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Old 01-12-2010, 07:45 PM   #42
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I'm still awaiting my apology on behalf of all of the dark-skinned people, those with negro-dialects, and those who are dark-skinned who also have negro-dialects. Not that I'm of dark skin or speak with a negro-dialect.

Also, for calling me a racist indirectly.

This is absurd. The dude made a racist comment. If you don't recognize it as that then you're probably a racist or a dunce. If you defend him then you're probably a racist or a dunce.

Why he's apologized to Obama is beyond me. He gave Obama a COMPLIMENT based on his world view. What he said, though, is an insult to everybody else based on the reality of the world. He should be apologizing to us.

Essentially what he said was that if Obama was of darker meat, he wouldn't have won.

Harry Reid: Fuck you. I donated money to this man ( He's darker than you are and I didn't vote for Obama.

This race shit is annoying, has always been annoying, and will continue to be annoying as long as it's brought up. I don't care if he said it in 2008, 2012, or 1966. A racist comment is a racist comment. Even further, the double standard that exists is just laughable. From both parties.
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Ronald Reagan
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