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Old 07-20-2011, 07:39 PM   #1
Nade Whore
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Class/Position: Scout/Soldier
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Posts Rated Helpful 128 Times
The way newcomers & certain classes are treated

I've been playing online games for a looong time, longer than I like to admit. Something I have noticed no matter what game I play is there always seems to be at least a few shit talkers to anyone new that is trying out the game or to players who have KNOW how to play, yet choose to play whatever class they want, in the style they want to play.

It is inevitable this will happen. The best thing I can do personally is to get my own server and enforce a NO ASSHOLES rule.

But what about those who don't own a server who just play regularly? I'm not going to name names because it's disrespectful, but some people just can't handle the fact that newcomers will play a class, regardless of its purpose, and live in ignorance of actually how to use the class or even how to play Fortress Forever in the most basic way.

That's not to say ALL newcomers are like this, but there are more than a few. In fact, I would say the majority of the people who install this game, uninstall shortly after because,

1. The learning curve is too high
2. They are treated with disrespect, simply for being new
3. Lack of server activity(maybe 1 full server at a time)
4. Graphics are outdated
5. Game is unbalanced

I don't believe most gamers are THAT lazy to the point where they never want to take the time and learn how to play a class. They DO want to learn, this mod is just too overwhelming from the start unless they've played a similar Fortress game before, bunnyhopping and all(e.g. there's not that many).

Do weapons need nerfing? Maybe, but I think a more important issue here is how we choose to treat newcomers anytime they join a server.

There is a certain level of respect I give to every new person I meet, whether it be in game or in real life. I don't talk down to someone or call them a noob for playing Sniper or Pyro. Instead, what I do is basically act as if.

Act as if I am the most knowledgeable tech person in my family and I am trying to teach my grandmother how to use a computer for the first time. I hate to say it, but sometimes this is how it feels when dealing with some new players.

You can't just expect everyone new to know what the hell they're supposed to do when they install FF, and name calling isn't really going to help that person get better.

This is why we need things in place like Class Descriptions and/or an improved Training mode that would encompass both the general game basics as well as all class-specific basics.

I work in the software industry, we make software for Pizza companies. When I get a call from a store manager or assistant manager with an issue, unless I've spoken with them before and know their technical saaviness, I go into every issue they call about with the mindset that they don't know anything about our software, and that I alone, will be able to solve their problem. Pizza managers aren't usually going to be very tech saavy because business is pizza, not software... And even in the case where they are knowledgeable, I still begin the call as if they are not.

Being empathetic to the needs of newcomers will guarantee more activity in this mod. Set aside ideas to change or add or remove weapons/grenades/classes etc... None of that matters if we don't take care of the people who took the time to download this mod first.

First thing a new player sees or hears when they join: LOL LOOK AT THE NEWB SNIPER LOLOLOL. Fucking sniper should uninstall FF and kill himself. (I've seen worse said to new players)

First thing a new player SHOULD see(who is clearly struggling with learning how to play) is: Looks like you are having a hard time. Need some help? And if they don't want help, leave them be. There's absolutely nothing wrong with what class a player chooses, and if they want to learn the hard way or not learn much of anything at all, then that's their choice.

There is no purpose to talk down or be condescending towards someone new. It only affects this game negatively by ensuring that player never joins an FF server again.

There's also a difference between someone who uses a class frequently that irritates people. Sniper is the classic example. No matter how long someone practices that class, they will mostly likely often be labeled a noob. I've switched to sniper and been bitched at or something is said to me that makes me think people really do hate this class. That's besides the point. The class is a part of this game and until it's been removed, how about not making a stupid comment every time someone chooses to play Sniper or any other class you don't like?

Father Guido plays Pyro a lot, and it pisses me off every time I conc into his base, because as a Scout, I will get owned a lot of the time. This problem is not with Guido or anyone else who plays Pyro, but the class itself.

There's often an unwritten code most of the seasoned players live by and that is if you play a certain class, you are considered a noob automatically and should be treated as such... Guido is the perfect example of "Haters will hate" because he still plays the shit out of Pyro haha and I still get owned by him a lot.

So next time you are in the server and you see someone NEW who looks like they might need some help, HELP them. It will only help this community grow larger. If you see someone who's been playing for a long time, yet still chooses pyro or sniper or any other class you consider to be a noobish class, take the high road and learn to adapt to the class they chose.

Moto's Funhouse | Dallas, TX -

ff_plunder - Complete
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