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Old 08-30-2013, 07:55 AM   #7
worst ff player eu
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: South Yorks., England
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Posts Rated Helpful 18 Times
For a game to be Greenlit by Valve, it doesn't need to be in the top 100. It doesn't need to be in the top anything. It just needs to exist, and for someone at Valve to click a button. The liking thing isn't really used at all.
It's why terrible games end up being Greenlit, and games that are ranked between #11 and #100 are only ever-so slightly more likely to be Greenlit.

Every game is unlikely to be Greenlit. When there's thousands of games in the Greenlight system, and so far, only 150 have been put on Steam, and quite a few of them put on months after their initial release and causing very little interest and Steam not really doing anything for them...

Look, even if FF was on Steam, no-one would play it apart from us who do now, but we'd end up with even more new people who just say "this game sucks" because they don't know how to play it.

If FF was 'popular', it would have a horrible community, and currently the community of FF is one of the best things about the game. The fact I can go on a server and we all have a laugh and we joke around and stuff is awesome.
(But it's also the reason why people just go on one server, because they want to hear all that and be a part of it too...)
gg ff not ded
ff very much alive
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