Fortress Forever

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Lynus 01-29-2011 04:31 AM


btw : i dont have the power.. but

traxamillion 01-29-2011 04:32 AM

Scuzzy/Old Timers server has ruined this game. How can you establish a player base when new players are insta-banned for saying or doing something that harms no one or nothing. should start a petition to get the server taken down. banning 95% of the people that join your server is a joke.

Lynus 01-29-2011 04:35 AM

its because the person that owns Ol Timers, was kicked off the dev team for sucking.

Now all he can do is ruin the game. He's doing a great job.

Peppas 01-29-2011 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Bridget (Post 482131)
That sounds like something you do in #ff.pickup.

We just ban faggots who like to abuse rcon to a private server while a pickup is going on.

Lynus 01-29-2011 04:37 AM

then you should ban yourself

Peppas 01-29-2011 04:38 AM

OHHH nice come back, hows your mom?

Ricey 01-29-2011 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by The Drizzle (Post 482122)
Just give me the source code and I will save this mod. I will get out the chest paddles and get that heat beating again.

Haha, that line made me giggle, lawl.

Ricey 01-29-2011 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Peppas (Post 482137)
OHHH nice come back, hows your mom?

isn't she in your bed?

Peppas 01-29-2011 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ricey (Post 482139)
isn't she in your bed?

She wants me to tell chef hi and that she already made your sandwich for lunch tomorrow its in the fridge.

Lynus 01-29-2011 04:44 AM

so happy i dont have to make up stuff about getting laid.

siscos a joke.

Ricey 01-29-2011 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 482141)
so happy i dont have to make up stuff about getting laid.

siscos a joke.

Fat chicks dont count.

moosh 01-29-2011 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Bridget (Post 482123)
Old Timers Fortress, Patch 2.42
  • Cursing beeped out from vocal audio.
  • Blood and gore replaced with duckies, toy boats, cogs, and fish bones.
  • Melee weapons replaced with pillows. Pillow fight!
  • Particle system implemented to improve pillow feather dynamics.
  • Chat is now parsed to filter out harsh language.
  • Your full name, address, and social networking pages are now logged upon ban.
  • Microphone usage is now limited to ten minutes of total use per day.
  • Our banlist can now be accessed directly through the Main Menu.
  • All projectile based weapons replaced with Nerf Guns.
  • Grenades have been replaced with Water Balloons.
  • Dispenser now dispenses stickers and coloring books.
  • Sentry Gun now simply lights up and plays a silly sound. (Still as useful as it was before!)
  • Medics now drop fresh vegetables and fruits instead of Medkits.
  • Infection removed due to possible offenses to those who have H1N1.
  • Medkit remodelled to a metal tin of kid friendly bandages for boo-boos and ouchies.
  • Detpacks have been replaced with Confetti Cannons.
  • Hints now display bible verses instead of gameplay tips.
  • Capture the Flag changed to a more friendly cooperative version: Give The Flag

Quoted for truth.

You O-T fuckers would shit this mod up badly.

Also, O-T is responsible for killing most of the community. If a new player gets banned from one of the 3 active servers, do you think he still plays?

Bridget 01-29-2011 11:24 AM

Given the numbers, the Old Timers represent Fortress Forever to the beginner. I do not fault them for this unfortunate fact. However, The Old Timer's reputation here is tarnished because of whom they are associated with. That person is Scuzzy. While Old Timers might not be a voluntary representative for this game, its owner, Scuzzy, was. He was a staff moderator here. We all know how much bullshit he created here. Let me just list some stuff he would do:
  • Locked threads, infracted people, and enforced rules subjectively.
  • Allowed his friends to slide by when blatantly breaking rules.
  • Provoked people, forcing them to defend themselves, then punished them.
  • Posted the full name, address, and social networking sites of players on their banlist.
  • (Unconfirmed) Apparently phoned a player's employer trying to get him fired.
  • Wiped an entire sub-forum out when his abuse became obvious.
  • Was generally deceptive, rude, and had a massive superiority complex.
  • Pretty much blackmailed the devs via services, whether they admit it or not.

Scuzzy represented both Fortress Forever and Old Timers when he was a moderator here. That means tarnishing both reputations and creating an association between them. So, it's perhaps better to say "Scuzzy killed Fortress Forever" than "Old Timers killed Fortress Forever". I have played in dozens of family-friendly TF2 servers where swearing is prohibited without a problem, so I don't think it's that type of environment that motivates me to a response, even though I do find those rules to be fucking retarded. It's how those rules are enforced. Well, when you have someone like Scuzzy enforcing these rules, what do you expect?

I just want you dumb-shits to be fair. I realize why people are banned there. They break rules, and they resultingly get banned. I am all for private property as GenghisTron is. I am all for allowing people to do what they want with their private property. I think the solution is to just migrate to another server, and to not make a big fuss about it, too, though I wouldn't exactly suggest people should be accepting of the rules, merely of their right to enforce them on their server. The part that you guys love to ignore is that the rules enforced in the Old Timers server are counter-intuitive for this game. Seriously, family-friendly gaming in a violent video game marketed at adult gamers? Can you at-least acknowledge why beginners might get angry when they get banned? It would be like walking into a bar, and getting arrested for drinking. It's hard to fault the person who gets pissed off if that happens.

The Drizzle 01-29-2011 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Bridget (Post 482123)
Old Timers Fortress, Patch 2.42
  • Cursing beeped out from vocal audio.
  • Blood and gore replaced with duckies, toy boats, cogs, and fish bones.
  • Melee weapons replaced with pillows. Pillow fight!
  • Particle system implemented to improve pillow feather dynamics.
  • Chat is now parsed to filter out harsh language.
  • Your full name, address, and social networking pages are now logged upon ban.
  • Microphone usage is now limited to ten minutes of total use per day.
  • Our banlist can now be accessed directly through the Main Menu.
  • All projectile based weapons replaced with Nerf Guns.
  • Grenades have been replaced with Water Balloons.
  • Dispenser now dispenses stickers and coloring books.
  • Sentry Gun now simply lights up and plays a silly sound. (Still as useful as it was before!)
  • Medics now drop fresh vegetables and fruits instead of Medkits.
  • Infection removed due to possible offenses to those who have H1N1.
  • Medkit remodelled to a metal tin of kid friendly bandages for boo-boos and ouchies.
  • Detpacks have been replaced with Confetti Cannons.
  • Hints now display bible verses instead of gameplay tips.
  • Capture the Flag changed to a more friendly cooperative version: Give The Flag

Actually the new team isn't interested in adding administration pieces to the game's inner workings. They're looking to create a community based list of changes, if enough people want something they'll get it. Tweaks to things like SG push and other weapons would be created by not just development team preferences, but community feedback. I think the [o-t] would even considering wiping it's ban list for a new version of FF and starting fresh with the player-base.

Those who feel [o-t] ruined the game: The Old Timers clan has been around long before Fortress Forever and we heard the same old argument about TFC, "[o-t] is ruining the last remnant of TFC!" Many of you hailed that when FF came out that you'd not have to deal with [o-t] and the community wouldn't play on our server. We basically said that you were all wrong, that we kept TFC alive, and that given time as other FF servers failed our server would continue to thrive. It was the ultimate survivor competition, who's philosophy on server management would win in the end? The No-Rules scream "Nigger" servers or [o-t]'s Multi-chance administrated server. I think it's fairly clear who won that contest.

Those who think Scuzzy Killed this game: Wow, if that's true he absolutely 100% fucked each and every one of you hard-core. If anyone got the last laugh here it must have been him, cause even after a year of not being involved you're still crying about the ass-raping. :) You all bitched and whined about him and he completely wiped out your community and game's popularity single-handedly as revenge? That's fucking genius, I mean, he destroyed you guys! I'd let him know you see him as the all-knowing God of subversion, but the last time I mentioned the game he told me to ask TheGame, that he was the main FF contact within the clan. For someone bent on your destruction I can't even get him to consider logging into your forums, sure you want to give him that much credit?

The Drizzle 01-29-2011 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ricey (Post 482138)
Haha, that line made me giggle, lawl.

lol i do what i can

reaper18 01-29-2011 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 482141)
so happy i dont have to make up stuff about getting laid.

siscos a joke.

Iggy 01-29-2011 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by unbankthx (Post 482127)
I love how you completely went in a completely different direction than my post. The point was that the statistic that only '3%' of the FF community is banned at OT. That number is clearly flawed, and is clearly only true if you believe the smoke and mirrors act that OT puts on. 3% of the current FF community is like..... 2 people. If you include every single person that plays at your server for the past 6 years, and then try and pass that statistic off as valid today, when the active community is not more than a hundred people strong, then there's clearly something wrong here.

I agree, OT can do whatever they want with their own server. I'm a huge fan of private property. However, you aren't entitled to your own facts, especially when you try and use claims like the one above to try and displace the harm you caused on the community off yourself. I'm not going to attempt to blame OT for the fall of FF, because it's clear to me, it's not their fault.

It's as simple as that. You wanna try and use a statistic to minimize the perceived harm you guys caused the community (Keyword: Perceived), that's fine, but being a little intellectually honest is the least you can do if you're already taking the time to draw up such a statistic. People like me, who have seen hundreds, probably thousands complain about being banned at OT for minor offenses, and then hear that, 'Oh, only 3% of the FF userbase is banned!', and as someone who has an amateur interest in statistics, that rings some pretty massive alarm bells.

I went where you refuse to see... Also, what was said(if you had actually READ the information posted, you'd know this) was that 3% of those who have played on OT servers were banned.

Facts are facts, despite if you believe them or not. The sky is blue... yet someone could easily say the sky is orange.

So, to not create yet another wall of text, let me ask you this: Why are you focusing on OT's ban list, and not the shitty behavior of the playerbase? To toss you another analogy; If you walk into a mall and start busting out store windows.... you're going to get thrown out(if your lucky), or maybe arrested. Does that make it the malls fault? Of course not. Quit blaming servers and their rules for the behavior of individuals. It's not going to help the state of the game.

Iggy 01-29-2011 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lynus (Post 482129)
clearly a lie. scuztools instant bans for a multitude of things.

also. yea why hide the truth about the true % of banned FF players from your shit server? its obvious you're scewing the real data with other server bans.

gwarsbane a joke.

the drizzle : if you think you can save the mod and get its "heart" beating again, apply for the dev team. I'll tell you why you wont though. It's either a)you dont know the first thing about coding and would rather spew shit from your mouth and anus at the same time on these forums because you have nothing better to do.
or its b)you do actually know something about C++ but due to being affiliated with OT, your solution to balancing gameplay would be to ban anyone who is better than you and would make for an easy"DENIED"

btw FF mods(iggy) : my last post got deleted... why? an old retired staff can come on here n say whatever the fuck he feels like "same ol bitchin you bitches", but i fire back at him and i get the shaft? what i said was true, noone gives 2 shits or a fuck about what a retired ff staff member says, especially if its a useless "same old bitchin you bitches" post. its the retired FF staffers fault the game isnt on orange box, steamworks, polished and shining. they bailed on us, FUCK EM!

Scuzztools does instabans, yes. However, those bans can be challenged and overturned. The "bot" is there as an interventional tool until the humans can deal with the situation.

As far as your last post, Zip made an observation.... the following two were direct attacks. I didn't delete them.... because I was trying to decide if I was going to put an infraction on top of removing them. Someone beat me to it, so I'll let it go.

Now... after my last post, I read page 3.... and decided that you jackasses are going to keep flaming each other. Instead of editing a page full of posts, and dishing out infractions for flaming, I decided to move the whole damned thing to D&A. Be thankfull I'm in a good mood today.

Bridget 01-29-2011 04:23 PM

Dumbest analogy ever, really. You made it assuming. yet again, that people have a problem with Old Timers having rules and being able to enforce them, when in reality, it's how dumb the rules are that bothers people. It's perfectly and intuitively understandable why a mall would have rules to prevent vandalism, but it makes no sense why someone would have a super-strict family-friendly environment in a violent video game full of, for the most part, (young) adults, who for the most part don't give two shits about the values upheld in such a server. It's about expectations.

Etzell 01-29-2011 06:31 PM

I'm sick to death of the 3% BANS LOL quote floating around.
Maybe that's true across all games... But I'd like to see the banlist filtered JUST for FF bans. It's clearly not at the present.

If it's not more than 3%, I'll retract this post, but I'll also be shocked.

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