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Old 04-12-2015, 03:58 AM   #4
Beta Tester
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They're not removing weapons purely to reduce inventory slots. They're removing pointless overlap that just confuses new players. FF classes aren't "losing functionality". They removed the single shoty which is largely pointless, and hasn't really seen a good argument for keeping it.

I really don't see why you need a single shot on your SSG. The only real purpose would be ammo management, and I don't really see why it's needed. SSG reloads pretty fast. You shoot people, and if your clip runs out you need to reload, that's kind of the balance of it.

I'm not sure what needs to change about the sniper. (besides fixing the seriously goofy hit reg.) I'd be all for redefining his role, but as he is he doesn't really need anything new, definitely not a new ability that necessitates putting scope on a new secondary fire to make room for other things.

Manual reving is fine as is. It would be nice not to have to spam click, but manual reving gets the job done and I think is readily apparent to anyone who plays the class for any short period of time.

Honestly I just think stacking multiple abilities on single weapons is kind of pointlessly complex and even runs the risk of being OP in some cases. It just makes sense to me from a balance stand point that you have separate tools for separate jobs, and you have to decide what's best for the current situation and switch between them.
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