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Old 01-15-2010, 10:52 PM   #16
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The shock gun from UT is the first thing that comes to mind for me. Nnot its ulternate fire/combo explosion thing, that'd be a complete rip off, but the primary fire.

position: offense
Speed: faster than medic slower than scout
secondary gren: caltrops (Oh ya, they gotta make a come back, but old school TFC style not FF's failed version)
secondary weapon: single shotty
hp and armour: more than scout, less than medic
main weapon dmg type: hit scan but it'll be more in line with a pulse weapon's dimensions instead of a bullet's dimensions of a dot.
firerate/charge rate: as fast as the supper shotty, no charge, and static damage
how many granades: standard 4 primary, 2 caltrops
dmg: does about the same as a super shotty, only difference is it'll be far more acurate at long range.

He gets 10 shots before reload, and can carry as much spare ammo as a medic can for his super shotty.

It's ult fire can be a spray burst (like the frack cannon in UT but much shorter, like maybe 3-4 times the distance of melee combat, and they shoot straight), give him the speed reduction stuff you gave the HW's AC.

No more zoom, and no more headshots, he'll be strong in cross room combat and taking out sg's. Get in close, and the +attack2 little blasts will add up in damage pretty quick (this is his stopping power if he for whatever reason want's to defend in pubs) , plus he doesn't need to be super accurate.

Voila, a class capable of being dead accurate at long distances, yet quite strong in close quarters, since it'll be similar damage to the shotty (if the super shotty were to be a 100% hit, which usually isn't the case) so per successfull hit he'll do more than the super shotty. He won't have concs though so he won't rape O more than the medic, but he'll run faster atleast, so he'll be better in DMing especially close quarters.
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