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Old 04-06-2006, 02:23 PM   #80
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Paft: You seriously need to start stealing/working or SOMETHING to get a new computer...especially if your current one can't even run TFC. How old is it anyway like 10 years old? Another thing: 200£ is MORE than enough to upgrade a computer to run good 'ol TFC...its an 8 year old game for God's sake!!

I do pity you for not being able to play TFC because for at least the first few months after FF is released all the vets are gonna be the first to have it, and you will have a sore ass for many moons...assuming your computer gets upgraded

Ok back on topic...I'm really excited about FF's movement. Air control is what sets HL apart from most FPS games imho. I'm also really excited about the way the devs decided to handle the bhopping more 140%
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