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Old 07-18-2007, 09:06 AM   #50
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Like someone else mentioned, the neutral flag holder is very poor and clunky. It's often BS which team gets the neutral flags. Those one way doors on top of the ladders don't close fast enough if they don't want you coming out the same way you entered. They can also be blocked open by another teammate. I think there should be a whole new design for that whole deal with the neutral flags. Also there needs to be a text display or audio cue to give warning before the neutral flags open. Such as "30 seconds until neutral flags available", "10 seconds until neutral flags available", "5, 4, 3, 2, 1"

I never liked how it had that separate respawn room by the stair well and the flags. It is generally pretty crappy for the O when you spawn there randomly unless there is enemy O trying come through that way at the time in which case it's amazing. I remember engaging a medic going through the side hallway, killed him, then he spawned in that respawn again, we fought again, killed him again, then he spawned there a third time and killed me before I could get to the stairs.

I would just leave that room as a resupply but not put respawns in there.

It'd be nice if the battlements connected so an O solj, pyro, or demo could go across them. Or so you don't have to use a conc to do it. You can jump across as med or scout but there's damn invisible walls there which only give you like 6 inches jump off of and land on.

I agree with you that more than two pathways to exit with a flag is bad. The selling point of the map should be in hunting down flag carriers and trying to return them. I think it would nice however, it was easier to get to the flags. Widening up the two entrances to the flag room would help. Or you could make another path which the defensive team can go both ways through but the offensive team can only enter through. Maybe this would be most appropriate for the other battlement path which connects to the rarely used room.

I think the current battlement path should have defense only doors on both sides to prevent fights right by the respawn.
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