speak vox/female/detpack.activated"

alias spk_05        "speak vox/female/five.seconds"
alias spk_10        "speak vox/female/ten.seconds"
alias spk_20        "speak vox/female/twenty.seconds"
alias spk_30        "speak vox/female/thirty.seconds"
alias spk_40        "speak vox/female/forty.seconds"
alias spk_50        "speak vox/female/fifty.seconds"

//----- Team Messages -----
// Setting detpack {secs}

alias det_say        ""
alias det_say05        "alias det_say say_team Setting detpack {5 Secs}"
alias det_say10        "alias det_say say_team Setting detpack {10 Secs}"
alias det_say20        "alias det_say say_team Setting detpack {20 Secs}"
alias det_say30        "alias det_say say_team Setting detpack {30 Secs}"
alias det_say40        "alias det_say say_team Setting detpack {40 Secs}"
alias det_say50        "alias det_say say_team Setting detpack {50 Secs}"

//------ Detpack ------

//      ------
//----- Modo 1 -----
//      ------

alias "det5"        "spk_5; alias timer detpack 5; det_say5; bind mouse1 +l_selec; bind mouse2 cancel_d"
alias "det10"        "spk_10; alias timer detpack 10; det_say10; bind mouse1 +l_selec; bind mouse2 cancel_d"
alias "det20"        "spk_20; alias timer detpack 20; det_say20; bind mouse1 +l_selec; bind mouse2 cancel_d"
alias "det30"        "spk_30; alias timer detpack 30; det_say30; bind mouse1 +l_selec; bind mouse2 cancel_d"
alias "det40"        "spk_30; alias timer detpack 40; det_say40; bind mouse1 +l_selec; bind mouse2 cancel_d"
alias "det50"        "spk_50; alias timer detpack 50; det_say50; bind mouse1 +l_selec; bind mouse2 cancel_d"

//    -------------
//---- Mouse Buttons ----
//    -------------

alias +l_selec        "timer;det_say; 2s; 0.5s; spk_a"
alias -l_selec        "m1; m2; WC; slot3"
alias cancel_d        "spk_t; m1; m2; WC; slot3"

//*****                    *****
//*****                    *****

bind "kp_end"                "det5"                // Detpack for 5 Sec
bind "kp_downarrow"        "det10"                // Detpack for 10 Secs
bind "kp_pgdn"                "det20"                // Detpack for 20 Secs
bind "kp_leftarrow"        "det30"                // Detpack for 30 Secs
bind "kp_5"                "det40"                // Detpack for 40 Secs
bind "kp_rightarrow"        "det50"                // Detpack for 50 Secs

.- Select detpack with keypad
.- Place detpack with mouse1
.- Cancel selection with mouse2

Andariel 09-22-2007 07:05 PM

i happily embedded your spy script into mine, but i suggest to add %l to your detpack timer teamsay

on the request side, i need a alias that allows me to get rid of all my nades at the press of the button

eva01 09-23-2007 12:55 AM

medic quick medic pack
hey man, right now for medic i have:
bind "MOUSE5" "+attack2"

but of course it just stays at the medic pack. is there a way to hit the bind and it will quickly bust out the medpack, and infect while i hold it down, then when i release it will go back to my previous weapon? thx

Andariel 09-23-2007 10:14 PM

well i knew that wouldnt work before i tried it quick

i mean something that allows to get rid of all grenades i have in reserve, for example when i know im going to die i want to give the enemys some spam before i have to respawn

alias discone "primeone; throwgren"
alias disctwo "primetwo; throwgren"
alias discardnades "discone; disctwo; discone; disctwo; discone; disctwo; discone; disctwo"

is my last try but it only primes and throws gren1 at the next press gren 2 and vice versa

DarK_TaO 09-23-2007 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Andariel
i happily embedded your spy script into mine, but i suggest to add %l to your detpack timer teamsay

on the request side, i need a alias that allows me to get rid of all my nades at the press of the button


alias no_nades "throwgren; wait; throwgren"

bind "" "no_nades"


Originally Posted by Eva01
hey man, right now for medic i have:
bind "MOUSE5" "+attack2"

but of course it just stays at the medic pack. is there a way to hit the bind and it will quickly bust out the medpack, and infect while i hold it down, then when i release it will go back to my previous weapon? thx


alias WM "wait; wait; wait"

alias +heal        "slot1; WM; +attack"
alias -heal        "-attack; WM; slot3"

bind "mouse5" "+heal"


Originally Posted by Andariel
well i knew that wouldnt work before i tried it quick

i mean something that allows to get rid of all grenades i have in reserve, for example when i know im going to die i want to give the enemys some spam before i have to respawn

alias discone "primeone; throwgren"
alias disctwo "primetwo; throwgren"
alias discardnades "discone; disctwo; discone; disctwo; discone; disctwo; discone; disctwo"

is my last try but it only primes and throws gren1 at the next press gren 2 and vice versa

It's faster to click nades out, because there's a delay.

Andariel 09-23-2007 10:45 PM

ya but i use the switch on my mouseshoulderbuttons

PorkChopVII 09-24-2007 02:51 PM


alias ridgrens "throw1"
alias throw1 "throwgren;primeone;alias ridgrens throw2"
alias throw2 "throwgren;primetwo;alias ridgrens throw1"

bind c "ridgrens"

here is your script, basicly pressing it will prime one grenade, then press again to throw and prime secondary grenade change the bind key to whatever you want, but will work. afte the first push, everytime after that will throw and immediatly prime the next one for ya. :D, very simple. anyone else need somethign simplified, hit me up

Riff Zifnab 09-24-2007 07:14 PM

A spy script that will tell you what weapon it looks like your holding. If you can sync it up with the class you are disguised as great, if not just a list would be great. I can never remember what one I have. Thanks

Andariel 09-25-2007 02:12 AM

thats is wrong you will show an weapon equivalent to what the disguised class would have in that slot, aka an nailgun will show as rpg (even that ng is slot4 dont matters, it will do it, cant explain it in english because one word is missing)

also is in source r_drawviemodel an cheat

GhostBuster 09-25-2007 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by DarK_TaO
That doesn't make sense. You wan't a description of the gun you are holding? please be clear. Why would you want that?

Sync it with the disguised class? you will have the same weapon, you will you the standard to the enemy.


Soldier will show RPG
Engy will show Rail Gun
Hw will show AC


If you disabled your guns, due to FPS. Just remember the slots.

Tao bolu cambiaron las cosas en el ff, aca es mas jodido ver a los spys, onda pones la nailgun y afuera aparece la rpg, pones el knife y aparece la crowbar desde afuera, algo copado seria q te diga la voz de la minita q arma se ve para afuera... y hablame si me ves x msn xq se me bugea tu msn :mad:

FF|Skyrider 09-25-2007 09:53 AM

I personally dislike scripts.. Its a little bit cheating if you thinking about it. Because you are unable to do it yourself as the same speed of doing so with a push on a button.

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