Fortress Forever

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View Poll Results: Choose all that apply. Do not choose contradictory selections. Be honest.
I enjoy playing as the Sniper in Fortress Forever. 27 38.57%
I enjoy playing against the Sniper in Fortress Forever. 21 30.00%
I believe that the way the Sniper class plays is unfair, broken, etc. 27 38.57%
I believe that the way the Sniper class plays is fair, valid, etc. 20 28.57%
I believe that the Sniper is overpowered. 19 27.14%
I believe that the Sniper is underpowered. 12 17.14%
I believe that the Sniper is balanced. 15 21.43%
I believe that the Sniper should remain unchanged. 17 24.29%
I believe that the Sniper should be tweaked /or/ possibly revamped. 39 55.71%
I believe that the Sniper should just be removed or restricted to fun maps. 18 25.71%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 70.

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