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Old 02-01-2006, 05:01 PM   #21
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Will spy feigning make a come back in Fortress Forever ?
Negative. This is due to engine limitations.

Last edited by o_ivaqual; 07-14-2006 at 11:17 PM.
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Old 02-07-2006, 03:12 AM   #22
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Links are wrong due to forum change

Are we going to have some kind of autorecord in FF?

Originally Posted by Defrag
We've already discussed something regarding autorecord, and it's already been done with sparky's hook for TFC, so doing it for FF shouldn't be too hard. Obviously core game stuff comes first, but we'll be looking to extend recording functionality.


Is the nail Grenade Glitch going to be in FF?

Originally Posted by Defrag
I would've thought it'd be pretty obvious that we were fixing this.


Are we going to have a solution to telefraging?

Originally Posted by Dospac
We should have a simple solution to this. There is a really obvious one.. Not mentioned here yet.


Whats going to be the players max limit in a server?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
We're planning on hard coding normal TFC team limits - so 32 players max. If the game runs fine with more players we might expand on that..


Is the scout going to have any new features?

Originally Posted by Dospac
Scout has one major new feature and a few small other things. That's what we've said publicly to this point. Can't say more, you'll have to play the game.


How closely will the w_ models resemble the first person models?

Originally Posted by FryGuy
The v_ models are used as a base for the w_ models, but with lots of poly reduction. I'm not a modeler, but that's my understanding.


Is ramp-slidding going to be possible in FF?

Originally Posted by schtoofa
ramp-sliding is already functioning in FF


Not a question but please don't add a background map like in HL2!!!!

Originally Posted by Dospac
We'll be letting ya'll disable it, don't worry. =)


Will it be possible to drive the hummer?

Originally Posted by trepid_jon
And no, you won't be able to drive the hummers as they'll just be static props. Of course, when FF is released, you could decompile the hummer, make it a different kind of prop, and then go from there...


In the video, the demoman presses the red button on the pipelauncher and the detpack drops, so the pipelauncher have to be in use to drop a detpack?
Originally Posted by mirvin_monkey
that red button press is actually unrelated to the detpack, so no!


What would the FF Team do if Valve decided on releasing a New TF for the Source Engine?

Originally Posted by eat
We'll continue making this mod whatever. Valve releasing a TF mod would be detrimental to FF's success, there's no doubt. We'd both be competing for the same players. If FF is to become truely successful we have to attract new players, and not just count on you guys who played TFC

We do have our advantages over Valve.... They will charge to play their game whereas FF will be free. They will have promotion far beyond our capabilities though, because of steam. I think ours will be better and more community driven.

Hopefully they are working on a new TF mod but are taking the game in a completely new direction.

Last edited by o_geokill----->; 07-09-2006 at 12:02 AM. Reason: Links are wrong due to forum change
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Old 04-04-2006, 12:29 AM   #23
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Questions in Italic and Answer in Bold

What's going to happen to pushback in FF? Atm it's pretty damn powerful, will it be toned down at all, or even totally removed?

It may end up being adjusted slightly for some weapons. The sniper AR comes to mind. Overall the effect will be less pronounced.

Will the huds and crowbars be team-colored? Thanks in advance.

No. As with most of the visual aspects, these will be user customizable though.

Is the engineer discard function being changed and if so, how?

It will likely change from TFC to make a little more sense(where’d all my cells go?!). This isn’t something we’ve addressed directly yet, though.

How will grenade spawns work? Or to be more broad... how will grenade usage/management work as a whole in the final product?

Grenade bags won’t pickup for players with full grenades. Everything else is up to the map maker.

How big will FF client file be?

Big. I can’t say exactly as it’s not done yet. I'd guess in the 500-1000MB range. Perhaps larger.

Will there be a client side logfile that can be used to generate stats ?

Yes. Stats should operate on 3 levels: client, server and global. There will be more information about this as it becomes available.


For More Q's & A"s check out Dospac Dev Journal


Will it be possible after someone dies they can be revived by a medic but the medic only has a short amount of time to make it to the guy.

Originally Posted by Defrag
The medic is already a very strong class, so we're not going to be granting him any more abilities, sorry.


How will the training mode work?

Originally Posted by eat
The training mode will be more like 'characters' played by bots helping you out and telling you what to do to work as a team with them. It wont be very long and will cover the essentials like building and upgrading sentry guns, concing, healing etc. It should be very entertaining for new players and vets alike.

I think we will have practice maps as well for things like bunny hopping.


Is FF going to have Tinitus like in HL2 when explosions occured?

Originally Posted by Defrag
Of course it ain't in.

Last edited by o_geokill----->; 05-13-2006 at 05:16 PM.
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Old 07-08-2006, 05:38 AM   #24
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Is the sniper dot going to be team colour?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
^ News to me. Last I checked, they were all red and are staying that way...


Is it going to be possible to have colour text?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
I liked coloured names and stuff, it was actually quite useful if you had message binds as you code colour-code information to make it easier to read.

I'd like to see it implemented into FF at some point. It wouldn't be difficult to code a cvar to strip colour coding for those that don't like it. However, chances of a feature like this being added to release #1 = 0.0%


Will it be possible to manual control the SG?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
No. Aiming the sg will be easier than "rotate 45" or "rotate 180" but that's about it.


Will it be possible to point and click the SG to where we aim it at?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
ding ding ding
He means yes...


Are FF maps going to have different gameplay modes?

Originally Posted by Defrag
In principle, it's a good idea. In practice, I've never liked it one iota.

Problems aplenty:

A: Design. Maps are typically designed with one game mode in mind. Trying to play a map using a gameplay mode it was not primarily designed for generally results in ... a crap experience.
B: Consistency. People expect the same thing when they play the same map.
C: Experience. People build up playstyles and strategies playing one game mode. If you turn it on its head, it effectively becomes a new map. When you have several maps to learn and they can all be played umpteen ways, it can become daunting for newer players.

So no, we won't be doing this.


Is there going to be an option for servers to toggle on/off unlimited bhop?

Originally Posted by Defrag
I don't think we're going to let people mess with this, really. The last thing we want is a split community when it comes to major gameplay decisions.


Will full damage friendly fire be a server variable?

Originally Posted by Defrag
Yes. There is a general consensus in NA / Europe for FF, so it's not really a concern (if that's what you're getting at :P).


Can you have a cvar to spawn with a particular weapon, and another weapon that'll be your lastinv weapon? Or maybe just accept two arguments to the cvar, would that work?

Originally Posted by Dospac
I believe that's already in. The lastinv is automatically set by default to the most likely alt weapon too. Pretty neat.


What are you leaving open for modding if anything?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM


Upon capture of flag; Are nades going to be replenish?

Originally Posted by Defrag
The base CTF LUA templates give grenades on capturing which means you will indeed get grenades when capturing on pretty much all official CTF maps.


Are info such as health/amour/class/location etc going to be in FF?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
yeah, this is totally unrelated, but we got %h, %a, %c, & %l in the game so far.

%h = health
%a = armor
%c = class
%l = location

(just like in sparkys)

%i is ready to be put in (as our crosshair info jizz is done clientside) but no one's added it yet.


Will FF still be funny?

Originally Posted by Defrag
There's plenty of hilarity involved, don't worry!

Originally Posted by schtoofa
Oh, it'll be funny. Don't fret.


Is the spy going to remain silent after landing while being crouch?

Originally Posted by Defrag
Already in You can crouch as spy when landing from a jump and make very little noise. This affords you the ability to choose whether you want to make noise or remain silent (as one is better than the other in certain situations).


Will all four colors be represented in player skins and in texture packs for FF from the onset?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
yeah, we'll have blue/red/yellow/green player skins


How many 4 team maps will there be? How many 2 team maps featuring green and yellow?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
3 possibly - ff_dev_ctf (if we release it), waterpolo, and a murderball-ish type map (if someone makes one)


Will team banners be customizable? Or any other ancillary graphics for that matter?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
uh... if you make your own material then yeah. or, open up ours in vtfedit and mess with it.


What weapon is going to be shown when Spy is disguised?

Originally Posted by Defrag
The spy w_ weapon models are determined by whatever you're holding yourself. This means you can change weapons and blend in. The plan is to have a little icon on the hud showing you what you're currently 'carrying'. Your own viewmodel shows up as normal.

Last edited by o_geokill----->; 07-13-2006 at 05:59 AM.
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Old 07-14-2006, 10:57 PM   #25
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How does the 'spy sabotage' work?

Originally Posted by Mirvin_Monkey
Go spy, disguise as the same team as an engineer and you are able to sabotage his buildables. Strut up to a sentry gun or a dispenser and point your crosshair at it while stationary. After about 3 seconds (there’s a handy on-screen timer) you’ve sabotaged it. Well done.

Sabotaged sentry guns have reduced accuracy and sabotaged dispensers will reduce the armour class of players who take dispensed ammo ammo from them. This lasts for 2 minutes before wearing off.

For those 2 minutes the spy also has a remote link to the buildable (accessible through the spy menu). He can use this to detonate the enemy dispenser or set the sentry gun to attack its own team for 10 seconds (after which it’s no longer sabotaged, even if there was still a minute left of its normal sabotage time).
From a dev jernal [sic]:
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Old 07-14-2006, 11:15 PM   #26
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Does the launch of Team Fortress 2 affect Fortress Forever in terms of development and/or release ?
Originally Posted by schtoofa
We're not going to stop working on FF. We're going to keep going with it and make it as kick-ass as we can -- same thing we've said since day 1.
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Old 07-15-2006, 12:56 AM   #27
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More FAQ's

How can You stop the Sabotage skill?

Originally Posted by mirvin_monkey
Also I forgot to mention this, but you can remove the sabotage effect by killing the spy who did it.


How does the opposite team know that the sabotage skill is in affect?

Originally Posted by mirvin_monkey
When your SG starts shooting its own team (by which time it's obvious that something TERRIBLE has happened we can pop up a handy hint box saying what happened).


When SG shoots its own team when sabotage skill is in affect, to who does the kills go to?

Originally Posted by mirvin_monkey
And the kills are meant to count towards the spy, that still needs fixing.


Say the spy who sabotaged the machine died 2 seconds into the 10 seconds of SG mayhem. Does the SG stop and not finish out the 8 seconds, or once it starts the process, it carries out for the 10 whole seconds?

Originally Posted by Defrag
It stops, afaik.


Are we going to have a variety of Crosshairs?

Originally Posted by Defrag
fc is working on some cool stuff right now. The plan is to have the crosshairs vectorised, and each crosshair for each weapon can be customised to have an 'inner' and an 'outer' piece. Umpteen (20+) variations for each will be provided, meaning you have an unprecedented choice of crosshairs right off the bat (for example you could have inner 15 and outer 13, or inner 15 and outer 14.. etc etc). We will also be looking at supporting further types of crosshairs (.vmts?) in future, but the plan right now is to implement crosshairs in the fashion I just described.

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
I'm up to 24 inner crosshairs and 44 outer crosshairs.

This gives us a base amount of 24x44 = 1056 possible combinations (in the end there'll hopefully be 24x52 = 1248 combinations).

And that's ignoring that you should, hopefully, be able to scale, colour and set your own transparency settings for each inner/outer independantally.

They still need tweaking and the controller system hasn't even been started to get programmed, but it should be a pretty cool feature once it's done. And yes, you'll still be able to make your own should none of the variations do it for you.


Is there going to be signups for close Beta testing?

Originally Posted by schtoofa
Yeah, you're correct. Think of it as a "tiered" beta, where we start with a giving FF to a small number of people (heck, the dev team alone is a pretty decent sized group) and squash the bugs those folks find. Then we make the beta group bigger and bigger until we're ready to hand it out to everyone.


What is going on here?
New Scout feature?

Originally Posted by Defrag
Just to clear up the confusion (before the new scout feature discussions begins), but that's part of the conc effect. It 'warps' the air similar to the explosions in F.E.A.R which is a pretty cool visual effect

Last edited by o_geokill----->; 07-27-2006 at 06:02 AM. Reason: Update
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Old 07-17-2006, 02:05 AM   #28
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What about beta testing ? Is this going to happen ? How ? When ? What ? Most importantly, can I participate in it ?
Originally Posted by schtoofa
Think of it as a "tiered" beta, where we start with a giving FF to a small number of people (heck, the dev team alone is a pretty decent sized group) and squash the bugs those folks find. Then we make the beta group bigger and bigger until we're ready to hand it out to everyone.
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Old 07-17-2006, 02:29 PM   #29
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When FF will (out)start initial beta testing?
Originally Posted by schtoofa
Lastly, today we finished our third coordinated playtest in three weeks. What does this all mean, you might ask? It means we're on track to have a working Fortress Forever beta version ready during the first week of August (yes, August 2006). From that point on, all FF changes will be tweaks based on playtesting, bug fixes, minor model-related updates, additional maps, etc. More news to come on that later!

Last edited by o_dr zoidberg; 07-21-2006 at 08:37 PM.
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Old 07-19-2006, 04:43 PM   #30
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Is there any word yet on how to be a beta tester?

Originally Posted by Defrag's dev journal
Please do not email us or ask on the forums for beta testing slots. We will be making an announcement or asking people directly.
How big will your beta be? Will your beta be open?

Originally Posted by Defrag's dev journal
Well, we have a dev team that is 20+ odd strong, and we just need some further gamers to add to this so we can make sure the basics are right, people aren't crashing, we've not made any ridiculous oversights and, most importantly, we're not getting 1000 people all reporting the same bugs many times over. It makes more sense from our point of view, both in terms of distribution and practicality, to make the beta closed to begin with.
Once things are a bit more refined and polished, then we'll likely open things up somewhat. By open up, I mean either expand the closed beta to a bigger number of people, or just change things so that it's an open beta and anyone can participate. This stage will also likely see the introduction of some gamers with no TF experience so we can see how the TF outsider fares. How long will this take? It's hard to say.
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Old 07-21-2006, 04:33 PM   #31
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Will we be able to have infinite rockets or God mode in FF?

Originally Posted by Dospac's post on the Cats
LUA with our maps will allow this and much much more.

Last edited by o_someoldguy; 07-21-2006 at 05:31 PM.
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Old 07-27-2006, 04:22 AM   #32
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Will emp jumping be implented into FF?

Originally Posted by Defrag
It's in; worry ye not!


Will the sabotage skill work into clan style match as it seem only sutible for public play?

Originally Posted by Defrag
I can see it happening & fitting in :P

A lot of the time the engineer will come back and set up a sentry gun in the flag room before the flag has been lost (like the flag will be at the front door soon to be lost and most of the enemy O will be trying to get the flag). When the engy is toing and froing to/from the respawn with no backup = perfect time to sabotage then hide...


Will engineers get a warning if a spy disguised as their team?

Originally Posted by Defrag
Engineers do not get a warning if a spy disguised as their team or an ally of their team touches their dispenser


Is the pyro going to have a seperate model for the rocket launcher?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
The pyro rocket launcher will have its own unique model at somepoint in time. The soldier RPG is currently serving as a placeholder.


Is there going to be team colour weapons?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
Doing team-coloured textures on various weapons isn't going to happen (at least officially, there's no real problem in doing it as custom content).

The reason for this is that we don't have TFC's luxury of a predefined colour pallette which can be easily adjusted by the engine. Each team-colour variation would need its own texture, so instead of 1 RPG skin we need 4.

Since all v_ model textures are 1024x1024 (well, most - the knife & spanner are 512x1024) this would be extremely wasteful. Remember there are a lot of weapons in FF, bumping up the texture count by 4x would chew up resources for comparitively very little and frankly just isn't worth it.

I think the v_ model arms are still planned on being teamcoloured, we just ain't got round to it yet. ;D

Originally Posted by Defrag
We've tried / considered a number of solutions for the team colouring and we've also tried a material proxy for colouring on the fly. It lagged like hell from what I can remember. The other option was to use the alpha channel of the texture to determine which parts are teamcoloured, but this limits the use of transparency / self-illumination. In the end we just bit the bullet and went with what we're doing now.

We can always go back in future and test more stuff, but at the time a decision had to be made so we could move on swiftly.


Could you guys develop a GUI perhaps, for editing class configs in depth?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
I think it's a good idea, and I believe it was discussed at some point.

I think it'd be useful if it had context-sensitive tips that told you what each cvar does so you don't need to keep a print-out or something close by.

However, it's not a critical system and if it's to be done I doubt it'll be around in the first few releases.


Can spy have cameras as an ability?

Originally Posted by Defrag
It's already been discussed a few times. TF moves too quickly for camera style reconaissance to be a really useful part of the gameplay. Cameras also result in a fairly large framerate hit (multiple cameras in a level is currently supported in FF from what I remember, as mulch added it).


About what size ration will the models be compare to the maps?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
SG scale for all 3 levels is currently whack and needs fixerin'.

As for map sizes, they're leaning more toward TFC scale than Quake scale I think.

Originally Posted by Defrag
Maps are about half the size of a player model, look:

proof! The soldier is living in a miniature world.

I.e. depending on the screenshot, angle, fov and so on, it can be misleading.


Are player models going to show a sort of motion blur when reach at a certain speed?

Originally Posted by Defrag
We were thinking about making player models use a motion blur shader if they reach a speed that is greater than x units, but that takes time to code and it also means a performance hit. We haven't really considered using shaders for first person stuff if you're going really fast.


After you die will it be possible to look around in a 360 view like in TFC?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
currently, if mp_forcerespawn is off you can look around after you've died - you will only spawn when you hit a key. if it's on you spawn instantly.


Are player models going to have mouth animations?

Originally Posted by Defrag
We haven't bothered with mouth animations purely because they'll look pretty lame compared to the quality players are used to in HL2. HL2's animation technology works by hooking the properties from the wave files; each syllable of each word has a tag that the game can read and use to determine which shape the mouth will make. This stuff is all manually set up; there is no real way to do it on the fly when people speak, so the only alternative is having the generic "fish mouth" animation ... so.. no. It's pretty much a waste of time.

Also, how many people have truthfully noticed the animated mouths with the new TFC models? Bear in mind that it takes time to add the code add further bones to the models and make sure the mouths are properly deformable. It's a time investment that doesn't make sense, really.

The only animations we were considering are just standard things the players do. One idea was to have the HW have a manic grin when the AC was firing, but the TF2 trailer already has this haha (good job valve 'cause it does look really cool). We never got around to it anyway and I doubt we'll get around to anything like this soon. Too many other things to be worrying about, I'm afraid.


Are fgs going to be neaded to map?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
You won't need an fgd really.

Well, I mean, you just need a brush based trigger called "trigger_ff_script" and a point based entity called "info_ff_script".

The rest is LUA!


Is the FF team going to have a documentation for using LUA?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
Yeah, that's the plan. And, the plan is for it to be designed from a non-programming standpoint. Jesse didn't like my idea of an inheritance chart. Haha.

But yeah, for the objects that are exposed to lua, like our CFFPlayer, CFFTeam, CBaseEntity, etc, we'll have extensive documentation for all the functions you can use and what they do. We're using luabind so everything's pretty awesome. You can also write a bunch of jibberish in the lua file and it won't crash the game or anything. Annnnnd, from a programming standpoint, using luabind lets us add features and functionality so much easier than how we were doing stuff. Olah's revolutionalized (just coined it) the lua.


Are the FF team going to have left hand first person models?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
Man I hate that left handed gun stuff ha. The thing is, most guns are made (by default) to be held with the right hand and that's just the way it should be. :P

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
The problem is, rockets and stuff come out of the right side of the screen whereas in CS and the like everything is just bullets which come out of the exact centre.

Having a weapon model on the left only for it to fire on the right would be pretty bizarre.


What can I do to just make a simple map with out knowlege of LUA?

Originally Posted by Defrag
If all you want to do is use it without understanding what's going on, you can just include the base methods and then use the prefabricated game type entities (which is as simple as naming an entity appropriately and dropping it into your map). E.g. for ctf, all you do is drop in entities named red_flag, blue_flag, red_cap, blue_cap etc and away it goes.


With LUA it seems that map hacking will be very easy to do; what is being done about that?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
that is a good point to bring up as map hacking could become very prevelent (and really easy to do...). we're hoping to embed the lua files into the maps themselves though to prevent this (and run crc checks on the lua file).


How much damage will the spy take upon falling?

Originally Posted by Defrag
The spy already takes half fall damage in FF, and the condition for the fall damage is harder to trigger.


Is there going to be different color armour in FF like in TFC?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
This was a hot topic a few months ago.

Apparently in TFC you could pick up, say, green armour as a soldier instead of red armour. So 200 green would mean you'd take more damage than if you had 200 red.

In FF each class retains their Red/Yellow/Green armour use, but armour you pick up will just be generic armour points. So if you gain 50 armour as a soldier, it'll always be 50 red armour regardless of the source. Likewise medics will always gain yellow armour, and so on.

Originally Posted by Defrag
Yeah fc is correct. Also, if you're a medic in TFC, you start out with green armour and picking up an armour pack uprades your armour type to yellow. If an engineer wrenches you, you don't get upraded. Nuances like this have been removed from FF because they really don't serve a purpose in the majority of maps and only serve to confuse.


Last edited by o_geokill----->; 07-31-2006 at 06:13 AM.
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Old 07-31-2006, 11:39 AM   #33
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Will feigning be in FF (on release)?

Originally Posted by Defrag
There is no feigning. Confirmed!

Yes, I wanted it too, but it's too bloody hard to implement and any amazing effort to implement it would result in other things getting neglected. This doesn't mean that there will never be TFC-style feigning in FF, but it's something that we can't do right now.
From this thread:

Edit: Yay! 3k posts! Screw you User FAQ rules, I'm in mourning.

Last edited by o_nezumi; 07-31-2006 at 11:44 AM.
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Old 08-31-2006, 06:13 AM   #34
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FAQ's update 01/05/07

Will conc effect/shadders/etc will show up with the game forced to dx7?

Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
Funny you mention it... my laptop plays FF in dx7...

The conc effect for dx7 is our old conc effect (still the refraction jazz just not using a 3d model to do the refraction on).

All visual effects will have something in each dx level so you won't be able to 'cheat' by playing in a lower dxlevel to avoid getting certain effects or something.

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
We're planning on making lower-DX versions of the effects more hampering than the high-tech shaders so people will not forcibly lower their DX version purely to gain an advantage.
Can you hand held in Fortress-Forever?

Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
You can hand-held in FF and this will remain as is. You can still drop conc of course in any method similar to TFC's and the versions of TF on the various Quake engines.

How the conc affects aim and/or movement has yet to be decided, currently it's using a TFC-esque illusional sway.
Will the FF create a wiki?
Originally Posted by Defrag
We'll likely be creating a wiki when the game launches. I think we'll probably take the developer wiki as a base, scrub it up a bit and remove/add stuff where necessary.
Will there be a random player class like in TFC, so it automatically selects one of the nine standard classes (excluding the civilian) after each death?
Originally Posted by Blunkka
Are flags going to glow like the Sentry Gun?
Originally Posted by Defrag
It will be there at some point. You can see the sentry guns glow when damaged, and we can use a similar effect on the flag and other objects, too.
Will it be possible to trow grenades while still shooting?
Originally Posted by FooleyCooley
How will the weapons show when a spy is disguised?

Originally Posted by Mulchman_MM
Yeah, as it is now you can change weapons while disguised and the weapons displayed to other players will be the weapons for the class you're disguised as.

An example "mapping" of weapons - spy disguised as soldier:

has knife out -> seen as crowbar
has tranq out -> seen as shotgun
has shotgun out -> seen as supershotgun
has nailgun out -> seen as rpg
Q: How's the beta going?

A: Pretty well, I think. As expected, we've uncovered a bunch of new bugs. The beta testers are great and cooperative. Their fresh perspective on FF is appreciated and helpful. Thanks, FF beta testers!

Q: Why isn't the FF beta open to everyone yet?

A: In the modding world as far as we can see, a mod beta is really a release. I mean, a mod really is always a work in progress. Appending "beta" to the end of a mod name is really just an excuse for saying "we know we have bugs, but we're going to give you this software anyways!" Well, shoot, I can tell you right now FF (whether or not it has "beta" in the title) is not going to be completely bug-free once we release it, but we're doing our best to make it stable and fun. So the FF beta isn't open to everyone yet because we're not ready to release it.

Q: Speaking of stability, how's FF's performance?

A: While playing in a conventionally full server (~20 players), the performance isn't that bad. Ambiguous phrase, I know. Some good news, though, is that we've spent very little time optimizing FF so far, and if it performs decently right now under most circumstances then we're in pretty good shape. Some maps cause players to have worse FPS, but we're working on it.

Q: Why haven't there been any main page / media updates since that crazy Dustbowl video was released?

A: Good question. As we get closer to releasing FF, it makes sense to build up some hype through media releases. Although we've made some good progress since we released the video, FF exhibits some fundamental problems (like those referred to by jesse in his latest journal) that need to be fixed. I guess I haven't championed any updates for a couple of reasons, namely because I've been investing time in other areas and I didn't want to give out "just a few screenshots" following a video like our Dustbowl clip. We'll probably end up doing the latter anyway, but a big part of me really wanted a full release to follow the video. When will you see the next media update? Not sure.
Should snipers get tracers?
Originally Posted by Mervaka - Beta Tester
yes i think they should
Can you have LOD on Shaders used for FF and can we disable shaders?
Originally Posted by Defrag
Yup, you can LOD effects just as you can models. Enabling any kind of fancy shader effects we include would be purely optional, by the way.
Are players going to have some sort of motion blur when you conc?
Originally Posted by Defrag
We were thinking about making player models use a motion blur shader if they reach a speed that is greater than x units, but that takes time to code and it also means a performance hit. We haven't really considered using shaders for first person stuff if you're going really fast.
Originally Posted by Mulchman MM
Yeah, it is, actually. Mirv's awesome.

It's actually a speed motion blur currently - if you're over a certain speed (and not noclipping...).
Are players going to have icons above their heads to display important content?
Originally Posted by Blunkka
There are icons showing up above players when they use a healme or engyme commands. There's also a sign for friendly spies that are disguised.
How is cloaking going to work for the Spy?
Originally Posted by PHISH
there's a silent cloak or a cloak. One requires you to stand still to do right now, presumably this is something you'd do in silence out of sight, the regular cloak 'fakes' a death and can be done on the move...The death sound in there isn't as obnoxious anymore as the one that plays in the vid at least. As you move faster you become more visible, slow down and you become less visible. You're restricted to a walking speed pretty much.

For taking a dudes disguise that only happens if you kill them w/ a perfect backstab.

and one of the reasons we're so tenative to show a vid and such is we are waiting for new animations to be dropped in, which should correct a bunch of the posture and movement oddities (feet not moving fast enough etc) with the models.
Is the TFC sniper model permanent?
Originally Posted by schtoofa
^^ the one you see in the video is just a placeholder model. Over the last week or so decs has been putting the finishing touches on our sniper rifle.
How is double jumping going to work?

Originally Posted by Lost -Beta Tester
That is essentially trimping, meaning you don't hit jump twice to jump higher like in many sidescrollers or fighting games. If you're bhopping out around push and hit that ramp, you can bonk your noggin on the ceiling, completely missing the ball and crashing down on the other side of the barn. I really like the feature myself, so hopefully you guys will too. It adds another learnable skill to the game but will not ever replace concing or rjumping.
Originally Posted by PHISH
For double jumping you get more height by jumping off a surface w/in x seconds of your last jump, so naturally that second jump has to occur off a higher object than your first. Trimp doesn't require a jump before it just converts your velocity in say the horizontal direction to contribute to the vertical upon jumping off an incline. So if you approached a ramp really fast horizontally, say from a conc and jumped upon hitting a ramp you would get rocketed upwards to a significant degree.
Can scouts disarm detpacks?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Can the Engineer undo the Spy Sabotage effect?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
You can't undo it directly, but you can either det/dismantle your sg, wait for the 10 seconds to expire (after the Spy activates it) or Kill the Spy (all his sabotages are removed when he dies)
Originally Posted by Dospac
You can:

Kill the spy
Wait 10 seconds for it to wear off
Detonate SG
Dismantle SG
Can scouts take enemy spys out of disguise/cloak?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Disguise, yes; Cloak, not atm (though we might add that)

Other things we are considering adding is having EMPs "short out" all Spy cloaks a certain radius from the explosion.
Can scouts undo the SG sabotage?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
For the Sniper tracer; will the tag only be visible for the sniper only?
Originally Posted by Dospac
the tag from the sniper is visible to all your teamates and allies.
Do you know when a sniper has tagged (traced) you?
Originally Posted by Dospac
indication of tag, yes you'll know when you are tagged and see when it wears off.
AC (autocannon) sounds too weak, is it going to change?
Originally Posted by BritishTang
yeah, don't worry - the AC sound is getting a complete one over.
After the spy sabotages a SG (sentrygun), can the sniper turn ON when the SG's can attack?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Yeah, after the sabatoge, you have to activate a command (it's a bind right now, but it will be put into the vgui menu at some point) to get the SGs to attack. After you activate the command, the sentries will attack their own team for 10 seconds, then revert back to normal (unsabotaged) operation. If I remember correctly, the sabotage also is removed if the Spy that did it is killed.
Does the AC have a heat bar? If it does then how does it work?
Originally Posted by Mervaka - Beta Tester
the AC has a heat bar. when you press and hold fire, it starts firing slowly, and quite quickly gets up to speed (and therefore also gets hotter). upon releasing the button, the AC will fire a few shots, then stop firing and begin to slow/cool. the goal is to ride the top end of the heat bar without going over, which would cause the gun to overheat, and you have to wait for it to cool before firing again (gun cools at the normal rate still)

in short, you cant just hold fire anymore. ammo stocks dont last as long either,you get 200 shots, and that doesnt last long while firing at full speed!
Is flame damage from the pyro higher? Also is Pyro stronger in FF?
Originally Posted by PHISH
Pyro is stronger due to differences in his IC and his increased movement. Damage from direct burn is higher and its easier to hit them directly w/ the flamethrower. The after flame damage still needs to be refined to work how we want it (perhaps w/ stacked flame damage), but functionally and damage wise it works good now.
When the AC gets full warmed up, if you still hold fire it will just cool down and shoot or won't shoot at all until you release the button?
Originally Posted by PHISH
Just think of it as the following: pressing +attack increases rotation speed of the barrel, letting off allows it to decelerate. It will fire bullets above a certain rotation speed threshold, regardless of whether you are holding +attack or not. Above a certain speed it will overheat, so you need to throttle it to keep it at a high level in combat. I'd like to halve the ammo consumption, lower the damage and increase the rate of fire..just cause I think it needs to be faster for more awesomeness and coverage. (turning cheats on and increasing the rof to a billion rounds per second is fun...may have an avi of this in the future)
Does the sniper tracer locks on the first person you aim or the first person you shoot? If you shoot another target, will it lock on this one? If yes, is there how to keep tracing the old target?
Originally Posted by PHISH
Right now it tags regardless, but there's a timelimit to each tag we will need to tweak. For example maybe there will be a pool of "tag time" of like 40 seconds. If 4 people are tagged theirs would only last for 10 seconds each, if only 1 person is tagged it would last up to 40 seconds. Just an idea, it hasn't been unbalancing in our current implementation, even in hunted w/ president being able to be tagged. It actually makes for some really tense moments for body guards if the prez has a tag. Snipers get a little period to try to be gung ho, if the bodyguards and prez are smart they hunker down in a protected area and don't try to move until it expires.

There's going to be lua control for who can and cannot be tagged. For example we think its a good idea for the president to showup as tagged all the time for the bodyguards, so they can always know where he is if they are in the area.
Originally Posted by Lost -Beta Tester
The tag effect is limited to a certain range and has a set duration, meaning its invisible after so far and will only stay active for so long.
With the spy when you backstab one enemy, you instantly puts his clothes? Using the knife will take out your disguise (without backstabing, which will get you a new one right away)?
Originally Posted by PHISH
I think you only get the disguise of the player if you were disguised before the one hit kill stabbing. So you could be cloaked and disguised and take out the player w/ a backstab, instantly assuming his position. If you are undisguised before backstabbing it will not take the disguise (I think..).
Originally Posted by Jiggles
The way it works is that if you pull off a successful backstab (while disguised), you will instantly disguise as the person you killed -- thus not triggering the Sentries. Screwup, though, and you're sentry-food.
Can we removed the sniper's tracer for certain maps?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Yes, though we will be giving mappers the ability to disable them for map types that won't suit tracers (Sniper vs Sniper, etc)
Do sniper tracer expire after a while? Is it balance to have tracers?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Tracers expire, they're removed when the tracered player dies, and they're not visible outside a certain distance, so we haven't seen any significant balance issues (so far) during playtesting.
Do sabotage SG get kills for the spy?
Originally Posted by Lost -Beta Tester
Its supposed to give the spy the kills but I don't know if it does yet. The icons show up for a TK.

The SG's will probably do damage if friendly fire was on, they target dispensers too, hehe.
How can a spy ruin his cloak?
Originally Posted by Lost
Cloaked spy is still visible, with no nades and any fast movement ruins his cloak. So its not overpowered, just far more useful than before, especially to average players.
Is damage from the nailgun hitscan?
Originally Posted by Mervaka -Beta Tester
nails are still projectile based.
Stuff shown in the video, is it final?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Yeah, and keep in mind things are certainly subject to change if we find it's way too unbalanced. The vid was intended more as a snapshot of progress, rather than saying "this is the way it's going to be"
The HUD shown on the video; does it resize on lower resolutions?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Sniper can see through walls?
Originally Posted by schtoofa
In our latest build, a sniper hit on an enemy lets your teammates view where that enemy is behind a wall, within reason. We call it "Radio tagging." It's part of an effort to get people to play sniper more in all circumstances (pubs, clan matches, whatever).
In the video, bhop seem a bit faster than TFC, is it faster?
Originally Posted by schtoofa
In that video it might be. The class speeds (ground or bhop) are similar to TFC's but we're still tweaking that stuff.

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Old 01-06-2007, 12:55 AM   #35
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I pass the writing limit :D

Is bhop going to be easier to do in FF?
Originally Posted by schtoofa
My personal opinion is that TFC's bhop implementation caused a lot of people -- mainly non-league players / pubbers -- to LEAVE TFC and never come back. By making bhop more accessible to everyone, I'm betting it'll open the game up to a little wider audience.

The fun & team aspects of FF are what we're pushing, not bhop skill or what is good for leagues or what is good for people who are skilled at TFC..
Can we adjust the gibcount? More Gore..?
Originally Posted by mirvin_monkey
There's a gib count cvar and the blood needs sorting out really (though it used to give you a blood spurt about the size of the 2fort yard at one point).
In the video: why were the weapons shooting from a wrong angle (not from the weapon)?
Originally Posted by Lost -Beta tester
Yeah, the issue with weapons not firing from the correct area is being addressed, a lot of the non-hitscan weapons do that. The boys in the basement are pulling some overtime on that one. When they wake up.
The sniper tagging: Do we have to bind it to tag some one and can our team see who we tag?
Originally Posted by Lost -Beta tester
The tagging is a simple shot, no bind required and your team can see it.
Is the medic disease transferable?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Yeah, it is still transferrable. But, one feature I didn't show in the video was "immunity" -- if you are infected and get healed by a friendly medic, you are "immune" to re-infection for a set time.
Can we adjust the FOV?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
As far as I know, FOV is still changeable (within a certain range)
When SG's are sabotage: do they attack each other?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Yeah, the sgs aren't coded to be hostile to each other -- that is, they'll shoot each other, but won't take damage with FF off. That'll most likely change.
In the video: The spy was silent, how will this affect the NA vs. euro(and others) footstep setting, also will the spy be able to toggle this on or off, as it's a preety big giveaway?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Yeah, the Spy's supposed to make regular noises when disguised (unless he's disguised as an enemy spy )
In the video: When the spy cloak he drop a fake corpse and then it disappear, so what happen there?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
When you move fast enough (when I stepped off the ledge, for instance) you get uncloacked. When you uncloak your "feigned" body disappears.
How are the jumping skills going?
Originally Posted by Dospac
FF has several factors that require us to tweak things differently.

-Rampsliding is in FF, which changes the balance equation a bit. More importantly we are including double jumping and trimping, which is a first for TF I believe?(Just cpma and the painkiller pro mod have done that I believe)

-We've been mindful of the speed of the game and specifically the speed that bhopping players can attain.

-HH concing results in huge vertical jump heights, especially when combined with trimp/double jump.

Basically, we've got lots of ways for people to get really high into the air in FF. We can't necessarily have them shooting forward at 100mph upon landing. It might be interesting to try. . . .
How fast is the pyro compared to other classes and what are his IC/napalm grenade jump capabilities like?
Originally Posted by Mervaka -Beta Tester
pyro: same sort of speed. a normal IC jump is better than TFC, but still fairly mediocre. a well executed frag/IC jump goes insanely high, but you lose most of your health achieving it. that said, nothing like that is set in stone, so is probably gonna get a look at.
How visible is a cloaked walking spy?
Originally Posted by Mervaka -Beta tester
cloaked spy: depends on the scenery, and how much attention you're paying to your periphery. i've let many slip past and knife me in the back.
Will the pyro work as a Deffense/Offense class?
Originally Posted by Lost -Beta tester
Pyro moves fast enough to be useful on O and does enough damage to keep people occupied. We were using a pyro in the FR on well today during playtesting and it worked out pretty good.
Originally Posted by Mervaka -Beta tester
the pyro is just incredible now. he's up there with the soldier in terms of power, and is probably gonna be seen as a defensive class imo, although he could still tear an enemy room apart long enough for a flag runner to get through. fire keeps people busy!
What is the difference between the Pyro and the Soldier?
Originally Posted by Mervaka -Beta tester
theyre still quite distinct:

the soldier throws people around a lot more, and his damage is dealt all at once (besides the nail grenade).

from the other perspective, the pyro cant throw people around as much, but is great as a sort of area denial guy, and has the ability to ignite people, causing the time based damage.

the soldier has more armor, but the pyro is faster. you're quite right in saying they have similar roles, but not exactly the same. a pyro would nicely compliment a first line of defence now, i'd say, and perhaps as a heavy offense.
Is the Spy over powered?
Originally Posted by Lost -Beta tester
Its ok qui, just so many guys want things their way or they throw a fit, so my apologies being defensive.

The spy isn't overpowered, as we're learning pretty quick. He's still extremely useful in large games, but when you've got a few guys running a tight D, its gets a lot harder to sneak around, just like in TFC. But now you can hide in plain sight and wait for the right opportunity, which is why I can't wait for massive pub games. Doing fast paced testing takes some of the goofing around out of it.
When setting a detpack, is it still possible to det your pipes?
Originally Posted by Lost -Beta tester
Yep, tested it just to make sure and it is still the same.
Can we used the Fortress-Forever logo for promotional purposes?
Originally Posted by schtoofa
Go for it, but know that we appreciate any links back to the FF site.
Is friendly fire going to be server variable?
Originally Posted by Lost
It'll be a server variable, that I'd bet on.
Does the HWGuy have tracer rounds?
Originally Posted by PHISH
this was just a short little vid in response to ze chopper tracer thing above.

H264 codec, handy to have in the future good luck (schtoofa didn't like all the hoops he had to go through to get it, I trust you guys can figger it out)

Dev variables and impulse 101 = fun (thats why the ammo continues to be replenished)

That's tame to what I've unleashed occassionally on our poor testers, teehee.

I had a 3rd person perspective that showed the massive length of the tracers but you could also see how the attachment point was fubared on it (causing the tracers to originate to the right of the AC) so no dice on that vid.

Some other person was working on movement type stuff, but source demos are decidedly difficult to work with in good quality. (extremely jumpy..)anyway there ye be, didn't say it'd be entertaining. :>
Is the soldier's RPG affected by gravity?
Originally Posted by Lost -Beta test
Not at all.
The Pyro's IC affected by gravity: If you fire a rocket directly upwards, does it come down relatively soon? As if it won't hit the map's ceiling?
Originally Posted by Lost -Beta test
It will if its low, but on most maps I've messed with it goes up and right back down on your head.
Does the Fortress-Forever Dev Team plan to anounce a release date in the future?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Well, we don't plan on a surprise release date. That is, unless we surprise ourselves with a bunch of progress. Which is possible, since we can't really predict how much work we'll get done in a given week.

But, obviously there would be at least some warning
Pyro's IC: If I shoot a rocket from on side of the battlements on 2fort to the other side; will the rocket make it?
Originally Posted by Lost
I guess you're only using 2fort as an example. And as that, you're only using TFC's 2fort as an example, because even though I shoot up and hit the ceiling, I can still aim and take out anyone on the sniper deck, it doesn't suck, it gives such a powerful weapon with a continuous RoF a bit of a downside. The IC does great damage, using your noggin a bit allows you to compensate for the gravitational effects easily. What it really does is detract from the infinite range that IC users are used to, but how many times do you put the IC to use at max range unless you're just screwing around and shooting the front of the enemy base.
Did you make kill the giant gibs explosion or the gay little boring fall down dead thing?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
the gay little boring fall down dead thing
Is the command word "Kill" in the game?
Originally Posted by Jiggles
Kill works, but it's pretty much the same when you factor in the 5-second "suicide delay"
Does being conc have an impact on movement?
Originally Posted by Lost
It has no impact on movement at all but it does make your aiming go haywire. As of yet, I haven't found a pattern to it, making it very hard to predict which way you're pointing. You can also conc out of the water on well and hit the ceiling in the FR as well as time it right to land right on the ledges around the FR.
No conc aim; why is that skill taken away?
Originally Posted by Lost -beta tester
How many medics or scouts waste their concs on an O run? None. It will add a whole new strategy to explore. And you know what counters a fast running scout? A hard hitting pyro. Even conced, the splash from the IC is mean, get anywhere near them and they're toast. And since the scout's caltrops are actually somewhat useful now, I think its pretty even. Conc those bastards, toss a pack of caltrops in front of them and hop like a mofo out, if you can make it past the fatty, that is. The concview hasn't been even the slightest of an issue during our playtests.
Is Pyro going to be useful?
Originally Posted by Lost -Beta tester
Pyro will be the most popular, I'd bet your life savings on it!
Originally Posted by Mervaka -Beta tester
the devs need a nobel prize for making the pyro the fucking sex!

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Old 03-12-2007, 06:51 AM   #36
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Are each individual Player Class going to have unique voices?
Originally Posted by BritishTang
Nice, we have the position filled at the moment, but to give you guys all a tid bit, in the version next after the main release we are going to be doing different voices for each class. In which case, we will keep an eye on you Sh4x.

Keep practicing so that you will be qualified.
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