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Ricey Ricey is offline

UI Designer
Front-End Developer

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 112
  1. Dr.Satan
    10-30-2009 07:47 AM
    got you a little something for your birthday!
  2. Pon
    10-28-2009 05:42 AM
    I'm not familiar with the map scrummage, so gimme more info on it. Though fuck knows when I'll have time to get to it, hardly had much chance to do bugger all the last 2 weeks, and that looks set to continue for a while :/

    And yeah, feel free to do what you like with those bits of Lua.
  3. TonyCip
    10-26-2009 05:16 PM
    i hope tr cuts off your peepee and burys it in the dirt!
  4. Mikael_hs
    10-01-2009 11:50 AM
  5. GeoKill----->
    09-29-2009 02:16 AM
    I sell em, not give em away cheap ass
  6. GeoKill----->
    09-28-2009 10:26 PM
    you're too cheap to buy tacos
  7. Rawh
    09-20-2009 02:27 PM
    I'm not a meanie!
  8. Hirohito
    08-22-2009 02:27 AM
    keep that up and im gonna sit in front of every sentry u build
  9. Dr.Satan
    07-28-2009 01:27 AM
    lmao you are an Atlantic city whore Ricey
  10. Dr.Satan
    07-27-2009 06:48 PM
    yeah! Captain Planet right!!

About Me

  • About Ricey
    I am a Jew
    Winter Park, FL
    Front-End Web Developer
    Class / Position
    D Eng
    Gametype of Choice
    CTF 9v9
    Clans or Guilds
    .gr , smr
  • Signature
    Support FF:
    Maps : Haste |Scrummage |Mulch_Trench
    Voltage | Exchange Classic | Fortsake
    ricecakes: I demand SGs get a buff
    squeek.: buy it a gym membership

    'I have an eye for design' - Kube 2014


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
Helpful Postings
  • Ricey's Posts have been rated good 46 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-24-2024 02:46 AM
  • Join Date: 05-03-2008
  • Referrals: 2


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