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Old 05-15-2008, 08:51 PM   #6
FF Loremaster
Beta Tester
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts Rated Helpful 4 Times
I played offensive pyro a bunch in pickups. The class is heavily dependent on the map as well as the other members on your offense. Have a group of people that will listen when you say "I'm going to take out the solly at the T, take an alternate route" then you'll do just fine.

The real problems start, though, when the enemy has an engineer (they always do). The pyro becomes incredibly gimped then.

Maps, like Monkey, make the pyro seem pretty OP. He's pretty tough on 2fort (both O and D) and is fairly versatile. However, the lone fact that a weapon exists that can kill him in one hit makes him go from useful to pointless .


Originally Posted by Dark Jirachi
Miscellaneous tips:
  • You can flame your team mates to spy check them. It's more efficient than shooting them. If they are on your team, they will walk away unscathed. If they are a spy they will grunt and catch on fire.
That's fine and dandy if you're playing with FF off, but it's an incredibly bad idea with FF on.
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