Fortress Forever

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o_nezumi 07-05-2006 11:27 PM

Holy crap, 7 maps? What the hell am I getting myself into?

o_addicted to morphine 07-12-2006 12:26 PM

Circ, awesome work on managing this thread. It's a really good resource.

I just noticed, however, that a vast majority of the community maps, judging from the lack of activity in their threads, have been abandoned. I think it might be useful to label them as such, until the original mappers get in contact with you, or post here with updates. Perhaps that will give other mappers a chance to take over a conversion that's been forgotten.

It's your thread and feel free to disagree, but I just think it's a shame that the maps that did get finished (or are currently progressing nicely) are lost among the listing of scores of now-abandoned maps that were started by mappers with good intentions.

Just some thoughts.

Oh, and a couple other small things:
-You have Kermit listed as possibly working on 2fort, but schtoofa recently mentioned that eat's working on it.

Originally Posted by schtoofa
eat's been an awesome force for us and has been focusing his efforts in many places (well, crossover, 2fort, schtop), so unfortunately uno hasn't received much attention as of late. It's not been forgotten, though!

-broken tags on the community maps "chaos" and "ff_4tron"

Circuitous 07-13-2006 03:18 AM

You've got a point about the clean-up. I've got the weekend free, so I'll do it then, and maybe schedule one every month or so.

Also, thanks for the tips, I'll fix those up now.

Edit: Fixed up. When I do the clean-up I'll save all the ones I remove and post them as a list here.

o_addicted to morphine 07-13-2006 04:38 AM

Awesome :)

Circuitous 07-14-2006 03:01 AM

Glad you liked it. :-P

Circuitous 07-16-2006 06:57 PM

CLEANED THE FUCK UP. Holy hell lots of maps were taken off.

Okay, here are the since-removed maps:

2chemv2 by RusH
2mesa by omegay (isn't he on the dev team now?)
2night1 by DocWolfe
Aftershock by Zorro
Chaos by swampthing
Darkness by sensai -- will be resumed later.
DNA by Headz
Facility3 by JDCruz
FF_Casbah by SizeableSSonic
FF_Icefort by Loader
FF_Knobber by luminous
FF_Ramparts by Jinx
FF_Ruiner by spacer
FF_Seasons by Tabris91
FF_Spit by DiePepsi
FF_NML by Alligator
FF_Wellfort2 by Bluestrike01
Flagtrap by D3pth Charge/xnarf
Fortresseurope by Epothon
Mulch_Trench by Ginger Lord
Shutdown by RusH
Tempest_R3 by hf_

FF_Dustplate by Commander
FF_Silo by Mervaka
Osaka by Count Chocula

2fortsniper by cybertrip
Concheadz4 by Headz
Border Classic by LordSoth
EJGS_Hunted by drZauis
Engbat by dym
FF_Barren by Donny
Flagrun by Anshinritsumai
Run by BlackHand
Scrummage by Oinker
Warpath by Osiris

If your map is on this list and you're still working on it, GIVE US UPDATES. If the map has been scrapped/left alone, let me know and I'll remove it permanently.

(Yes, I saved all the entries and their formatting. I can add them back in easily. No worries.)

o_shadow34721 07-17-2006 03:36 AM

congestus was done.

although i do plan to completely redo it, so there will be updates.
(dont like the look it ended up with -- terrible)

o_kam 07-17-2006 03:54 AM

can't do much with xpress till ff is out

o_nodnarb 07-17-2006 02:13 PM

last I heard warpath was still being worked on.

Circuitous 07-17-2006 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by shadow34721
congestus was done.

although i do plan to completely redo it, so there will be updates.
(dont like the look it ended up with -- terrible)


Originally Posted by kam
can't do much with xpress till ff is out

Acknowledged, will re-add.


Originally Posted by nodnarb
last I heard warpath was still being worked on.

Last I heard it was still being worked on, too, but that was a long damn time ago.

o_nodnarb 07-17-2006 08:49 PM

haha ok

o_sensai 07-18-2006 03:59 PM

I'd say omegay is still going to do 2mesa, but it won't come out with the first release of FF.

As for darkness, I'm holding off work until I am back in school (because my computer to work on it is at school and I'm off working all day long).

o_josh1122 07-20-2006 09:57 AM

good looking stuff guys.

This is going to sound weird because I think im the only guy in the TFC universe that loves playing these maps but.. I think someone should make CablesTFC and FireFortress. Had classic matches back in the day on those maps. I wish I knew how to make maps myself or else id take a crack at it :(

o_nodnarb 07-21-2006 06:30 AM

I was thinking about fire fortress we have it in rotation on our server :P

o_josh1122 07-21-2006 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by nodnarb
I was thinking about fire fortress we have it in rotation on our server :P

Holy crap, whats ip? i havent played that map in forever :(

but yes, someone make FireFortress for FF, me will love you long time! lol

o_nodnarb 07-21-2006 11:05 PM

well it was in our rotation, but at the end of the map you can vote for fire fortress

I will pm you the ip

o_swampthing360 07-27-2006 07:48 PM

if i ever get good as u guys at mapping i will show you what ive done for now its just a bunch of buildings and stuff like that lol id love to do a map for FF maybe a 1off map made just for you FF guys and girls im having ideas it's just testing my skills as a mapper to put it in to the levels lol i can try and do a fire fortress map but i doubt it will looks n e thing lol

Circuitous 07-27-2006 07:49 PM

Try syllables and sentences.

o_swampthing360 07-27-2006 07:51 PM

yeah that too haha

o_stino 07-30-2006 10:12 AM


ff_badlands /// author: stino /// status: in development - ??% - download current version (HL2DM)
url is wrong:



i hate it when i change host :p

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