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Elmo Elmo is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 54
  1. 9u-9u-9u
    05-15-2010 03:20 AM
    Hey, I got in

    Thanks again
  2. Dexter
    03-11-2010 07:11 PM
    its committed with updated dlls, but I have no way to test so you're on your own. if anything is funky with it pm it to me
  3. Dexter
    03-11-2010 06:41 PM
    yea I'll recommit it today, hows that sound. I havent QAd it a whole lot though
  4. glass 2.0
    11-30-2009 11:59 PM
    glass 2.0
    dude we got a game NOW
  5. Ricey
    09-29-2009 11:37 AM
    i r reposted
  6. Pon
    09-24-2009 07:31 PM
    Yeah, figured you'd probably ask for that, or something similar, though tbh I hope someone does a better pic for it, mine sucked.

    I'll look into it.
  7. Pon
    09-22-2009 06:04 PM
    Work.. meh...

    2.4 is much better than work. 0.1 was probably better than work
  8. Pon
    09-21-2009 02:35 PM
    Yeah, ok. Check your warpath topic I guess.
  9. Dr.Satan
    08-08-2009 08:18 PM
    lmao fuck yeah there is...been at it for like a day and a half now and I'm just barely finishing the first section
  10. Dr.Satan
    07-16-2009 04:29 PM
    lmao nice...yeah I'm hoping to get in. Submitted my app to squeek a few days ago, so we'll see!

About Me

  • About Elmo
    Systems Engineer
    Class / Position
    Med Solly HW
    Gametype of Choice
  • Signature
    Support FF:
    Done: ff_monkey
    Done: ff_bases
    Done: ff_warpath
    Forever Doing: ff_medieval (beta#99999999)


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
Helpful Postings
  • Elmo's Posts have been rated good 41 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-13-2020 08:02 PM
  • Join Date: 06-23-2007
  • Referrals: 3


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