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Old 05-12-2014, 10:46 PM   #1
worst ff player eu
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Unique map ideas?

I'm looking to make some unique playing maps and gamemodes.

For example, a couple I thought of and have started planning are:

Squish!, a mode where a team of Civilians try to avoid being goomba stomped by a team of Scouts that get a 5000 speed boost after falling from the sky. Scouts have no weapons and get points for crushing a Civilian. Civilians get points for avoiding the Scouts and they get bonus points for killing a Scout with their one-shot umbrella before the Scout is automatically teleported back to the top (1 second after a hit, 3 after a miss).

Hunters, a mode where a pair of x4 speed invincible Civilians must kill all the Scouts in 5 minutes (could be changed to suit map size). Every minute, a random powerup spawns in the centre of the map that boosts the Scout that picks it up for 30 seconds. Example powerups would be Low Gravity, Double Speed, Freeze Crowbar - hitting a Civilian freezes them for a second, - Slow Gun - a nailgun that reduces Civilian max speed when you hit them for 15 seconds, - Rocket Jumper - a rocket launcher that deals no damage but lets you rocket jump, - etc. I plan for 10 of these pickups - and they will only help the Scout that gets it - to be in the gamemode and they will be randomly picked, with no repeats in one round.

If anyone has any ideas for other modes that would be fun to play in a pub, I'd love to hear and make them if they're cool enough! ( Even if it's just Hunters powerup ideas... ;p )
gg ff not ded
ff very much alive
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