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Old 04-01-2005, 03:26 AM   #133
o_evil zer0
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts Rated Helpful 0 Times
before i start this let me just say i am horrible with years so im not gonna bother trying to remember how many

a long time ago when qtf was really popular (in australia) i played it 8+ hrs a day for year the qwtf and megatf

i didnt play mega that much i could never find a low ping server for it i continued to play qwtf for a few years. i used to love playing sniper and spy but i could play any class ok but after a while i became one of the best snipers around unfortunatly a few months later so called cheats and aimbots started surfacing and i started getting accused of cheating even banned from some servers for it

it started to kill off my love of qwtf but i kept playing i kept saying to myself fuck them if they arnt as skilled as me.

anyway finally i stoped playing because of stupid admins banning me all the time so i started playing halflife for a while then tfc came along and my love for tf returned the game was a bit diffrent but i could adapt i continued to play it for a while (not sure coulda been a yr or 2) then i started playing the evil mod that i wont mention which at that time was beta 3

i still play tfc and qwtf to this day but i enjoy jump maps mostly now
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