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Old 03-18-2006, 08:16 AM   #1
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Information about FF bunnyhopping ?

I've been playing TF games for about 7 to 8 years now and as soon as I finally understood the game ("So the sniper is ultimately useless ? You don't say...") I've been feeling that TF is the most enjoyable game ever.

Since you didn't give much information about the bunnyhopping yet (other than it being capped in a way (Why ? ETF has uncapped bhopping (other than you can't gain too much speed/jump with mousemotions) and it works perfectly fine)) I'd love to hear more about how it will be implemented.
I also saw quite a lot of slopes in the midfield of your maps and I'm wondering if that won't be quite a hinderance...

I'm also wondering if you could release some sort of demo or beta before the first official release where we can try out the bunnyhopping, rocketjumping and concjumping before the official release (pretty please) ^_^

By the way: here's a very nice movie that teaches you basic bunnyhopping skills
better start building up some skill now than complain about things you don't understand (bhop script ? Concjump script ?! In games that use the extended quake scripting engine you can do a lot and I'll be happy to share my script when the game is done... but you can't do _everything_) ^_^

Last edited by o_rannibunny; 03-18-2006 at 08:33 AM.
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Old 03-18-2006, 11:49 AM   #2
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(Why ? ETF has uncapped bhopping (other than you can't gain too much speed/jump with mousemotions) and it works perfectly fine))
Yeah well Chess has castling and.. well let's just say they tried including it in the alpha and it wasn't pretty.
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Old 03-18-2006, 11:50 AM   #3
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I like surprises, i personally dont want a huge amount of information about exactly how bhopping will be, more fun to find out when we get the mod(im probably in the minority though). On the point of scripts though i dont think theyll be neccessary due to the system the mod team is implementing.
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Old 03-18-2006, 11:54 AM   #4
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Don't worry I'm sure it'll be crap. HAhahahhaa.

Seriously though I can imagine an assymptotic limit that would sort of feel like air resistance.

Or better, as soon as you land exceeding 140% of your running speed, you fall on the ground and stay face down for a second or two.
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Old 03-18-2006, 02:50 PM   #5
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Do not worry about the FF team, most of them are very old school and have been playing TFC for at least 4 years and they do know what BHOP is, just look at defrag he is the guy that made the bhop known here in north america... We do know what bhop is, capped and not capped.

When you have a non capped bhop, i wish you good luck stopping good soldiers on offense or that anoying HWguy on control map...

Capping it is for fairness and better balance in the game.

Class speed is there for a reason.
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Old 03-18-2006, 03:40 PM   #6
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While a lot of people might not agree with me, the cap in BHOP in TFC was really needed. It greatly disrupted balance, epsecially with HWguys that were able to be moving at a really fast pace while firing the AC.

The problem with the way Valve capped the bhop was that when you hit the cap you got knocked back to 100% speed. I think a good compromise would be to make it so you can hit the cap and maintain speed at the cap.

Scripts are a whole other can of worms that will easily start a debate here. Needless to say many of the things that used scripts before like reloading and bhopping will be built into the game or not needed anymore.
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Old 03-18-2006, 04:10 PM   #7
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The concept of "cap" is ugly. Limits can be implemented without having to resort to inconsistencies such as "movement obeys a different law as soon as such value is reached".

I'm thinking of a force invertly proportional to your speed that would always be applied but absolutely neglectable when at "normal" speed. Much like air resistance.

That would mean you could only accelerate so much by pure bunny hopping, you wouldn't be suddenly slowed down if you exceeded that speed, an explosion could always make you go temporarily faster, and one less "if" statement in the source code

That's it

Last edited by o_ernest; 03-18-2006 at 04:17 PM.
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Old 03-18-2006, 08:24 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by rannibunny
I've been playing TF games for about 7 to 8 years now and as soon as I finally understood the game ("So the sniper is ultimately useless ? You don't say...") I've been feeling that TF is the most enjoyable game ever.

Since you didn't give much information about the bunnyhopping yet (other than it being capped in a way (Why ? ETF has uncapped bhopping (other than you can't gain too much speed/jump with mousemotions) and it works perfectly fine))
Here's my thoughts on uncapped bhop-I used to be an uncapped bhop fanboy in tfc, but after the change it actually made the game play a lot better.
In ETF/q3f it makes more sense to leave it uncapped due to the minimal air control. Movement is clunky when not bhopping really fast, direction changes are minimal, but uncapped bhop in this situation strips Dming in the game to bhopping in at 100 mph and comboing a guy. Yes, absolutely uncapped bhopping is fun while you are doing it, but ultimately it removes much of the fun/value of the other elements in the game. Why spend time developing any sort of clever movement when it is absolutely trumped by brute speed? I'd describe it as leaving the game thin, while it could be rich and full bodied. Okay maybe thats a beer commercial, but anyway.

With air control and more fluid concing but a proportional cap to class speed, it increases the emphasis on using class specific advantages, pure speed is left to scouts, and medics (and pyros if they are viable in ff) with good movement. As an example in an average 30 minute round good scouts will make upwards of 100 runs in tfc with a cap currently that is more restrictive than the one in FF is likely to be. I'm not positive but I don't remember seeing anywhere near that many runs in etf from scouts, or in general.
Overall I don't think having uncapped bhop is the way to go, in my experience it greatly reduces the variety of play.

if you remove the timing that'd be just silly IMHO. noobs b.hopping all over the place.. where's the skill? (unless ppl eliminate the need for timing with scripts allready ?)
The skill has never been in simply bhopping, at least in tfc, the skill comes in navigating tight corridors in maps, using various curls, strafes and gliding to fake out defenders, mixing in your own variety of movement while fighting. Its very common for people to stay on the ground for fighting, its silent (in na tfc at least), your aim is the most stable, and you can inflict the most damage. In fact when confronting a soldier if you aren't creative with your bhop it leaves you a sitting duck, one rocket pops you up and you are basically finished.. and versus a hwguy any time you are jumping around your aim is not going to be too effective, and he is inflicting constant damage. It's not some autopilot thing as you seem to think. Anyone who is doing it as such is going to be highly predictable.

Last edited by PHISH; 03-18-2006 at 08:34 PM.
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Old 03-23-2006, 09:44 PM   #9
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I totaly agree with you bhop should be cap
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Old 03-24-2006, 10:15 AM   #10
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And it is being capped.
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Old 03-24-2006, 09:16 PM   #11
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yazmo NEEDS to be capped
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Old 03-25-2006, 03:19 AM   #12
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i feel like im the only one excited about trimping. i am so happy that theyre including this because it will add a huuuuge new level of skill to movement. maybe you guys didn't play quake enough.
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Old 03-25-2006, 06:34 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by ekiM
yazmo NEEDS to be capped
putang ina mo
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