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Old 05-24-2015, 12:16 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Bogdan6 View Post
Yes, a scientific theory bether than his can disaproove his theory, except that theory wasn't discovered yet. For me at least, Darwin's theory makes perfect sense, even the smallest bacteria is constantly mutating, adapting to a new environment or in other worlds, evolving, but we cannot be sure this isn't also God doing his job, I'm personally open to hear any kind of theory about life and origin of today's living creatures and I'll drag the conclusions myself. For a bunch of years, we were taught in biology classes about Darwin's theory, now we cannot simply boycott what other classes tell us and just follow the religion one. An actual quote from my teacher was that "We are adepts of the creationist theory, the oldest and the most accurate theory". ("we" as everyone attending his lessons, he wouldn't believe you if you told him otherwise).
Evolution has yet to be empirically proven and the current genetic research keeps destroying the arguments for said theory. Bacteria do not evolve nor do they adapt when attacked with medicines. The medicine kills 99.9% of the bacteria and .01% have a genetic variation that help the percentage survive. This bacteria reproduces creating a stronger form of the bacteria. Its genetic variation saved it. This is natural selection. something mankind has been doing for centuries when it comes to livestock and plants. Evolution is still clinging to abiogeneis which has been proven to be scientifically impossible. I won't even get into the fact that it is a bigot's theory whose foundation states black people are less of a human than white people, or the fact that most of the "transitional fossils" were manufactured hoaxes. All of this data is left out of the discussion, which should not be going on.

If you don't believe in religion fine, but if you have the ability to opt out of a class that teaches it it isn't being forced on you. The US is a Constitutional Republic that has a democratic voting system; it is not a democracy. If you ask most people the difference between the two they could not tell you. In a democracy 51% of the people tell the 49% how to live. In a Constitutional Republic the people are garnered rights that 99% can't take away from the 1%.

As far as a separation clause in the US Constitution. It does not exist. In fact until 1956 the first amendment was used to allow presidents to call for days of prayer and fasting. Most people have no idea where the statement "separation of church and state" comes from; nor do they know that it has been used defend a person's right to exercise their religion in public for almost 200 years. The Separation clause has been used to allow church in public buildings, prayer on the Congress and Senate floors, the 10 commandments to be shown in schools and court houses, used to allow Congress to fund the printing of Bibles etc. Congress can make no law instituting a state religion or hinder people from exercising their faith in public or private.

Last edited by _BEAN_; 05-24-2015 at 12:40 AM.
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