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Old 05-30-2015, 11:38 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Innoc View Post
Much of what I see being discussed makes me glad that both of my children went to private school. Frankly qualifying the Pledge of Allegiance as indoctrination is silly. You're making it sounds like it's some bit of mind-numbing hypnosis. It is entirely possible to go through 12 years of time in government schools, say the pledge of allegiance, believe in the defined concepts that organized the US and, yet, despise the villainous pieces of shit that work so hard to keep us divided and in conflict.

So what is this thread really intended to discuss? It seems to me that there are already safeguards in place to allow those who dissent in government schools to opt out. I also firmly believe that having a well rounded education means having the opportunity for knowledge about all things. So for those that are objectionable...make them optional and move on.

How long before we have political monitors in the class room comrades?
The way socialism has infected our current political structure, not long. People cannot see the bigger picture. The masses do not see that they are being used as pawns to manipulate society because they do not question the information that is placed before them because they are bullied into accepting it as fact. A perfect example of the brainwashing the masses have accepted is the man made global warming hoax that most environmental scientists laugh at. Yet anyone who states anything against, or actually brings scientific fact to the discussion, is branded a kook who wears a tinfoil hat. They have no idea that Al Gore's film was full of lie and that Europe voted on banning the film from being shown to children because of the misinformation in it. I guess people would rather believe a man's lies because he is CEO of many of the corporations that manufacture the green technology his film is advertising..Thankfully many are waking up, but is it to late?

The US had plenty of safeguards in place to protect the populace from what is currently going on, but what can you do when Congress refuses to throw the book at those breaking the nation's law(You know the Constitution and Bill or Rights)? You have bought and paid for politicians/judges that make laws to make their unconstitutional activity legal. It is repulsive to watch the deconstruction of the US because the masses allow the logical fallacy of the left and right bully them into giving up their rights.

Last edited by _BEAN_; 05-30-2015 at 11:45 PM.
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