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Old 09-24-2007, 06:55 PM   #25
Join Date: Sep 2007
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team killers in a team fortress game? nooooooooooooooo, you dont say

of course there is.... you did play TFC right? there is a reason friendly fire is not popular on PUBLIC servers ;D - remember, there are alot of assholes on the internet and even if there isnt an asshole in the server, this game is spammy enough, with small enough maps to enduce multiple teamkills by the same person easily in general Team Fortress isnt really a friendly fire type of game, its a little 2 fast paced

but yeah, the only way to fix that is to have admins (and i mean ACTUAL admins, with the ability to BAN people, not just kick people).... whats up with servers these days adminmod this and amx that 90% of their admins cant even ban.... i guess its cuz most servers are rented..... but at least a few admins should have rcon! (and actually know how to use it)

the other problem is most servers give admin to people who are less mature than the people doing the team killing SERVER OPS PICK YOUR ADMINS CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!!

oh and as for TK punishments, yeah they work real good in battlefield 2, you know when your in a helicopter, and someone rams you with a jeep, and then they punish YOU (and everyone that was in the helicopter) for tk

trust me there are people in battlefield 2, who are in the server ONLY to get people kicked by the tk punish system (dont beleive me? - just read the encyclopedia dramatica article on battlefield 2 - they have tips on how to troll servers including but not limited to forcing people to tk) hell there are even rules on server MOTDs saying "NO FORCE TKING OR YOU WILL BE BANNED"

tk punish rarley works, and vote kicks NEVER work (cuz for some reason noone ever votes, and the minumum amount of votes to kick is always like 90% of the server population. not to mention if you do manage to kick someone who is just there to TK and piss people off, they will be back, again and again until they are banned

Last edited by wicked_clown420; 09-24-2007 at 07:03 PM.
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