Thread: ffdev roll call
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Old 06-27-2014, 06:24 PM   #149
Beta Tester
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Originally Posted by trepid_jon View Post
If we start with FF as a base for the remake, which FF are we using? What are the features? What gets tweaked? Cut? Added?
Would we use FF 1.0, 2.0 etc etc...

Ok then, which TFC do you remake? Uncapped bhop or current bhop? Super concs or current concs? Do you make it so I can shoot my ac faster the lower I put my fps? You can't just say FF isn't doable because it's gone through various patches. If you can use TFC as it is now, you can use FF as it is now.

We can start with classic mode and branch off any way we want, including a pure FF remake and/or an FF reimagining.
It baffles me how you think it's too confusing to sort out FF, but you come up with ideas like that. And that's exactly what I've been making a big deal out of the entire time.

Don't segregate the community like that. And don't just go forward making what ever as a base with the idea that you'll just make a new mode later to fit some niche.

Make one game and make it solid. Have a lot of map types, not a large variation of the core game mechanics.
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