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Old 08-09-2016, 04:49 PM   #13
Join Date: Sep 2009
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Posts Rated Helpful 6 Times
hahahaha.. I created this thread hoping to see some old names like yourself pop up. Where do I start….

Yea, mulching was this whole other world. I miss it and it was some of the best times in TFC. I started playing in the OGL 1v1 mulch ladders, had a lot of fun but was still pretty new. I remember the day I beat one of the CwO mulchers(there were 2 of them that mulched all the time I think) and I
thought I was the greatest mulcher ever, hahaha..

I entered a random ass soldier tournament that was ran by `DD, that offered an invite to whoever won. Nobody has really heard of me in the mulching world at this time, but I ended up winning. I remember facing ReArRaNgEd(Re`afk) in the final, I think he was DuM's "right hand man" at the time and was predicted to win. I declined the `DD invite in a very immature way, and that's when I met and started playing with DuM.

DuM was quite the character. He introduced me to a whole other side of mulching. I met all the 00D guys, Ryu, Chi, PurpleMuscle, etc.. We were all on a whole other level of mulching. Everything you explain I would say is true. It’s crazy all of the different kinds of styles of play everyone had, and I remember everyone would alias in servers and pretend to be each other. I could tell who I was playing just on their style of play, and I could mimic other styles of play as well.

I would say there were different “era’s” of mulching throughout the years, but if I had to make a top list I would say:

1. Ricz (I never mulched him, just going by hearsay from blink/DuM)
2. blinK
3. DuM

The last year or so I played, I was the only one who could beat DuM in mulch. I never really played blink in his prime, but I remember the 3 of us mulching together, and blink beating DuM 2:1 pretty convincingly, and then I would beat blink pretty convincingly.. It’s crazy how styles made matches.

I miss you Chi, hope life is well, and hope you’re staying out of trouble!
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