Fortress Forever

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o_wormed 01-12-2007 05:13 PM

ex-QWTFer and dabbled a bit in Q3F. Nothing has come close to the grandeur of QWTF. I hope this changes with FF. If not, i have TF2 to look forward to as well.

o_unf 01-14-2007 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by InternalChi
Holy @#$% lol. You guys are still alive. I thought you would have died by now =D. jk

So much love in the tfc community. I think i wanna start playing again. <3 Sphere and Unf.

LoL ryu i talk to him once in a while. 00D lolz memories. Im surprised #styles is still around FlawlesSstyles. I started that years ago and got locked up then i started playing cs. DuM and exr8ed pretty much keep it going i think.

rofl indeed!!!

o_nocomply 01-15-2007 06:02 AM

I played tfc until the bots ruined what was left of the community. So many servers, so many bots, was tough to find a half decent game with real people. I can't say I stuck around for the nitty gritty, I was in a clan once, didn't really work out cause I was in uni when I joined, then moved home for the summer on a 28k connection, ouch, my 56k modem wasn't any good lol, just bad phone lines.

o_thraine 01-17-2007 02:32 AM

I'm only a recent original TFC player. I've been playing for about two months now on a private server with some friends of mine. I'm still a noob, but I've played enough of the game to like it, and know how it works.

o_-=bingo-bango=- 01-17-2007 02:37 AM

Welcome to the forums! :mrgreen:

o_spiderx 01-17-2007 06:03 AM

I played QWTF for a couple years, loved it. Anyone remember BETAMAP3? I also played some TFC when it came out, but I didn't like the feel of it. They really nerfed the pyro and spy classes, which were my favorites. Then I started playing Weapons Factory (a TF clone on Q2) then Weapons Factory Arena. After the community died down in WFA, I started playing other games, now I mostly play NS. Still can't wait for FF to come out. I hope it will bring back the magic of TF / WFA. I try to keep my skills sharp by playing CS:S... don't know how much more of this crap I can take... I really need my Fortress fix...

o_kauz 01-17-2007 10:03 AM

i guess the FF community will consist mostly of old TFC players (like me). But I really hope FF will be a full victory and gather a big community like in the old days of TFC.

o_coalesce 01-17-2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by kauz
i guess the FF community will consist mostly of old TFC players (like me). But I really hope FF will be a full victory and gather a big community like in the old days of TFC.

yes and i hope the cocky attitudes stay with tfc and die with it (if tfc ever dies, which i am sure it will at SOME point)... they've taken over it seems.

o_skull 01-17-2007 03:46 PM

Played TFC from 2k1 to 2k6 :)
Stopped this year :o Got boring, Brazilian TFC has just died :/

o_rebi 01-17-2007 03:55 PM

TFC was far too slow and easy for QWTF'ers :o)

o_player 01-17-2007 03:58 PM

As a player of both games, I enjoyed TFC more than QWTF, and Quake 3 Arena/CPMA/Defrag still dwarfs the two :P

o_smiling_ol_fu 01-17-2007 08:15 PM

Wonder if old tfc-ers will have a huge advantage over 'noobies'. Looking at the latest movie Id say they will. Bunnyhoping looks the same, theres concing and the movement does look very similar.

o_paft 01-17-2007 09:15 PM

Yes but with modern connections nowadays 'noobs' are grasping the basic (I call them exploit style) skills within a few days. It's Bhing that takes a long time to grasp, which is a good thing and challenging.

Public TFC servers are getting quite dull/bad now, the people in them I mean.

o_soundchaser 01-17-2007 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Paft

Public TFC servers are getting quite dull/bad now, the people in them I mean.

what do you mean??? the trash talk?

TFC was the only game that made me laugh all night and it still does if playing a 32 player server.
all the trash talk...all the spammage....all the detpacks going off in peoples faces. TFC is still my favorite even though it's old with old graphics. FF is gonna be perfect cuz of valves new source engine.

This thread is actually very cool...People telling war stories of "back in the day when TFC ruled" is cool.
Is QWTF really that good?? I never played it.

o_paft 01-17-2007 10:08 PM

Just the way some people play and yes the chatting and bickering it's not bloody IM. It's not quite how I remember it.

o_unf 01-17-2007 10:43 PM

Although experienced tfc players will have an advantage in FF, new people will not have such a hard time getting good because things are made easier to a certain extent, such as bhop, and there will be tutorials for new players so they are aware of all the skills they can potentially master. Furthermore, the new additions to FF will give something new to learn for ones already prominant with skills present in TFC.

Also, I agree the community has developed a very arrogant faggot attitude in the recent years and I hope there will be enough new blood that it gets diluted.

Lastly, there are not many pubs these days but there are 2 which are pretty much always full with people and are quite fun to play in at any level and the admins are not retarded. (I add the last part because at another pub some [DAD] guy banned me for "autoaim script" and would not listent to common sense.)

o_coalesce 01-17-2007 11:19 PM

love those servers and glad to see unfy is wanting this attitude crap to disappear as well.

o_unf 01-17-2007 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by coalesce
love those servers and glad to see unfy is wanting this attitude crap to disappear as well.

I'm normally on the 2fort/well server, expecially when I'm bored at home, or late at night as moistmuffins

o_mullet man 01-18-2007 12:40 AM

I was introduced to "Fortress" in 2002 around Q3F2.2 version. I play some TFC, but the Quake style Fortress is much better in my opinion. I currently play ETF and now Q3FX when I get a chance.

I have HL2, but have not installed it yet since I am awaiting Fortress Forever.

o_own3r 01-18-2007 07:13 PM

Initially I played ETF when that came out, just messing about really then I heard about FF oddly enough FF sparked an interest in TFC.
So I went and learned the basics of TFC now I can play it I'm still a noob at it though. I just play it for kicks anyway so that doesn't really bother me, the only thing I can't abide is when your up against a sniper who can actually aim... damn.
Maybe we should implement random cross-hair movement like those drunk snipers from ww2 games.

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