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Elmo Elmo is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 54 of 54
  1. Nuk3m
    01-08-2009 08:03 PM
    What I mean is, what I should to do detail the base further. I mean the texturing is good, but it still feels like just a shell to me, I want to make a lighting / model theme that increases the feel of the map. I want to use the team flag models, light models, etc. Aside from that, I need to get VIS working properly. IDK.

    I normally use walls 16 units thick, just gives me more room to play with. im not mapping god, but I think I did a good job on my map.
  2. Nuk3m
    01-08-2009 11:29 AM
    Yeah I just did the same with my map... remade the entire base, i cut out a ton of brush faces, in the old build, a compile would yield 19% used for just the one base, ive been able to cut that down to 9%. hopefully VIS, will be better too. Optimizing it wasnt too difficult, im just now trying to maximize the detail, but just dont know what I should do with the map.
  3. Nuk3m
    01-07-2009 06:05 PM
    hey elmo, whats up?
  4. PsychoLogical
    01-05-2009 05:01 PM
    yo man

About Me

  • About Elmo
    Systems Engineer
    Class / Position
    Med Solly HW
    Gametype of Choice
  • Signature
    Support FF:
    Done: ff_monkey
    Done: ff_bases
    Done: ff_warpath
    Forever Doing: ff_medieval (beta#99999999)


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  • Elmo's Posts have been rated good 41 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-13-2020 08:02 PM
  • Join Date: 06-23-2007
  • Referrals: 3


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