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Old 06-11-2016, 11:02 AM   #15
Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by FDA_Approved View Post
Basically. It needs to recharge, so you can't spam it. And it has a speed cap so you can't use it to super conc, and using it mid conc will lose a lot of speed.
I find it's useful in cases where you're bunnyhopping and your jump timing isn't quite right for a proper conc. Just keep bhopping while primed, then right before the conc goes off, fire. (You may need to vary the timing a little.)

Sometimes I like using it AFTER I conc, though. For example, one time I was on destroy, and I conced from one base's front door, up and fell through the opening in the roof in the other base. (I didn't have the flag at the time, I think I was just practicing moves.) Using the jump gun enabled me to land on the cap point.

I'd *really* like to see the jump gun and jump pad be tweaked so they're like the mancannon in the video I posted the other day a few posts back in this thread, from squeek's youtube channel.
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