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Old 01-22-2005, 07:35 PM   #12
o_sobe green
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Arkansas
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I can't remember the exact year I started playing. I know I bought an 8mb video card just because it came with the HL demo. I remember being extremely excited about it and after saving up money I bought HL:GOTY Edition which came with TFC 1.1 I think. Either way I played it off and on for a little bit until the update came that gave us flagrun. I still remember the first time I played I'd hold down the F key and it'd launch me in the air. I thought it was a rocket pack and would often tell people I was using my rocket pack until one day someone said "Dude your not letting go of your grenades". This of course opened a whole new world to me. Thats what I got semi serious into some clan play. I remember when it was ok to recruit a guy in a public server. I remember getting a decently sized clan and just playing for fun. I never played for one of the more popular clans but I've played with alot of the guys and seen them play. Somewhere in there I made my switch to CS. I played TFC alot less and played CS alot more. The one thing that will forever split TFC and CS is the community. TFC leagues allowed custom models, and for some, a friendly hook. CS leagues allowed NOTHING fun, and the players would rather insult each other than play with each other. Hope to see the same thing happen with this mod (good community I mean)
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