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NewKleer 09-18-2007 05:15 PM

by far one of the biggest advantages TF2 has over FF is in the FPS. much more stable, especially for low end computers. i get 50-500 fps on FF, 80-120 on TF2

TF2 gameplay/movement/lack of skill needed sucks large testes though, and thats all that matters in the long run (assuming there are significant changes made to help FPS).

che 09-18-2007 05:26 PM

I know TF2 would be different than TFC, but the spirit of TFC is completely dead and replaced with something much more like CS. Respawn times, no grenades and a very slow feeling all add to this.

Mostly I miss the concs and the jumping. A great thing about TFC was the ability to conc around a corner and get the hell out of dodge with the flag. Granted, the concs and nade physics in FF kind of suck IMO, but at least you have the ability as opposed to TF2, where you bumble around like a sloth until one of those death-spewing superSGs get you.

Skeltah 09-18-2007 05:49 PM

TF2 is fun to mess around in but I don't see how the competitive leagues will be. To me it seems there will be a very small gap between the best and the worst players. It will be hard to get extremely good at the game because it's so simple and easy. I've only played a few hours so I may be wrong. But it seems if you want competition FF is where to be.

Desyphur 09-18-2007 05:49 PM

Hey...maybe all the CS noobs with leave FF and go play TF2!

Valve might have done something good for us! ;)

teatime 09-18-2007 05:49 PM

yea TF2=slow

and 99% of the time slow = less gooder.

FF will be my name game of choice for the next few years... and i never even liked tfc really (qwtf and q3f)

Agent Buckshot Moose 09-18-2007 05:49 PM

The strange thing about TF2 is that you can STILL bunnyhop, it just doesn't seem to increase your speed.

The timing is hard as crap though. But in the end, it's pointless as your speed seems to stay the same.

Dospac 09-18-2007 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by benjpac
Grenades are just spam... you learn to use them and you learn the art(?) of spamming and you have it mastered.. they don't add to the game. I listened to a commentary that valve created talking about how grenades just made all the classes too similar because many of the weapons are much worse than the simple grenades everyone has.

1. Concussion Grenade
2. Normal Grenade
3. MIRV Grenade
4. Caltrops
5. EMP Grenade
6. Napalm Grenade
7. Nail Grenade
8. Gas Grenade

8 different grenades.. That's almost as many as there are classes in the game. Hmmm... :rolleyes:

barronofhellion 09-18-2007 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dospac
1. Concussion Grenade
2. Normal Grenade
3. MIRV Grenade
4. Caltrops
5. EMP Grenade
6. Napalm Grenade
7. Nail Grenade
8. Gas Grenade

8 different grenades.. That's almost as many as there are classes in the game. Hmmm... :rolleyes:

Dospac how could you, for forgeting about the Xmas grenade... so there thats 9. lol

DR_FUZZY 09-18-2007 07:17 PM

imo valve fucked up when they ditched the military style that they originally had for tf2.

Noodlesocks 09-18-2007 07:20 PM

Valve has done it again. They've taken a classic multiplayer game, stripped it down to the bare minimum, dumbed the crap out of it as much as possible, slapped on the monicker and shoved it out the door.

Although TF2 is fun in it's own right, it is not team fortress in the least.

Krylon 09-18-2007 07:34 PM

I haven't played TF2 yet, and I'm not doubting it's entertainment value, but what Valve has done is created a mass consumer product. TF2 is almost like the "Wii game" for PC. It has simpler gameplay, it reaches out to a wider audience, it's easy to get into, and even the graphics are simplified (technologically for the Wii which is bad, but artistically for TF2 which is good). Anyone who purchases the Orange Box will probably have a great time with it.

The problem? They neglected the hardcore gamers. If this was a new game series, that would be fine, but for a game that many hardcore gamers have been waiting like an entire decade for, Valve really should have made them the audience.

FF is on the opposite side of the spectrum. Detailed graphics, even more complex gameplay, sharper learning curve (when you compare to the "best" players), but it definitely appeals to the hardcore gamer. Any TFC player can pick up FF and feel at home.

TF2 will be fun, but as long as FF is supported in the future (and as we've heard, it most certainly will be) I believe most of my hours will be spent here.

Dr.Uudge 09-18-2007 07:37 PM


yea, i'm gonna have to listen to that commentary that valve devs made about how grenades make the classes too similar, if i ever get tf2.

because if the valve team really said that, and the meaning behind their saying it was in fact to say the grenades made the classes too similar, then i have to wonder what team fortress mod they were playing.

i just hope valve didn't go with the whole dod respawn and the cs type of sluggish movements for tf2 because they based their philosophy of TF around their steam stats page and thought they could rake in the cash from cs and dod players by making tf2 like those two games =/

barronofhellion 09-18-2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Krylon
The problem? They neglected the hardcore gamers. If this was a new game series, that would be fine,

that was a point i was tring to make a while back, you dont make another game for a series and then take out all the things that made it what it was... well at least the general games, usually have more guns more items more challenges and soforth, not less

Rutabeggar 09-18-2007 07:39 PM

Ok so, after waiting for 24357893458973498 years for a new Team Fortress, Valve not only botches the release, but the game, the game is, 'Flat' for the loss of a better word...Nevermind the graphics, I wasn't at first sold on the cartoony direction Valve took it, but I will say that I do enjoy it, if only for a laugh. I can't see myself playing TF2 for more than an hour at a time...because the gameplay is sooooooooo sloowwww, it's like someone tied a parachute on my back and turned an industrial fan on, it's really THAT slow.

The respawn timer DESTROYS defense...if you can even defend against a spy that can instantly sabotage your stuff where in FF it takes a few seconds...but in TF2 you can repair it before it blows itself up where in FF you can't so I spose that balances the 2 games out. But the respawn timer has destroyed defense.

The heavy is a BUS. You think the heavy in FF is a monster? Try fighting a heavy with a medic humping his auto cannon in TF2...

I don't like having to whack an SG 85 times to upgrade it one level...but the SGs are really cool same with the dispensers...I think teles are going to play a vital role in TF2 leagues.

The spy will have to be nerfed...I ran around on dustbowl for 5 minutes randomly using the sabotage device over and over and over...and a freaking revolver? James Bond was a spy, he had a silencer. Clint Eastwood was a cop/cowboy, he had a revolver. Engy and Spy should switch secondary weapons.

I didn't play medic because I don't dig the whole "support only" role that they reduced it to, the reason people began to use medics as an offensive class in TFC was because they had more armor/health than a scout, not being able to use a medic offensively goes back to slow gameplay...not sure any league people will want 4 scouts running into a heavy with Invuln on.

Rocket jumping is practically useless as air control is lacking...the rockets are slower, but they seemed to pack more punch to me...the shovel is a nice replacement of the crowbar

Demoman is probably the only class that I can really say I enjoyed. I wish he had a detpack, but the sticky pipes are great.

I also liked sniper, I liked zooming in and it automatically charging, but the scope needs to be tweaked a bit, reminds me of the sniper rifles on DoD...

All in all, I am a bit disappointed with TF2, while it IS a beta, they won't bring us the gameplay that TFC had. I realize that Valve has tried to revolutionize FPS's...but they forgot the TFC community along the way...I am sad to see TFC die the slow death it has, but TF2 is making TFC rollover in it's grave...GG TFC...long live FF!

Fail 09-18-2007 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by teatime
yea TF2=slow

and 99% of the time slow = less gooder.

FF will be my name game of choice for the next few years... and i never even liked tfc really (qwtf and q3f)

You have to trust someone as obviously intelligent as this guy.

barronofhellion 09-18-2007 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rutabeggar
but in TF2 you can repair it before it blows itself up where in FF you can't

oh lol i made this suggestion and didn't know it was in tf2..

Jiggles 09-18-2007 07:44 PM

  • Respawn delay
  • 2fort

  • Pretty much everything else

D_Piddy 09-18-2007 07:48 PM

just played tf2 for an hour this morning. It is definately disappointing, especially considering ff had set the bar high a few days prior with its release. tf2 is nothing like tfc all in except its basic classes and generalities.

graphics are great (when maxed out) but i'll tell you this. after playing tf2 for an hour, i couldn't wait to play ff again.

*as a note, the 2 games tf2 and ff are so different, that one cannot really compare them as in the same class of games. tf2 is probably going to appeal to younger people, and players new to fortress style games looking to just pub around for a while here and there. it is by no means a haven for competitive play, that title undoubtedly goes to ff.

btw, a very big congrats to the ff dev team, you've made a tremendous mod. it has its share of bugs, and a few things that i think make some classes uneven still (and i think bhop speed cap should be set a bit higher), but nothing game breaking. great job.

nataskaos 09-18-2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by DR_FUZZY
imo valve fucked up when they ditched the military style that they originally had for tf2.

are you baked?
how many shitty military style shooters do you need on the market?

the great thing about TFC was that it was arcadey...the speed...etc.
not army dudes in army clothes doing army things.

go play bf2.

BobTheChainsaw 09-18-2007 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by ajniN
Okay you're a TF2 fanboy we get it. You're on Steams forums defending all aspects of TF2, we understand. No reason to reply numerous times in multiple threads with the same responses my lord man.

Okay you're a FF fanboy we get it. You're on Steams forums defending all aspects of FF, we understand. No reason to reply numerous times in multiple threads with the same responses my lord man.

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