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Old 03-31-2015, 03:09 PM   #17
Beta Tester
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Originally Posted by caesium View Post
I think it would help give meaning (and therefore perhaps also desirability?) to FP if they were "on the same scale" as kills (i.e. 1 FP per kill as FDA suggested).

FP rewards for other actions would clearly then all need to be relative to that, but rather than just scale the existing values I think they could do with a rethink (e.g. flag touch/throw/cap ratios, sentry take down maybe a function of kills the sentry got since being built or something, maybe something similar for demoman take down, possibly kill assists as discussed above).

Dylstew, sorry we stole your thread!
making kills that low i don't like i think they need to 5 imo reason is that you can add in dieing to be recorded by fortress points. what i was gonna do is have
kills 5
sucides -5/4
deaths below both of those.

to emphasize that it is okay to die otherwise i feel you bring the same problem as kd brings people are woried to losing points over attacking the flag. is better than suicide because your suppose to die at some point. the idea is not to discourage from moving the flag up or distracting the enemy team or whatever it may be. but that would be my model its entirely based on how its scored.

also lots of little things i think deserve a 1 or 2 spot as apposed to kills those i feel are more important but again its all how its scored.

though its defiantly interesting the way tf2 does it pretty much all kills give you 1 point and anything related to teamwork are all pretty much above 100.
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Last edited by WiFiDi; 03-31-2015 at 03:22 PM.
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