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Old 01-10-2012, 07:12 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Atreuce View Post
Republicans always believe Fox news. Fox news is like the republican superstore of bullshit. I was ok with you, and the Ron Paul stuff - bringing Fox into this? For shame!

BTW: I will vote for you Lost!
I too hate Fox News. But what that guys says has a lot of merit as people should always question authority. People too often believe what they see on the news, and it's refreshing to know that Fox employes someone who is willing to stand against their employer's interests (News corporation, you fucking douchenozzle) and raise questions people should really be asking themselves.

I don't want the federal government to take care of me because they don't do a good job at it. Every President for as long as I've been born has increased the size of our government and as more and more of our money is taxed, deflated and used to fund programs people should have the right to opt out of, the more quickly I lose trust in the government to perform any basic function without fucking it up.

That is why I'm for Ron Paul. I am a libertarian. I have some conservative and some liberal views and I feel the two party system we have today gets us nowhere as a country. He's for limiting the government and returning the rights to each state, phasing out failed federal programs and agencies, returning our monetary system to a system that actually works, having a sensible foreign policy by ensuring our national defense is our number one priority while still being able to cut $1 trillion ($500b from military spending overseas) from his first year in office.

I guess I'm just not happy with the so-called change Obama has brought about. I understand he's trying to clean up some of the mess left over by previous Presidents, but Obama has just had on the job experience. He knows little about how the economy actually works, let alone how to fix it. He's just focusing on jobs and not the core problem of why these jobs are unavailable in the first place.

I voted for Ron Paul in 2008 as well, but since he didn't get nominated, it looked like another 4 years of the same bullshit for this country and that's pretty much what it's been like. Obama has increased our national debt by $5 trillion since in office up to $15 trillion. He allowed banks who's practices were unethical and bad for their customers to be bailed out when they were about to fail. And he did that at the cost of the tax payer.

How long do we want a government in power that can make our dollar more and more useless? If I make minimum wage, for example, and continue that wage for a while, although I might get raises from my workplace, that does not take into account for inflation. Inflation rises, causing all domestic and foreign products to rise in price. As the dollar becomes worth less, it makes my wages worthless. Ron Paul wants to do away with the federal income tax, limit what the government can actually spend money on and create a more mainstream system that will allow the free markets to work out the kinks and get rid of unethical practices.

Since this looks like it might be turning into a debate, can someone please move this topic to the debate section?
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Last edited by KubeDawg; 01-10-2012 at 07:13 AM.
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