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Old 02-17-2008, 03:14 AM   #100
FF Loremaster
Beta Tester
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts Rated Helpful 4 Times
More info on my opinions on 2.0:


The heavy is still only good at extreme CQ. His ROF compared to the spread at the lowest possible clip is not high enough to be of any use at, including medium and long ranges. At about 50% heat, the ROF is just right, however, the spread is too large to hit anything remotely close. At 100%, the ROF is too high and the spread is too large to be of use at all, including CQ.

A reduction of the spread at 50% heat would be great. Also, a reduction of the ROF at 100% is needed, but just slightly.

Unless a heavy is around a bag that has tons of ammo or near a spawn, he's pretty much a waste. This isn't due to anything besides the new heating mechanic. It's a great idea, but it wasn't executed very well.

Also, an HW who is firing as he hits the jump pad is extremely deadly on certain maps. Specifically maps that have hallways that are cramped.

Pyro is still nothing but an annoyance for experienced defenders and is useless on defense due to the time it takes him to kill players. If he is meant to be used as a class that moves then he needs to have a base increase in speed. If he's supposed to be meant to stop players, then he needs an increase in damage.

The jump pad needs to be destroyable by anyone (ff permitting) Pretty plain and simple.

Demoman is too much now. Monkey is an example of a map where he simply owns it. Not in the pwn sense, but the "I bought this and this is mine" sense.

EMP's need to be reworked from the ground up. They still don't add damage when bags are around them and the jump pads make the EMP insanely strong (fast class+damage through walls) for taking out SG's. EMP's need to do more damage against rockets and shells and less to cells. Currently they don't do much to people without cells, which is a shame.

Dispensers need faster tick rates.

Besides that, most everything is done pretty well.
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