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Old 05-24-2014, 08:51 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by the_cake View Post
What you're proposing as a selling point isn't really a selling point. You have more than one game with a massive community, easier to sell gameplay, and giant communities of people already making and selling items. FF has no community, dated graphics, and gameplay no one under 25 understands. Who would bother making mods and skins if they're not interested in the game to begin with?
It's a selling point for me and tbh, that's not that bad of a deal. I know plenty of people who played TFC that would love to see a legitimately cool game that reminds them of the unadulterated madness and fun that made up TFC.

Just because nobody under 25 understands the greatness that was TFC or QTF or FF doesn't mean younger people, who may have never even heard of those games, won't enjoy the hell out of a sequel if done right. There was a certain recipe that worked because of the amount of customization, because of the dozens of different game modes available that built over time. TF2 went full retard on how it was developed. They successfully made a cash cow out of a TFC remake even though it had by no means an experience anywhere as rich and full of depth.

I'm with you jon, whatever needs to be done should be done. idk what skills I could bring to the table, but I think this mod deserves the attention of a hell of a lot more people than we've got so far and I'd love to help in any way I know how.
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