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1 0 0 0
for all the old TF Players
1 0 0 0
FlagRun Networks (
1 0 0 0
This is a group that advocates peace in the Middle East, including calling for an end to Israeli war crimes and humanitarian violations in Palestine. This group recognizes Israeli's occupation of Palestine regardless of opinion on whether there ought to be a state of Israel. This group recognizes--without prejudice toward race, ethnicity, or religion--Israel's human rights abuses, violation of international law, and war crimes directed toward Palestinians. This group is saddened by the violence in the Middle East and urges Israel to discontinue its policy of expansion and oppression over safety and peace. This group does not advocate any particular solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict except that all aggressive hostilities end.
3 1 4 15
09:25 AM
People who enjoy the kinder things in life.
9 1 2 0
07:38 PM
Represent bitchez!
3 1 2 0
10:00 PM
A group specialising in AvD and ID gameplay and/or mapping. FF.AvD @ FF.SNT -
9 1 5 0
01:24 AM
This is the AssEater Clan's FF social group on the FF forums. To chat with us directly visit our forums at:
8 1 3 0
10:05 PM
Its that armor, we need more of it!
4 1 2 0
06:51 PM
:e0: Hang out spot
15 1 18 0
08:27 PM
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