Fortress Forever

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barronofhellion 05-24-2007 02:29 AM

:confused: that sucks, i didnt know that where the hell is that at

Beetle 05-24-2007 02:42 AM

Pixel 05-24-2007 02:42 AM

Click the block tool thingie (forgot the name) then right side drop down box under Primitives arch, block, cylinder, sphere, spike, torus (wee donuts), wedge.


Beetle 05-24-2007 02:43 AM

woohoo! I win!

barronofhellion 05-24-2007 03:13 AM

:evil: /me pulls hair out
well thanks man that will help big time, never noticed that ... i rememberd that old school world craft had that but never noticed that rolldown enabled when you clicked on the brush tool

barronofhellion 05-25-2007 05:06 AM

well im geting carried away, i dont know whats going to take longer , texturing for the map, or vis'ing... here are some more nodraw pictures
here is some various brushes to break up the empty space in that spot , also maybe to help block vis..
another atempt to add a little fortress likeness and block vis at the same time.. along with fancy steps
lastly a update on this part.. with another added path that really goes nowhere but should allow somewhat of a advance for attackers leaving homebase, instead of having to walk or float to the side path they can drop in the center path.. or conc to the sky and float around a bit i guess :p

luminous 05-25-2007 09:54 AM

gna have quad damage up on the skybridge thing where the redeemer was? make it require a 2/3 conc juggle to get up there ^_^

barronofhellion 05-25-2007 01:01 PM

well im thinking if you conc in low grav you probably would end up floating on the ceiling, but i never really plaied on lowgav servers...

Loader 05-25-2007 01:16 PM

Can you keep the yellow textures please? kkthx

nodnarb 05-25-2007 04:05 PM

I have a yellow texture that will actually appear as yellow in game. :D lol

-=bingo-bango=- 05-25-2007 06:25 PM

Lookin good :D


Originally Posted by nodnarb
I have a yellow texture that will actually appear as yellow in game. :D lol

id probably accidently use that instead of nodraw in a map :p

BlisTer 05-25-2007 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by barronofhellion

here is some various brushes to break up the empty space in that spot , also maybe to help block vis..
another atempt to add a little fortress likeness and block vis at the same time.. along with fancy steps

some nice architecture in there, but i don't really see how you're blocking vis. you vis-block an area from another if you prevent that any point on any line drawn from your viewpoint sees the other area.

barronofhellion 05-26-2007 12:42 AM

heh well thats what i meant by maybe... because this map is 100% open ... so there might be like a small small part where vis is actually blocked. mostlikely not, i just dont know how i could block vis and keep the game play in tact so i thought id add something to the wasted space that might block something if not make the map look better ;)

own3r 05-26-2007 11:00 AM

If that is the case you have to try and be as economical as possible with the number of different textures, props and maybe even brushes to reduce lag. Maybe limit the map to 4-6 different textures and a limited number of props since it will be a big level all drawn at once with 20 odd players all drawn at once.

If you make everything which doesn't border the 'void' func_detail it will also make vis take less time :)

barronofhellion 05-27-2007 05:44 PM

well things are going good with the map. pritty much done with the main area with the exception of a few more small details probably, however making the spawns is taking forever.. i really wanted to have a spawn that fit the map.. does anybody know , if the backpacks will spawn on the ground or spawn where the entity is placed in the map? i was hoping to place the backpack inside the tubes you see here and have them drop to the ground, ill have more yellow goodness for you later... must do laundry now :mad:

Beetle 05-27-2007 05:48 PM

The bags will be placed where ever the entity is placed, just like in TFC. We don't want bags flying around the room from explosions...or do we..?

barronofhellion 05-27-2007 05:51 PM

well i mean if i place the entity in the top of those tubes there, will they fall to the ground after they spawn, if not i guess ill have it on the ground

Beetle 05-27-2007 05:52 PM

Well I bet default it will stay where the entity is placed, but it might can be customizable, but just look at those cz2 sshots, the bags are placed in midair and stay there.

nodnarb 05-27-2007 06:04 PM

Yes, the bags stay where the entity was placed. As far as I know, because I haven't messed with them much, that is the only way they can be.

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