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Old 05-02-2007, 02:44 PM   #7
Posts Rated Helpful 1 Times
I played TFC for many years and the thought of LANing in a competitive nature never crossed my mind. However, after exploring the CS:S and DoD:S worlds, I have found that LANing can significantly increase the amount of enjoyment that you can find in a game. The best part of this is obviously when you get an all expense paid for package to play the game you love with the friends you developed relationships with.

Also, the scrimming aspect that is so foreign to TFC would be now be possible with this new format. This would provide a great boost to the community because instead of playing pickups, you can play with your own team since getting 4-5 people on at the same time is many times easier than getting 8-9 people on at the same time.

Setting a default league size at the beggining of the game is important because the format usually carries over throughout the game's life. In American TFC 9v9 was that format, all the other formats were mini-games in comparison to the level of play. Changing it to 5v5 (1 half offense, 1 h alf defense) would be the best way to attract possible sponsors to the game so that
-a larger amount of teams would not have to pay for their server/voice comms
-much larger opportunity for lans since # of teams would close to double

I do not believe reducing the format to 5v5 attack defend style would lose any of the positive 9v9 dynamics, because thats what most clan practices are composed of. The only tweaking that may be needed is a smaller middle area for certain maps. I know that some people may despise this idea since its basically converting all maps to the attack/defend style, except that they dont have to be maps that will change layout when you get past a certain area. Actually, now that I think about it this could be the way to merge both communities together in a way if you rotate both styles of maps in the mapcycle.

Again, the point is to create a bigger, more efficient, and more skilled team base in the TF2 and/or FF communities so that they will be able to take advantage of sponsors and more community interaction (more full team scrims, less pickup games)
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