Fortress Forever

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o_cryptic wolf 04-10-2005 07:08 AM

1999 for me... I discovered TFC right after I'd had enough of HL DM...

Having an ex-military background, I fell in love with TFC instantly. Of course, ironically I went for the non-military specific class and enjoyed lifetime as a spy... that was until I found why Medics existed....

After that I was a medic for the majority of my TFC gaming life... which is to this day (when I get time that is).

I spent alot of time involved with Day of Defeat and in particular Sturmbot (the DoD bot), before waking up and heading on back to TFC. The arcade-type allure was what attracted me to it originally and to this day I still enjoy it.... Being able to infect and run, or cop a rocket in the chest and live to talk about it appealed to me more than CS's aimbot-using one shot, your out for 15 minute atmosphere.

Looking forward to Fortress Forever because of... d'uh... its TFC for 2005!!! (Lets hope you guys get a release before 2006... else you may have contracted Valve disease). Many mods have been planned, alot have even got as far as this one and died on the way, but know that you have a community of support, long before the mod is ready for us to digest :lol:

Count me in as a mirror when you do have something needing distributing

o_mistdragon 04-10-2005 03:07 PM

i remember it well. as with most people, my TFC adventure began with HL, my computer wouldnt play it, so we all went off to a friends house to give it a shot, loaded it up and found ourselves on a train. "wow what a cool intro this looks amazing" until someone nudged the desk and we moved... "ITS NOT AN INTRO!" we were excitied, running round the train looking out everywhere.

what a beautiful start.

and so i saved some money, just a little, to get a graphics card that would let me launch half life. Deleted Q2 after my initial online gaming (due to HD restrictions lol) and on it went.

I never did finish HL single player until sometime 4 or so years after i first played it.
The reason being, TFC.

i remember being "recruited" for a "clan" while in resup...
well that was an experience, was a new clan with new ideas, but i joined anyway, not a proper clan i learnt in future, although saying that one name stood out in the future - Aristagon. Yes he too was in this clan with me lol
(tbh many of you might not know me but you might know him :p)

When i look back i see all those turning points, the colour sprays, the feigning while ducked to go under the floor in the enemy respawn to make the resup gun constantly fire (but not kill you), and of course the day 1.5 was released, with the new net code, and oh my god. the amount of people that went sniper because of the new way it worked.

That could have killed TFC for me, you couldnt go anywhere without being sniped.
But i stuck at it, started toying with defending, then offence, and concing *sigh* my first HH conc, i remember it well lol.
i used to be mocked in clans because i couldn't conc. At least thats what they all thought (*cough* hilly, kornflakes *cough* - you were so mean to me :( )
but it turned into a running joke.

And then the new clan -SI- full of class players, most of which went on to better things (Det, Cal, Pyromaniac etc) and the clan merged to become =M= with some other clan (sorry forget who you were lol)
I had some good times there, but then as things began to fold i moved on, found myself at -BD- and -afk- for a short while after joining XGK
had a lot of fun there, and a lot of ups and downs
and thats where the story ends i think

*pokes everyone thats died from reading this long story*

what can i say, it took up soooo many years of my life, and i wouldnt want them back.
rock on FF! :D

o_fight556 04-14-2005 11:50 PM

Well, my HL "career" began in 98 when a friend sold me hl after he beat it... Played sp through, played a little dm online, boring for me, then TFC was immediatly hooked on it. I really have no idea how long I actually played till I "retired" (from first release till they added the teleporter in is my timespan). Only been in one clan, for about 1 1/2 years... great times, we never did competetive play, just hopped on and played on pubs. Been lurking around here for awhile now, FF is lookin really good, keep up the good work. Hopefully this will grab me like TFC did... I could play it for 10-12 hours straight... and people say MMORPG's are addicting.

o_reaver 04-15-2005 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by deizel
great fun thoses servers, nice people, met a few regulars, creed, thewarden, thedr00g, pingchowchi, skorp, co33ie, infy, okenora (who was just startin out, but learnin fast :E). it was at some point in those few summer months i was invited to help form a clan that would be called reaver. what can i say, best, online, experiences, ever. :>

Pfff, not even a mention, I thought you wubed me :roll:

Anyhoo, pretty much the same story for me... played a lot of unclanned QW-RA and QWTF... then moved on to HL-TFC... spend a while playing for KBT, a mostly UK clan with some Irish players that were regulars on IGN (no relation to the american IGN) at the time.
After KBT fizzled out, I spent a while clanless before CreeD begged me to join ReaveR, forming the original team.
Had some great games over the years, and really improved as a player from all the amazing clans we've played.
The high-point of which (IMO) was the 8-man def we put up against USCM to win by 1 cap.... probably the hardest I've laughed while playing TFC. :lol:
Having the other clan go 4-pyro offy against us when they're already 10 caps ahead - brilliant. :D
And that time we had 3 of our offy contstantly backtracking the Mr.Men offy... some of the stuff they came out with was hilarious.
I can't remember who we had the all-out spy-gas-in-respawn war with, but again... fond memories there.

The only thing I'd really wish for in Fortress Forever, is that you never patch out the lameness... in all the years I've been playing it's the lame matches that I've always remembered.

o_bad brains 04-16-2005 10:52 PM

Me and 2 friends where all over HL when it came out, and we used to play HL Dm alot.
When TFC was announced and released we started a clan called WASTED, lot of old schoolers will remember us, we played clans like MIA Dice Donut MMC and ofcourse Fizlands clan in the first few weeks.
After TF1.5 was released we didnt play to much, and if we did we just "played". tbh we never had a drive to be the best, but it was always about havin fun and having fun doing it. Never the less we had some great results and did very well in the first few season of the uktfcl, never won but who cares.

I merced alot when WASTED stopped playing, and ended up playing for a few great clans, that had the same attitude towards the game as the original WASTED had.
Also played for clan -21- for a year or what.

We (MMC -21- and WASTED) have/had lans on regular bases but we are definatly ready for a new TF experience.
After the original TFC we never 'really" played any games seriously in clan format.

I'm hopin' this mod will be 80% of what TFC was, if so i'll be there.



o_torn 04-18-2005 12:12 PM

Played TF since about late 1997, in Australia.. Majority of those being a QWTF player, played tfc for a bit, but wasnt fond of the rocket launcher for the soldier (alot of qwtf players get attached to the rl :P)

Stopped playing QWTF in jan 05 when the last australian lan for it was held (wee winners!).

Started playing ETF in Jan 14, Quit about 4 days ago.. too buggy and the game is boring.

I'm very interested to see what FF can pull out :P for and old qwtf defender like me, i'm going to be looking for lots of MIDAIRS/fast pace and hopefully lots of control (turing etc, which etf lacked)...good soldier dueling would be nice too. if ff has these things i'm sure you can count me and alot of other ex aus qwtf players in :)

Looking forward to your release!

o_valk 04-18-2005 02:16 PM

you should play tfc some more torn 4 u

o_torn 04-18-2005 03:41 PM

My copy of hl1 was when i was using my mates cd key, so i cant play it anymore, tho I do own hl2, i'm sure you'll see myself and quite a few other qwtf players around. Hopefully we can get some classic qwtf maps ported too.

o_amazingnurseenrique 04-18-2005 07:24 PM

Hey all, VERY nice to see a new TF mod that looks so promising :D

TFC was my first online game as well right after the release of 1.5. I never ended up clanning, but I played heavily in small community-based leagues and tournaments. This time around, having more overall gaming experience under my belt, I'd love to play competitively :)

Team Fortress is a great mod/design because of the combination of fast, DM-style combat, the class interdependence, and the teamwork required to succeed.

I'm especially looking forward to FF because the team seems eager to clean up outdated gameplay devices and add a few new features without ripping away what makes TF so great to begin with. Hopefully, we'll see some more class diversity and more emergent strategy on the competitive level =D

o_apex 04-19-2005 09:29 PM

I played TFC for a solid 3 or 4 years.

My game name was bLue and I'm sure there's some people who may remember me if they are around here :)

Anyways, looking forward to the new mod. I'm hoping it isn't drastically different then TFC.

o_sacred_weasel 04-20-2005 12:09 AM

im not gonna say much...
but i played qwtf from its conception though my earlier schooling years and even played tfc untill my 56k connection became to slow oh and my friend blew up my puter.
Since then ive done without because i live with mates but seeing the backing behind this mod and the detail the FF team are going to i guarantee you i will have a compter and cable conection by the time FF comes out cause its ignited a flame inside me i havent felt for years :twisted:

FF is the phoenix for me

o_papapup 04-21-2005 07:45 PM


I picked up TFC when it first came out and everyone was just horrible at it. Some other horrible players invited me into their clan Cogent Alliance, or |CA|, before I even knew how to prime grenades, and we had a lot fun learning how to play the game. Then, somehow, we managed to climb the ranks of the clans out there at the time. We were not very skilled individually, but our teamwork and communication was excellent, to the point where we had the opportunity to play with giants. We fought clans like CE and KiN among many many others. Our clan never really won many championships, but we gained some recognition for being dangerous underdogs who could pull off wins against the best clans around.

So I just want to say hi and let you all know that I'm excited about the mod you're making. I won't be involved in the community, as I have always kept a low profile, but I eagerly look forward to the release. :)

And now here is some fun reading that I have kept saved in my favorites, and which I hope never goes offline. It can explain the intial appeal of TFC far better than I could. The month links are match writeups while the review links are news stories.
Enjoy. :)

o_cipher 04-21-2005 08:09 PM

I stumbled onto TFC in a somewhat unusual fashion. I hadn't played games for quite a few years due to "life". In my spare time, I was reading 'Game Architecture and Design' and a game called Half-Life was repeatedly given kudos. I picked up a copy and tried TFC before I tried Half-Life... finally got around to playing Half-Life a couple of years later. The best part of TFC has been the community and the friends I've made online. Looking forward to FF!

o_twoeyedhuman 04-23-2005 12:35 AM

I started playing tfc in my freshman year in highschool. I was just messing around with the hl mods and I spawned in 2fort and ended up playing tfc till midnight. Thats how i started. I joined a clan called the axlclan, if you ever heard of axl's tfc. lol, I almost failed because this game was so good.

I was always a medic, and I invented a technique where you strafe in circles with the shotgun as the superfast medic. It worked okay, and i was amazing, but I never had enough health and always died. I can't wait though for the this tfc to come out!

o_wolfsenshi 04-23-2005 07:16 AM

Hey guys, new to these forums, but I am nobody new to TFC. I have played TFC for about 4 years on and off so a total of probably 3 years or so. I never did get into a professional clan although I could be cut out for one. The closest I got was clan Ownage. They were going to do OGL and then go onto whatever else was beyond that but the leader got involved in some shit or something and the clan dropped.

I still play nowadays on Bay Area Buzz servers or .id dustbowl. I enjoy all sorts of maps, but mostly dustbowl/avanti/2fort/crossover. I play any class pretty well; sniper, engie, spy, pyro as my best.

I am just wondering if there are still professional leagues for TFC anymore. I never hear of them anymore especially since CS took all the TFC players away like a year after I started playing. Anyways, keep up the good work FF, I can't wait to see this game...I only wish that I could help out =P

o_kam 04-23-2005 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by twoeyedhuman
I was always a medic, and I invented a technique where you strafe in circles with the shotgun as the superfast medic. It worked okay, and i was amazing, but I never had enough health and always died. I can't wait though for the this tfc to come out!

lol circle strafing has been around since doom

o_twoeyedhuman 04-23-2005 10:54 PM

well, I've never seen many people use medic as an offensive class with the shotgun like i did. Most people were soldiers with the rockets. So I thought i was original.

o_cudweiser 04-23-2005 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by twoeyedhuman
well, I've never seen many people use medic as an offensive class with the shotgun like i did. Most people were soldiers with the rockets. So I thought i was original.

k, are you being serious...or just sarcastic?

o_leadmecca 04-24-2005 06:26 AM

Stopped in from time to time, and Fortress-Forever is just incredible work! I came in and after reading the stories here in this thread and through the forum, I had to join, and tell about the player that mentored me in TFC. My callsign was Leadmecca or Red Alert.

I was not a good player on 56k (more like 14) Fate took it upon himself to train me in the magical arts. Fate was a pro, taught me rocket jump, nade-rocket jumping, concing, sg set-ups, flag capping, short cutting, pipe laying, sniper positions, bh'ing, binds, alt crosshair kits, spray making, everything that made my game take off.

After this I took every new player who wanted to learn under my wing, if they wanted to learn something I would teach them. I always got sad when I had to tell them they had to leave my side and go out into that brave world on their own and help the community, to share the goodness. That was the greatest enjoyment TFC had for me. I liked scoring, I liked team gaming, but teaching someone a trick or two and watching them just explode with happiness was awesome. It always made me go back to the rapture I had when I learned those tricks. It was good to get someone into TFC and to stick with it.

When someone helps you, I think it's amazing and when you find that in a server, or in an entire community it stays with you. All the best to the developers and staff of FF.

o_txmaddog 04-25-2005 08:48 PM

Re: Note to the pro's and old school clanners.
Can't really remember how I got into playing TFC as that was 4+ years ago. I played because I think the game is very well balanced and a lot of fun. I'm hoping FF keeps the 'feel' of TFC but can still use the Source engine to it's fullest.

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