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Old 10-25-2012, 09:34 PM   #8
Nade Whore
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With every good idea, there are a thousand bad ones. You can't expect to come up with the best idea right away. It has to be developed and updated and changed and tinkered with until you get something that is satisfactory.

While I agree adding stupid shit to the game isn't good, but what is considered stupid to one person might be considered a good feature to someone else. It's all a matter of perspective.

So when I say a medigun to replace medkits/throwable med packs is one of the best ideas for FF I've heard in a while, I also know that if implemented it would need to be tinkered with until it's something that people might enjoy and there will likely be some people that will never like it. That will happen with any new feature. Hell, there are features in TFC I still don't like but I got over it. What most people do when talking about a potential addition to a game, is jump to conclusions by assuming they understand how the addition will work.

I think what it boils down to is people don't like change, so they get defensive and stick to what is familiar, because they are afraid a new feature might not work and the consequences after that. I'd much rather see 2 versions of this game, one that stays true to the style of TFC/QTF and another that branches off, evolving into something different while remembering where it started. But that's not the reality. We have a mod that sorta does both. I think with every new player that comes along, the more unique it becomes because you then have another person to give another perspective on the game play, and who can present new ideas that will help keep this mod going.
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