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squeek. squeek. is offline

Stuff Do-er

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 31
  1. harmonyofchaos3514
    03-27-2012 10:47 PM
    Hi! I was wondering if you could help me. I posted a thread in the modding section about how to add skins to a model. i downloaded applications, MilkShape 3D, kHED, MDL Decompiler, StudioCompiler, DuctTape, VTFEdit, GCFScape. What I did was use MDL Decompiler to decompile the ff_shutdown2 front door to get the SMD file. I took the VTF texture using VTFEdit that gave a targa file that I edited to create a yellow and green team texture. I am attempting to add these skins to the SMD file, then compile them back into a model. I know how to create a VTF and edit the VMF with VTF Edit. Thats not what I am trying to do, I am trying to make a model with the two new skins. I read that i need to make a QC file too which I do not know how to do. I am looking to create a model with only the yellow and green skins so i dont mess up ff_shutdown2 model in the game. I was wondering if you can help me. Thanks!
  2. Ricey
    07-27-2011 10:42 PM
    pew pew in ya face
  3. Majesty
    07-12-2011 03:22 PM
    Some more music
  4. [AE] 82694
    05-20-2011 10:48 AM
    [AE] 82694
    what are you doing up @ 3:45 am? I'm on my way to work.
  5. Elmo
    05-12-2011 03:37 PM
    echo of mirc: "is it fontlab you use for fonts or something else?"
  6. Lynus
    12-23-2010 06:19 AM
    u make me horny
  7. Bomber
    11-05-2010 07:46 PM
    Squeak can you please unban my skillet account? When I reset password with it it still says I can't login
  8. Ricey
    09-28-2010 08:53 PM
    d00d,your avatar is creepy. You look like you are about to surprise butt sex someone.
  9. KubeDawg
    09-23-2010 06:08 PM
    Hey Squeek, trying to setup SVN on my computer, and the instructions say:

    Once your password is set some configuration will need to be done to link your forum and SVN account.

    Is this something you can configure or is it done automatically?
  10. onE
    08-09-2010 08:09 PM
    Sorry to disturb the great and powerful squeek. But when i try to update svn, it says i need to login now..and i dont remember my pword...i looked in User CP --> edit options and there isnt one saved there.

About Me

  • About squeek.
    Northern California
    Doing stuff
    Class / Position
    Rallygun Shooter
    Gametype of Choice
    Conc tag (you just wait)
    Clans or Guilds
    Mustache Brigade
  • Signature
    #FF.Pickup ยค Fortress-Forever pickups

    My Non-official Maps
    Released FF_DM_Squeek - FF_2Mesa3_Classic - FF_Siege_Classic
    Beta FF_Myth - FF_Redlight_Greenlight

    Sick of the people on the internet, always moanin'. They just moan.
    - Karl Pilkington


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  • squeek.'s Posts have been rated good 352 times.
General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-17-2024 08:37 AM
  • Join Date: 03-20-2007
  • Referrals: 3


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