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View Full Version : Mapping

01-25-2005, 02:00 AM
One of the first things I noticed about the original Teamfortress was the fact that one map could have a completely different form of gameplay then other maps which I thought was incredibly cool. So my question is will there be more customization for mappers in FF to allow greater variety in custom map objectives? I am picturing a simpler Stacraft type mapping for Team Fortress in which a mapper can apply simple scripting to give a map a lot of customization to the gameplay based on the theme of a map. I always thought a maptype that was basically like the jailbreak mod in Quake 2 would be pretty cool for instance although I've never been able to take the time to learn mapping.

01-25-2005, 05:04 PM
for sure!

We've already come up with a few great map objectives to make the game alot more interesting. :)

Valve came up with a few with flagrun and warpath etc, but we have a few of our own brewing in the pot. :)