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Old 09-19-2007, 04:57 PM   #41
Stupid Idea Mill
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How about we just give all the clanstyle server ip's to myg0t and let FF's two biggest groups of asshats keep each other out of everyone elses way.
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Old 09-19-2007, 04:58 PM   #42
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The only rule I want to see is no offy shooting offy. ONLY In clan style games though The other rules are fucking shit
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Old 09-19-2007, 05:15 PM   #43
SoBe Green
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Most clanners have the no Offense vs. Offense rule to keep a smooth clean game going. Its not a dumb rule but its a dumb rule to try and enforce in FF's current state as its not ready to be played competitively yet. If anything right now thats bad for the community by turning away newer players who just want to figure out how to play the game.

When done properly these rules can make a really fun game if you know how to play your role. The only dumb rules of course are no nade spamming SGs and the no Pyro rule which makes little to no sense. No Pyro on D in a pub with friendly fire on would make a little sense but for O Pyro should be able to do whatever he wanted.

This is a problem I saw coming. Clanners will need to adapt to new rules and new methods of play just like the new players have to adapt to a completely new game period or else the TF community isn't as great as I have always seen it to be.

If you new players end up on a server trying to enforce these rules your better off just leaving. Don't mouth off just leave and find a new server. Or if your interested try playing by the rules and you'll find its pretty fun. It is definitely one of the best ways to learn when to rocket jump/conc jump and you get to see a lot of your teammates doing it over and over. In most pubs learning those kinds of jumps is hard because you've got 3 HWs chasing you and a Sniper with his dot on you only to have a soldier just shooting rockets in all directions because his mouse pad fell off his desk.
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Old 09-19-2007, 05:18 PM   #44
Stupid Idea Mill
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Yes god forbid people have to deal with being shot at by the enemy. It's so... uncivilized. I don't remember all the absurd clan tags but I just got done with a rather long game of Well where I annoyed the hell out of a lot of clanners by ruining their jumps with some well timed Incendiary rockets.
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Old 09-19-2007, 06:09 PM   #45
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I understand you might not like the rules but they make the game much better for everyone. The entire point of the game is to capture the flag (on most maps) so if a scout is knocked down to 1hp before he even get in the base it's not much fun for him or for the defending players.

If you want a spam fest then there are maps like dustbowl or push which will happily accomodate your gameplay style. If your wanting a game which you can actually capture the flag then clan rule servers are the way to go.

Old 09-19-2007, 07:42 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Vagabond
...if a scout is knocked down to 1hp before he even get in the base it's not much fun for him or for the defending players.
That scout needs to work on his conc skills. Problem solved.
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Old 09-19-2007, 07:46 PM   #47
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If there aren't any rules, it just ends up in a giant spamfest.Some servers are made for that, others not. We run a 16 slot server and as soon as it begins to fill up, gameplay goes down. On shutdown2 for example, there are at least 2 HW's on the yard or on roof of the "middle bunker" spamming the other teams exit. Most times they are joined by a Pyro and Demo, just deathmatching on the yard. The spammed-on team counters with some 4 snipers. The others are some random classes that run out and deathmatch. Seldome I see anyone trying to conc over them.

Our server will have the following rules:
-) No excessive yardspamming / midmapping
-) Only two (maybe one depending on map) HW per team.
-) No flaming, insulting,... just have fun. And remember, its only a GAME.

The HW rule is taken over from TFC and since HW got even stronger I considered it as worth keeping. Three yard / ramp HWs on shutdown2 take out the fun of it, especially for beginners that can't conc fast and past them. I want to avoid the really hard spamming in the middle and get a bit of organized playing in it, showing new players that it doesn't have to end up in deathmatching every time and can be fun when done Off vs. Def.
Everyone from my clan would be glad to explain about what Fortress game style is and no one will get kicked for not knowing what "midmapping" means. If there's a questions about gameplay, just ask it.

The other rules like "No Pyro", "No nades at SG's" are pure garbage. Never saw those even in leagues around here and never will put them on our server.

Note: ATM our server isn't on it's final hardware and the configs aren't done, so there aren't any rules now. Will change during the weekend.

Old 09-19-2007, 08:10 PM   #48
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Feel free to play in our servers. Its a VERY laid back type atmosphere and besides some language and no-hacking rules, its loosely regulated. Just come and have fun!

IP: Fortress Forever (22 slots)
IP: Fortress Forever Low Gravity (22 slots)

=SF= ReHab
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Old 09-19-2007, 08:44 PM   #49
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Trying to impose artificial rules into a game would suggest they want to play a different game entirely.

The "rules" are already programmed into the game.

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Old 09-19-2007, 09:44 PM   #50
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I agree with those saying that clanstyle servers should be passworded and the password shared on IRC. This should be a priority and

maybe a new capitalised sticky should be made to spread the word. FF is the underdog in a crowded market already.

* Don't shoot enemy offense - This should be a rule in passworded clanstyle servers only.
* Don't spam SG's with grenades - This should not be a rule anywhere (and never has been????).
* Don't spam midfield - This should be a rule on passworded clanstyle servers only.
* Pyro not an allowed class - This rule should be junked on all servers.
* Don't infect enemy players - This rule should be junked on all servers, (even in ovd imo).
* Don't chase FC past midfield - This rule should be junked on any server.

Last edited by accrede; 09-19-2007 at 09:55 PM.
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Old 09-19-2007, 10:55 PM   #51
Iori Branford
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The best action for the players who find themselves on such servers would be to break the hell out of these rules until the admins take the hint and either

a) password the server.
b) write their own damn metamod where anyone in the enemy base is invulnerable, grenades don't damage sentries, weapons in midfield are safety'd automatically, Pyro is disabled, Medic's infection is disabled, the flag guy is invulnerable in his own base (in which case the whole base might as well be the cap-point to save time), or whatever other bullshit they want to push on us.

Last edited by Iori Branford; 09-19-2007 at 11:01 PM.

Old 09-19-2007, 11:19 PM   #52
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The only one that makes any sense to me is OvO. I've never been a big fan of it, but whatever, that's me. Others sound inappropriate.
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Old 09-19-2007, 11:44 PM   #53
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Can't resist adding my pinch of salt.
I usually play on those servers (actually on Smackdown). I partially agree to those rules but I feel they are necessary somehow but they do obviously hurt FF since they shutdown access to newbies.
But anyway, FF is what now would be considered a very hardcore niche FPS. Not a lot of players are going to play those kind of games anymore and most of the new guys are playing TF2, so I'm sorry but don't count on a lot of noobs coming in to try it out. FF market is basically TFC/QTF vets (eventhough a true QTF vet hates the slower paced TFC). FF amateur mod team can't really compare with the PR bullshit of valve. :/

Now, those guys want to play like they did in the past and are wary of changes. That's understandable. For them, that's their game, and they make the rules, especially on their server.
Don't like? Play on a pub, otherwise try to make an effort and see how it goes. It's usually much more intense and competitive than your usual stuff. They know what they are doing, teamplay is at its best on pubs. Once you go beyond their attitude, they can be helpful.

But, imho, as a pretty dumb good old solly def, those rules are way too much in favor of the concers. It feels to me as a way for them, those cocky arrogant vets, to show off their leet conc skillz. "YaY, I cap on Aardvark in less than 10 seconds, I'm so frikkin' leet." Hey, nobody cares how leet you think you are. Try to switch around and go on defense see how fun it is to be conced half the time, with guys speeding around and sometimes no SG to help out. TF's not all about cappin' as fast as you can.

One of my other rant with that rule, is as a solly I have a choice between offense and defense, but how's a medic for the opposite team's gonna make a different between a soldier coming out of spawn? Is he on defense or on offense? So I can't shoot them but they can shoot me? That's not very fair, is it?

The "don't chase/shoot the FC after midmap rule" is understandable. You are not helping your team. But the rule not to shoot the FC if you are on offense? How lame's that? So I'm an offense guy, a soldier at that, coming out of spawn and I can't shoot the enemy FC that just went past me. My objectives are to cap and to deny enemy caps. And please, don't tell me "that's the way it's played so STFU and suck on it". I played competitive matches in top euro leagues in late 2000- early 2001 like probably a lot of guys around here, nobody had those rules at that time. In matches, you adapt you might be defending but suddenly your leader tells you, go give them a hand on offense. I'm sure as hell not going to make the job easier for the other team if I switch.

True some things were considered wrong, a full Heavy defense was considered lame, fair enough, 5 guys in the FR, very lame... Not starting a spammy mess in the midmap? I'm cool with that too. It keeps the game clear and open.
But not shooting the guys from the other teams in my base or in theirs? WTF? Maybe I should give them so leeway and grab their conc when they cj too? I'm soldier, I'm here to kill people and to make the job easier for the lighter classes, my job's not too cap if I'm on offense.
Those are common sense rules, you don't have to go nazi about it. Give the game some room already! This is not a set piece game, it's fast, it's fluid. Adapt!

Anyway, that's my two cents on it and my soldier rant. Won't change a goddamn thing but whatever. My bet is vets will play on their own with their own, and noobs will stay on their level on their own. Always was, always will.

Old 09-19-2007, 11:48 PM   #54
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I thought I would give a clan style server a go for the first time tonight (in FF) and tbh it was awful.

I have no problem with the basic set of rules regarding backtracking etc but to limit Sniper and Pyro to -1, Hwg and Demo (and engineer I think, may have been two) to 1 on a brand new game is utterly stupid. People need to stop thinking this is TFC and treating it as such.

Great job on trying to kill the game!
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Old 09-20-2007, 12:08 AM   #55
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Fortress Smackdown | Clan Style Gameplay - FF Community
I checked them out tonitght and, wow, those guys are really off. Puts off every new player for sure. Puts even off clan players like me because I think forcing TFC def setups in FF is way wrong. I want back the 10 minutes of my life.

Old 09-20-2007, 01:25 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by ojannen
The arbitrary rules are why I quit playing tfc in pubs. Rules should be limited to things that can be implemented in the server and obvious bugs. Show me another major fps that has this restrictive a rule set.

Look at the css ruleset. It pretty much says don't cheat, don't abuse map issues, don't defuse the bomb through the floor, and don't crouch run. The only one that is somewhat arbitrary is the bomb defusal. Except for that, each rule specifically mentions an exploit or bug that the community cannot fix on their own. There are no restrictions on who you can fight, where you can shoot, or what guns you can buy.

If league play wants to even consider attracting new people, these rules either need to be removed or hard coded into the servers or maps. It adds another barrier to entry for new teams that is just unnecessary.
No AWPs ring a bell? In Swat4 -- No UMP. In others they block the machine gun. It is a normal thing. Hell Halo lets you specify the weapons that are on the map.
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Old 09-20-2007, 02:15 AM   #57
Johnny Mullet
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Enemy Territory Fortress (along with all other TF games) have these gay "Gentleman Rules" and if these rules are enforced on a public server, then it really hurts new players who just want to get a few kills.

Kindergarten ETF has a public server and a Gather server. Those rules are enforced on the Gather server so the "Elite" can have clan type matches without having to stop and cry about the "Outside Minigunner"
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Old 09-20-2007, 07:04 AM   #58
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There are only few clanstyle only servers and if the community of new players starts growing they will sink in the masses.
But maybe an option beside "add server to favorites", "ignore server" in the server browser would be nice.
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Old 09-20-2007, 11:17 AM   #59
Stupid Idea Mill
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Lets look at it this way.

Skill to a player: Cleaning your base on the way out, making it past the enemy offense, getting past the enemy defense, stopping the enemy flag carrier from capping, killing a sentry, grabbing the flag, getting back out, capping the flag with the whole enemy team on your ass.

Skill to a clanner: Going all the way to the enemy base without getting shot at once and then not being shot at by half the enemy team while inside the base and also not being shot at on the way back.

I wonder which person actually has more skill. The guy that can make it past 16 people of varying classes and however many of each class the enemy team is using, or the guy that only ever gets shot at by 3-5 people and never needs to worry about any hard defense.

Personally I'm more impressed by the guy that shows some real skill rather than the guy that whines and complains and screams "PUBSTAR FAGGOT" when people shoot at him.
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Old 09-20-2007, 11:29 AM   #60
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Its obviously all because of a lack of skill
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