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Dr.Satan Dr.Satan is offline

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 22
  1. Ricey
    07-28-2009 01:30 AM
    That hurts man, that really hurts..
  2. Ricey
    07-28-2009 12:17 AM
    Man, it was such a bad idea to stay up all night, now I know how an Atlantic City Hooker feels like after work.
  3. Ricey
    07-27-2009 05:47 PM

    "Go Planet!"

    "By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!"
  4. Elmo
    07-16-2009 11:47 AM
    just realised my last reply was on my profile and not urs... duh
  5. Crazycarl
    07-11-2009 09:21 PM
    Well, yeah. I logged on today and now the SDK and SDK base are updating and I can't run either until they're done (innernet is slow). That's why I never log on.
  6. Crazycarl
    07-11-2009 05:41 PM

    I'm almost never online, though.
  7. Elmo
    07-10-2009 09:31 PM
    thanks for the privacy note i only did the [at] in case bots scan pages... they can do that can't they?
  8. Elmo
    07-10-2009 07:26 AM
    I suck at lua mate! Really would not ask me.

    edit: removed for privacy
  9. [AE] 82694
    07-10-2009 06:15 AM
    [AE] 82694
    Cum Guzzling Slut
  10. Skanky Butterpuss
    07-02-2009 08:27 PM
    Skanky Butterpuss
    theyre all a bunch of pussies now. either that, or they all stopped giving a shit about FF to even start shit anymore

About Me


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  • Dr.Satan's Posts have been rated good 19 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-14-2022 02:32 AM
  • Join Date: 09-24-2007
  • Referrals: 2


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