Thread: ffdev roll call
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Old 06-23-2014, 08:16 PM   #111
Fortress Forever Staff
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For a twitch FPS like FF / TFC, visibility is super important - you can't have players missing important things like grenades or even players zooming past because they are distracted by whizzy effects. sun flares, bloomy light, smoke coming out of vents etc.

It's been said that FF is harder to see what's going on than TFC, and that's in part due to the "realism" or texture details on maps, but also due to thin models. I posted a screenshot in the dev forums a while back showing how on many maps (for example) backpacks were much easier to see than players.

So it's a difficult balance, you want the maps to look good, but you need a clean look and good enough player models so you can easily see at a glance what's going on - this includes things like exactly which direction players are facing so you can dodge rockets before they fire. (FF's RPG doesn't point towards where the rocket goes).
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