Thread: Source SDK 2013
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Old 11-03-2013, 02:09 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by trepid_jon View Post
That's a good proof of concept. I've always wanted to go higher res than most other Source games, with FF or anything else. 8 pixels per unit instead of 4 pixels per unit, essentially.

Just upping the textures and modifying the vmt would break the lighting from the normal maps, I believe. It wasn't reliable in the old tests I did. Plus, just upresing textures wouldn't be enough to truly revamp FF's visuals.

The best thing to do would be to make all new textures and materials, and then retexture every map while also overhauling them to bring them up to a higher level of quality, from textures to lighting to props and would take time, but in the end it would be awesome to have a better looking FF, and preferably one that's slightly more consistent.

And that's just the maps...
Certainly agree that doing a fresh overhall of all textures would be the ideal choice but where we were at at the time of writing it wasn't worth doing, now with being greenlit we might have a chance to do that...

I found that changing the vmt was sufficient but I had to modify the normal map scale at the same time and I remember finding that the settings weren't all that intuitive.
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