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Old 03-08-2012, 01:00 PM   #1
Fortress Forever Staff
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If you're going to allow everyday citizens to arm themselves (in case a corrupt government tries to take over the country like hitler or something - although remember, hitler had overwhelming support from the people so guns wouldnt have helped in this case), then you obviously need to deal with the fact that idiots will be using those arms.

I definitely see both sides of the argument, if a wacko manages to get in power then the people can more easily overthrow the government. But in todays global society i couldnt see how anyone could take over the USA in such a dramatic fashion that the residents would actually take up arms and march on the white house. I think that concept is absurd. There would be massive international intervention first anyway. Also the amount of steps involved to get to such a position is just too high.

I could understand it 100-200 years ago but I'm unsure I see the need any more.
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