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Old 12-22-2014, 03:03 PM   #6
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I've been in worse situations, and come out of it. I bounce back like a rubber ball. Some say I resemble one, too.

My wife is awesome, plain and simple. She has been supporting the household financially for a year now. I'm no longer able to work, and am going through the process with Disability, and her 20 year old son is straight lazy. I did the bulk of the move myself, and had to make the boxes very light because of my back and joints. That's why it took months to do. For the heavy stuff, we had friends help out.

I had known my grandmother wasn't going to live forever, and mentally prepared for her "departure". I took as good care of her as I could. She was still mentally in good shape, and that was better on all of us. Her passing was sudden, but not completely unexpected. She was 92, after all.

I'm fortunate, as we had time to plan for it all. The reverse mortgage was a blessing in disguise, really. The house still needed a lot of work, and we sure couldn't afford 2 mortgages on 1 paycheck. We were able to "walk away", and be free of the burden.

The house my wife owns, needs some remodeling, but we can take our time on that. It's a lot cheaper to maintain than the other one. The major problem was getting the tenants we had out. They ran up the electric bill(to $1600), and didn't pay rent but once. We didn't have the money to take legal action, so we had to wait for them to gtfo. They did, and at least left the house in livable condition. It was another financial hit we didn't need, but we're working through it.

Losing the car actually helps us. We've decided not to replace it, so insurance will be cheaper. I'll just be without wheels while my wife is at work. The money we got from the settlement will help us out of the hole we're in. We looked at the whole picture, and decided on the best course of action for us as a family. Had it not been totaled, we'd have never gotten that much out of it.

The parts to fix my computer are in, and my guy should have it running either today or tomorrow. If it had to choose a time to take a shit(it's 8 years old, after all), it picked the right time. We could actually afford to fix it.

Despite the problems, hassles, etc... we're maintaining a positive attitude about it all.
Originally Posted by zSilver_Fox
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