Fortress Forever

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XPelargos 07-09-2013 11:32 PM

Whoa. Holy shit on both clips.

aleXtric 07-13-2013 01:09 AM

Thought of squeek the whole time. <3

oaties 07-13-2013 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by squeek. (Post 500671)
I saw exoskeletaL doing this conc route on destroy a long time ago. No idea how he figured it out, but I thought it was incredibly cool. I learned it and have recently started doing it in pickups. I've been wanting to get a good clip of it to record and post, but I haven't been able to until now. Granted, I'm going up against an empty FR, but I think it was a pretty good run anyway and it shows the route adequately enough.

Homerun flag cap on FF_Destroy (Fortress Forever) - YouTube

However, this doesn't really show the true beauty of the route. You can also do the same thing but air control over to the button ramp and slide it instead. You can even potentially slide all the way to flag by going button, but it's insanely hard.

Wow, thats really interesting. I remember spoon showed me that a while back (2009?) but I had no idea that you could take it main ramp... I only used it for button, but thought it was too impractical to use in a real pickup.

How consistent have you gotten it? Like # of successful attempts out of 10.

squeek. 07-13-2013 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by aleXtric (Post 500735)
Fortress Forever flag grab on ff_ameliorate - YouTube

Thought of squeek the whole time. <3

Wow, nice. Didn't ever think that'd be used in an actual game. You actually did a crazy thing where you jumped back through the hole and then conced down and double jumped off the ground in front of the window. I just used the "noob conc" (HH conc without jumping) in my video. :)


Originally Posted by oaties (Post 500736)
Wow, thats really interesting. I remember spoon showed me that a while back (2009?) but I had no idea that you could take it main ramp... I only used it for button, but thought it was too impractical to use in a real pickup.

How consistent have you gotten it? Like # of successful attempts out of 10.

I get it about 9 times out of 10, maybe a little less. It's definitely possible to do it consistently, though. When I saw exo doing it he got it every single time and did it every single run (though I might be misremembering).

The way I do it, you have to get to ~550+ speed on your first strafe jump. If you only get to, like, ~500, chances are you might not make it, because you have to get to the downtrimp spot in a certain number of jumps, not a certain amount of time. So, if you don't have the right speed, you'll make it to where you need to be but you'll be in the middle of a jump or something; you can sometimes salvage a bad initial strafe jump by priming the conc just a bit later, but it's a gamble.

oaties 07-13-2013 01:50 AM

Do you just kind of conc in yard, or is there a setup that you are doing? Because it seems like you are dropping down and bhopping to the door, and priming a conc as you go through the door.

I was trying it earlier with just down-trimping off the yard ramp into a conc and it wasnt very consistently, but your way seems better.

KubeDawg 07-13-2013 01:53 AM

Yeah the hard part is just the placement of your jumps so you can jump near the end of the platform before you hit that big gap, otherwise you won't make it, but it's definitely possible. It's only really feasible when taking the flag security and you know the enemy will be near their lower respawn. If you have a conc left over, it's almost just better to conc from the top of the ramp near security to that same main entrance platform.

squeek. 07-13-2013 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by oaties (Post 500738)
Do you just kind of conc in yard, or is there a setup that you are doing? Because it seems like you are dropping down and bhopping to the door, and priming a conc as you go through the door.

I was trying it earlier with just down-trimping off the yard ramp into a conc and it wasnt very consistently, but your way seems better.

Yes, I do a setup and you described it pretty well. The first jump and the timing of the prime are very important. The consideration after that is to sort of hug the left wall and get as far forward in the yard as possible. You want to hit the downtrimp in a spot where you can fly in a straight line into the base.

EDIT: Just FYI, that jump pad down there was a nuisance and was not built by me. It just so happened that I could avoid it and still do the route.


Originally Posted by KubeDawg
Yeah the hard part is just the placement of your jumps so you can jump near the end of the platform before you hit that big gap, otherwise you won't make it, but it's definitely possible. It's only really feasible when taking the flag security and you know the enemy will be near their lower respawn. If you have a conc left over, it's almost just better to conc from the top of the ramp near security to that same main entrance platform.

We're talking about different things. oaties and I were talking about the initial route (drop down from spawn, bhop into a downtrimp -> conc -> slide the whole base). The jump from the cap to the bments just requires a decent strafe jump. If you watch the clip again, you'll notice I stop bhopping and then strafe jump across.

KubeDawg 07-13-2013 03:29 AM

Oh lol, I didn't think much of the concing/sliding part because that's ez. ;P

squeek. 07-13-2013 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by KubeDawg (Post 500744)
Oh lol, I didn't think much of the concing/sliding part because that's ez. ;P


FDA_Approved 07-13-2013 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by squeek. (Post 500747)


KubeDawg 07-13-2013 05:21 AM

Lay off the crack pipe fda.

FDA_Approved 07-13-2013 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by KubeDawg (Post 500755)
Lay off the crack pipe fda.

I think about telling you the same every time you talk.

KubeDawg 07-13-2013 07:20 AM

You obviously lack a sense of humor.

homie in reboks' 07-13-2013 07:34 AM

You obviously lack talent.

KubeDawg 07-13-2013 07:47 AM

Really, and how did you come to that conclusion?

While I don't really feel I need to prove anything, here's a quick video of the route:

I know, not nearly as sweet as squeek's video but it's not rocket science.

homie in reboks' 07-13-2013 07:50 AM

Of course it isn't rocket science, moron. Squeek just told us all how to do it. Your video just shows that Squeek is not only amazing at FF, but amazing at teaching. He manged to get your terrible ass to do something halfway decent.

aleXtric 07-13-2013 07:51 AM

where did the second conc end up? i noticed you stopped the video early.

FDA_Approved 07-13-2013 07:51 AM

If that had been a real match you probly would have thrown a conc at the HW and then walked into an SG rocket or what ever it is you do after wasting your concs.

aleXtric 07-13-2013 07:55 AM


homie in reboks' 07-13-2013 08:04 AM

"Dominant force..." -AleXtric

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