Thread: Titanfall
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Old 08-21-2013, 07:27 PM   #4
worst ff player eu
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It looks like someone just tried to make BRINK again. I really wanted BRINK, I thought it looked really cool.

Also, yeah, 'fast-paced', in other words, hey you move slightly faster than call of duty, oh, you still stand still for 10 seconds to shoot someone though.
It's not faster paced, it's just higher jumps.

It just looks like a singleplayer version (because I've only seen singleplayer, and supposedly singleplayer isn't the main part anyway) of a crossover between BRINK and Blacklight: Retribution, both of which are OK in some respects, but fucking awful in others. BLR had the single worst progression system I've ever seen in a game, in that it was essentially CoD, where you get better weapons from levelling, but without the prestige thing and the large player base, so it took 10 maps to level up, and the higher level you were, you got way OP.

BRINK prolly had some broken things for it to be not played and underrated, but I don't know what they are because I still want it.

So in other words, it's gonna be shit and I give 0/5 shits about it.

And it only comes out on shit consoles and windows. Windows is shit too, but every game is on windows, so you need windows pretty much.

gay ass windows.

Also there's no such thing as a good console game which involves shooting because they always either have terrible controls or requires the sum of absolutely shit all skill.
gg ff not ded
ff very much alive
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