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Old 03-12-2013, 07:06 AM   #48
Join Date: Dec 2012
Gametype: Capture the Flag
Posts Rated Helpful 6 Times
I have noticed a few new people joining the Talos and OldTimer servers. Generally I try to help but I have noticed a few people who would rather try and annoy them than help.

An incident last weekend was a new player had joined and picked up the flag. Instead of showing them where capture point was, someone decided to go other team and kill them and then keep grenading and piping the door so nobody could get out, annoying most of the rest of the server. Then the rest of the team joined in and got in on the act. I asked them to stop and in the end left, but what kind of welcome is this to newer people? Greenlight isn't much use if we push the players away at their first attempt at playing
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